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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.


Pretty neat. Characters can sound pretty stupid at times but overall the game looks good. I am going full cyborg commando with this one!

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There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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I was puttering around with an ME2 re-play but I paused and got distracted by other things. Now I'm pondering on getting back into it. Or just waiting for my copy of Deus Ex Mankind Divided to turn up in the week....

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Deux Ex is the first game since UC4 that I am actually looking forward to.


It's great! The intro chapter is pretty boring but once you get to Praha you begin to feel that Deus Ex vibe. Future Prague looks really neat, it feels new and refreshing. The world is built similar to all the other Deus Ex games though. Lots of paths that reward you with exploring(some say it's even the best in the series so far). Can't say much about the story yet but it doesn't sound all that bad. 

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There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Out of curiosity I plugged my way through the Deus Ex Go game app. A nice enough run of logic puzzled wrapped up all together, and of course they've linked it to the new game by allowing players to "win" extra praxis kits for Mankind Divided by achieving certain things.

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Out of curiosity I plugged my way through the Deus Ex Go game app. A nice enough run of logic puzzled wrapped up all together, and of course they've linked it to the new game by allowing players to "win" extra praxis kits for Mankind Divided by achieving certain things.


Aren't praxis kits the stuff you unlock skills with? If so, I've already read that the game is giving you more than enough of them, basically making the choice of which skills to activate kinda unimportant.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Grim Dawn. Pretty fun game even though I'm not a fan of clicky combat or the skill system.

but theorycraft is the best.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is great but I wish I could play it on a beefy PC instead of the PS4. Not just because of the performance boost you can get from a decent PC but also because of the controls. The gamepad controls work but you do get the feeling that a keyboard+mouse would have made things a whole lot easier and sharper.


I seriously need to move to PC gaming. I am just waiting for the new nvidia cards to get a price drop.

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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I gave in to impulse and bought some Resident Evil games on sale. REmake, 0 HD, and both Revelations.


I like Revelations so far. Not great, but feels like a budget title companion to 5, which was decent. I did just get kind of turned off by coming to my first boss fight and running out of ammo without seeing any difference.


It has too many flashbacks, too few enemy types, but at least it's trying to be a bit scarier. Except when it ends up fighting hordes, then it's back to 5 at its worst.


The story is hilariously bad in that


1) The starting premise is that Chris is missing. Then you play as Chris and it turns out he just wasn't in contact for like a day and is somewhere completely else. Oops, got sent on a wild goose chase...


2) Terragrigia. Why are we talking about this grand horror event? Why are we not playing Terragrigia? This game feels like it's the aftermath of something more interesting. So it has to keep bringing in flashbacks to tell me all about what I missed. I know it's building up to some reveal, but I'm already not invested in this thing we skipped.


"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I've been playing (heavily modded) XCOM 2 on Commander, and it's harder than I remember.  Maybe it's just because this run all my 70%-80% shots are missing, I can't hit flanked enemies worth a darn (seriously, 3 people missing an Advent without cover...) and the enemy seems to be hitting (and critting) up a storm, even when I'm in full cover..


It's weird, because at the beginning of the campaign it was feeling pretty easy (I saved 11 civilians on my first Retaliation and I don't think I've ever saved that many before, even in Veteran), but I just had a Retaliation where there were so many pods, so spread out, that I actually couldn't save 6 civilians despite dashing around to get to new pods (admittedly, activating a pod on the last move of my first turn was a bad start...I was apparently one tile away from activating them with my first move, and figured I was safe to grab the cover one tile over, only to find a berserker, an Advent grenadier and an Advent surveillance drone.)


I'd heard that the Long War Alien Pack really amped up the difficulty mid-to-late game, and though I've got mag weapons and predator armor, I wouldn't really consider where I am mid-game.

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Plus, Jill Valentine.

Word. Never has walking through a door been more satisfying.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Door Kickers. A thing of beauty when a plan comes together.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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My witch hunter snuck up on a sister of sigmar augur. Slashed at her with his blade, and she swung her flail around, got him right in the temple. My smuggler ran round to lay down covering fire with her dueling pistols. Matriarch jumped down from the balcony above, charged the smuggler and... ouch.

Flagellant managed to keep the Augur busy enough for the Witch Hunter to stumble back to his feet. The Witch Hunter Captain and Zealot who rushed to help my Smuggler were less successful. She woke up back at camp raving mad. Megalomania. Having decided nothing can kill her, she refuses to use ranged weapons and will fight opponents face to face. If only I hadn't been specking her as a sharpshooter for 4 levels now...

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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I got to play No Man's Sky for roughly 3 hours over the weekend.  I guess the best way to describe my feelings on the game is ambivalent.  The game sort of exemplifies both the best and worst of procedural generation.  There is a real sense of wonder exploring a weird alien world and being able to go to other weird alien worlds, but the wonder fades quickly as it becomes painfully obvious that the stuff going on around you (e.g. battles in space) is nothing but window dressing and none of it means anything.  It doesn't help that the gameplay itself is bare bones and dreadfully boring and basically becomes a repetitive farm fest.  Each planet technically looks different, but in practice it's all the same stuff to do, just with somewhat different elements to farm and different monoliths or stones to find.  Maybe the game gets better and there are some cool scripted events as you get deeper toward the center, but the problem is that I would need to invest a lot more time into the game to find out if that's the case and after the 3 hours or so I played I have zero desire to invest any more time into it, hence making the potential of cool stuff down the line a moot point.


I desperately want to play something with hand-crafted levels now.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Action horror games need to stop having invincible enemies that you have to run from or otherwise just kill a bunch of times. It was neat at first, when it was a final boss and the tension was at the highest. Or when it was an interesting premise for the entire game.


But now they're just popping up in the middle of the game for no reason. Like they ran out of ideas to break up the monotony of the hallways, so tossed it in.



When time machines get built, that's the first thing they need to go back and put a stop to. That and Mass Effect 1's Mako.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Action horror games need to stop having invincible enemies that you have to run from or otherwise just kill a bunch of times. It was neat at first, when it was a final boss and the tension was at the highest. Or when it was an interesting premise for the entire game.


But now they're just popping up in the middle of the game for no reason. Like they ran out of ideas to break up the monotony of the hallways, so tossed it in.



When time machines get built, that's the first thing they need to go back and put a stop to. That and Mass Effect 1's Mako.


Despite the bossfights I still loved that game, but due to the bossfights I'll likely never replay it. The setting on the abandoned ship was pretty awesome  imho. Can only think of one enemy that you had to kill a number of times and that was Rachel.


They fixed some of these issues in Revelations 2, but then the setting made me wonder whether I'd managed to stumble into the Tomb Raider reboot by accident...


As for what I'm playing, got to level 95 in Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen (DDDA), making my way through Bitter Black Isle with the occasional excursion into The Everfall.

Also getting back to Warfame once Titania has finished building in the Foundry, also got Vauban Prime in the cookier, so that's two new frames to toy with soon.

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