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Your GotY 2012


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years not over yet, in january i'll put up my 4th annual top ten thread :)

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Haven't really played many 2012 games. Have some in backlog (Grimlock) that probably wont be used till 2013/2014.

So it's really hard to make such GOTY lists... Rather wait for Skyrim, Dishonered, Sleeping Dogs, X-com etc. till they are cheaper... :/




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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The dislike I see on this board for DIshonored confuses me a bit. It's a pretty worthy successor to the Thief mold, though the challenge was moved from "accomplishing objectives" to "accomplishing objectives in certain ways" and "experimenting". So, in other ways, there's no challenge for grognards *, which understandably might be disappointing, but it's certainly not a shallow game.


I have one single big problem with it which would be the moral system implementation, which was an interesting but failed attempt to tie the narrative with the gameplay. (I saw a video that did a pretty great job at elaborating on all of my gripes with the game, but I can't find it right now. Previous sentence is the gist of it, though.)


* using the term neutrally here, I think I'm a grognard for certain genres myself, though certainly not shooters or "immersive sims" (that seems to be the term that is used for the genre? at least according to RPS)

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Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack, has the same kind of style and storytelling as World of Goo, but with very different gameplay, some of it like Gish, two games I love. Pretty much nails what it's trying to do, never overstays its welcome, has a surprisingly varied amount of gameplay in a very short game. I have only seen videos of Dishonored and X-Com, probably play them next year. Closure was also an amazing game.

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Have only played a few brand new games this year, so my choices are pretty much just Binary Domain, The Walking Dead and Guild Wars 2.

TWD provides the best experience, but the overwhelming number of contrievances they used to set up the story is a big black mark for me.

Guild Wars 2 has the most complex-yet-solid game play of the three, but the story and story missions just plain suck. And I'm not liking the PvP either.

Binary Domain has the best story, though the characters don't get as much focus as the ones in TWD. On the other hand, the gameplay is fun, if not very varied.

Oh and Sleeping Dogs. It's awesome, very awesome... but somehow does not feel like it has enough.

I may have to go with Binary Domain. Though maybe Primordia will be awesome too. :p

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To me, and everyone has their own system, I'm not saying my system is better than anyone else's, choosing GotY, and rating games in general, is very easy. It all comes down to how much fun did I have playing the game. I can compare strength of story, characters, gameplay, graphics, audio, and so on. In the end, all that stuff doesn't matter in the least if I didn't have fun playing the game, or I got very frustrated during parts of it. For me picking Resident Evil: Revelations (My GotY) and Sleeping Dogs (My runner up) was easy, as those two games easily gave me more hours of fun than any other game while at no point making me frustrated or angry. More fun = better game, simple as.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After playing Hotline Miami for a few hours, I can say that this is definitely my favorite game of 2012. Everything about it just feels right and when it comes to story, atmosphere and characters, it easily tops any other game I've played this year. Now excuse me while go smash some skulls against the wall and ground.

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Most of my playtime was spent with Skyrim and older games. I quite enjoyed Kingdoms of Amalur, which is the only new game I can recall buying, but somehow GOTY by default is just wrong.


Skyrim is 2011 though. And everybody (major gaming media outlets) already called it GOTY 2011.

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I quite enjoyed Kingdoms of Amalur, which is the only new game I can recall buying, but somehow GOTY by default is just wrong.


I really enjoyed the gameplay but the lore & the story were quite boring. I kept playing but I just couldn't care about the story. Some of the characters were cool though.

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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There were many games I enjoyed this year, but none have truly blown me away. So, GotY is harder than in previous years. Still, best choose something. So...


For its sheer inventiveness and Thiefiness, Dishonored probably takes my GotY title, but I am also quite fond of Xcom and Dark Souls. And Journey.


Mass Effect 3 was too much of a disappointment to take the title for all it had its moments, and the other games didn't enthrall like Dishonored, which hit an unexpected sweet spot for me.


That said, I've not tried Walking Dead or Spec Ops yet; so I may change my mind later.

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Mists of pandas is currently eating up my time. But overall on reflection I'd probably have to say either the new NFS Most Wanted because it's essentially the devs behind Burnout saying "DAMNIT BURNOUT IS STILL A GOOD PARADIGM! LOVE IT!"


The other one being Max Payne 3. It was a little to heavy on the drunken effects and blatant story rip off, but it had a fairly good set of level design and left you wishing for a longer game. There were some "WHY!?" moments in terms of enemy groups and encounter design, but overall it's a dang good game.


Even though you are all going to throwing tomato's at me, I want to give an honorable Mention to Black Ops 2 for it's work with changing how FPS's campaigns should be built. Multi-ending and optional secondary objectives to change the endings is how it should be baby.

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Dark Souls was a 2011 game.


On PC it wasn't.

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I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
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