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Andy Law

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About Andy Law

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    Edinburgh, Scotland
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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  • Lords of the Eastern Reach Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  1. There were many games I enjoyed this year, but none have truly blown me away. So, GotY is harder than in previous years. Still, best choose something. So... For its sheer inventiveness and Thiefiness, Dishonored probably takes my GotY title, but I am also quite fond of Xcom and Dark Souls. And Journey. Mass Effect 3 was too much of a disappointment to take the title for all it had its moments, and the other games didn't enthrall like Dishonored, which hit an unexpected sweet spot for me. That said, I've not tried Walking Dead or Spec Ops yet; so I may change my mind later.
  2. The implication is that the 'stash' is not bottomless. See the bolded text below: Of course, that may just refer to equipped items and top-of-pack stuff, but it does seem to suggest the stash can be filled as well. Perhaps.
  3. I've been meaning to drop by here ever since backing the Kickstarter, so now's as good a time as any to start. I've not kept up with all the updates, but intend to now as I'm pretty excited by what this game offers. Because I've not read/watched everything, I'll refrain from any in-depth comments or queries, primarily as I may be covering ground previously trod. However, one thing did stand out for me: I really like division of storage you've presented. If I understand it correctly, characters will have a small amount of equipment readied (the stuff they are using), a slightly larger pool of trappings to hand (stuff they can quickly access if required -- perhaps hanging on belts, in handy pockets, and so on), and a greater well of gear stored away in their backpacks or similar (typically inaccessible stuff characters'll hopefully never need). That sounds, to my ears, a perfect split, for it not only sounds vaguely realistic, but also creates strategic choices concerning where you'll put your stuff, which presents a modicum of management (where do I put this stuff?), but not too much to interrupt gameplay (most of this stuff is useless, so I'll drop it into my stash -- job done -- except for this nifty Undead-Slaying Spatula, I may need it later, so I'll make space for it in my Top of Pack). I like that -- some inventory management, but not too much. Assuming I have the right idea, perhaps more characterful names for each of the three inventory divisions would be worth considering. As it stands, you have: Equipment Top of Pack The Stash Maybe something a little more 'in game' might be nicer. Something like: Equipped To Hand Packed A stash sounds like something that you would walk away from and return to if you needed it. That said, perhaps this is exactly what you intend, like you've dropped the gear in a magic bag or pocket realm, rather than in a physical backpack. Minor suggestions, yes, but it's the small things that help with immersion when you're playing an RPG.
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