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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/19 in all areas

  1. I noticed that Gfted1's rank is "Forum Moderator" and he's part of the "Moderators" group. He also has a huge "MODERATOR" tag right under all of that. My considerable deductive powers suggest that he may be a moderator, but I would need more evidence to make a definitive statement.
    2 points
  2. Here's one of my dogs living her best life Alternate angle
    2 points
  3. Cute and funny animal pics... because there's too much hate in the world these days.
    1 point
  4. So it's a devoted/enchanter... And by giving up transmutation, I guess you are not interested in Combusting Wounds + Clear Out with AoE weapon (like WotEP or Citzal's Lance). It's a quickly self-buffing, single-target, melee damage dealer who spams Penetrating Strike while he has discipline and starts auto-attacking afterwards. I guess there are two routes then: v1. battle axes, as their modal will prove useful during boss fights; while vs regular enemies you will be able to crit more often and get some returns from extra onCrit damage coefficients. v4. blunderbusses, as they generally have more base damage and also provide some AoE option with mortars in off-set. P.S. But be warned: there are not that many active abilities here, so it might get somewhat repetitive. Also: wizard seem to provide only self buffs and fireball. Do these self buffs really out-weight what a paladin, rogue, or monk could bring to such a character?
    1 point
  5. Obsidian is working on increasing the "session" time. Hopefully it will be for like a week or so, at minimum. There's really nothing "sensitive" about these forums accounts that requires timed sessions or even multi-factor authentication. If people are storing their social security numbers on this forum, they are doofs. There's essentially just words about games and even less meaningful stuff.
    1 point
  6. But I payed money for those badges....
    1 point
  7. Look at descriprion - you need to deal 1500 Damage to KITH enemies (humans, elfs, aumaua, godlike, orlan...) Imp is obviously not belongs to kith races.
    1 point
  8. Oh I suppose this makes more sense over here, so: Use this with Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey extension via adding a new script: // ==UserScript== // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js // @name Remove unnecessary information // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description // @author You // @match http*://forums.obsidian.net/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; let func = function() { $('li.backer-badge').hide() $('li.ipsSpacer_bottom').hide() $('li.ipsResponsive_hidePhone').hide() $('article.ipsComment').css('background', 'black') } func() setInterval(func, 1000) })(); Gets you this: (Removes badges and stuff you can also find on individual user pages + increases post background's contrast to help individual posts stand out more and I feel it's easier on the eyes) This: // ==UserScript== // @name Remove ignored users // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description // @author You // @match http*://forums.obsidian.net/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; let func = function() { $('.ipsComment_ignored').hide() } func() setInterval(func, 1000) })(); Hides ignored users thingy.
    1 point
  9. The super fast logout seriously needs a fix. Especially on mobile with slow speed it is a very annoying pain, because you have to go through more pages than normally necessary. Makes me stop browsing the forum.
    1 point
  10. Thanks, Ethics. I can confirm we're working on increasing the session timeout shortly and thank you all for your feedback over on this thread regarding the forums upgrade: We've already made some changes that were easier/less risky and working on others that we can make within the constraints of the software. Thanks again, all!
    1 point
  11. accomplished little, but we did make a donation to a local nonprofit C.A.T.S. http://catsabouttown.org/category/featured/ am not a cat person per se, but these folks do great work. 'bout two years ago a friend o' ours needed dental surgery for her cat, but the +$2000 estimate from the vet had her literal weeping and figurative heartbroken-- she were fixed income and couldn't afford such an extravagance. didn't wanna take our money 'cause we had already given her some loot for a roof problem. we did research on her behalf and discovered the CATS folks. they performed the surgery at a cost of $400. for those who ain't cat fans, the CATS people welcome dogs for surgeries if the dog is 30lbs or less... dogs up to 50lbs may be accomodated, but there will be additional fees. only downside is folks as far away as LA is using the CATS services and the wait is, we assume, significant. is worth a look see, particular for sacramento people. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  12. Two-factor auth works great! Now that a session seems to hold for more than a few hours, enabling 2FA should have minimal impact on the ease of logging-in to your Obsidian ID. Instead of having to re-login to the Obsidian Forums every few hours, you will have to login and generate a new authentication code as well. It’s seems like a bit of a hassle when you are forced to log into the forums a few times a day. Hopefully we’ll get a working “stay logged in” option as the bugs get ironed out of the forum upgrade.
    1 point
  13. Well, then i'll wait for Obsidian's official answer. For something like: "We verified your report and can confirm it's not a bug, but intended feature - to give some of passive abilities and chants single class progression scaling for multiclass characters." Until that, i will consider it a bug, becose it 'feature' have no consistency with declared scaling mechanics and looks like nonsence)
    1 point
  14. Might as well use the thread to post a pic of our cat and the dog. Excuse the quality, this was made with an early camera phone. They're a good bit older now, but still cute.
    1 point
  15. Both - issue and suggested fix - was tested with weapon 100-100 dmg and easy to reproduce. Basically, all Carnage AoE Damage calculating only from Primary Weapon. So if your Primary Weapon is Legendary Sabre and a Secondary Weapon is ordinary Dagger, Carnage damage from Dagger Hit will calculate as it was Legendary Sabre. There are two effects chains for Carnage ability. One for Primary Weapon attacks: Carnage_SE_ApplyStatusEffectToEnemyOnEventPrimary >>> Carnage_SE_AttackOnEventPrimary >>> Carnage_AOEPrimary (in attacks.gamebatabundle) >>> Carnage_SE_PrimaryAttackDamage And the same for Secondary Weapon attack: Carnage_SE_ApplyStatusEffectToEnemyOnEventSecondary >>> Carnage_SE_AttackOnEventSecondary >>> Carnage_AOESecondary >>> Carnage_SE_SecondaryAttackDamage The mistake is simple: Both first status effects – Carnage_SE_ApplyStatusEffectToEnemyOnEventPrimary and Carnage_SE_ApplyStatusEffectToEnemyOnEventSecondary – was redirected to Carnage_SE_AttackOnEventPrimary status effect. To fix this, you must simply enter the correct status effect ID into Carnage_SE_ApplyStatusEffectToEnemyOnEventSecondary:
    1 point
  16. Have you ever come home and found your wife rearranged the house while you were away? And you don't like it? Kinda how I felt coming to the board just now
    1 point
  17. Sounds like the beginning of a "Florida man" story.
    1 point
  18. Looks like wheat's back on the menu boys! Course I can eat gluten just fine, but I certainly enjoy the ease of ****s when sticking to fiber and rice.
    1 point
  19. Autocorrect, what did you just do?
    1 point
  20. My friend and i went and saw Tim Minchin live last weekend. Probably not a lot of people outside Australia know him, but he's a composer,songwriter, musician and singer. His satire is particularly pointed and most of the songs, I wouldn't be able to post here (too much profanity). Besides the classics, like "Come Home Cardinal Pell" (a song from Satan to George Pell telling him he's missed at home... in hell), the Pope Song (about the mother****ing pope and his ****ing organisation covering over all the kiddie ****ers) and "**** the Poor" about the hypocrisy of many wealthy people, there was also this little gem about language and how words can be used to categorize and oppress people:
    1 point
  21. I would have pre-purchased with the season pass on Steam. I will not buy it from Epic... sorry.
    1 point
  22. Hello Corfixen, I'm sorry you have been having these crash issues trying to start Deadfire. Have you ever been able to start the game successfully or has it always done this to you? Some things to make sure before going into any heavy diagnostic work would be to make sure your graphics drivers and Windows 10 operating system are completely up to date with the latest updates. Another common fix is to uninstall and reinstall Deadfire to make sure it installs properly. If none of those fixes resolve the issue, then there has been another thing that has helped users and I will post that below. 1. Press the Windows button on your keyboard and type "run". 2. Click the Program to open the Run program. 3. Type "regedit" into the Run program and press OK. 4. Find the game folder location from the list of folders on the left.(Your location may be different from mine) 5. Delete the Pillars of Eternity II folder. After doing this, the game should default everything to basic settings. When Deadfire runs again, the folder will repopulate itself with the new default settings, so no need to worry about having deleted the folder. Please let me know if these work for you while the team investigates the issue to see what can be done to get you back into the Deadfire. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.
    1 point
  23. Hi, hope you can help since the game crashes on startup. I have installed the game through "steam". the specs of my system are cpu-I3-8300, 16 ram and a geforce gfx 960 (latest nvidia driver ver. 411.70), windows 10 pro edition. I get the following crash log file: output_log.txt
    0 points
  24. Volo would say that's because you're a nazi.
    0 points
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