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Your GotY 2012


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Since we are less than a month away from our inevitable doom(December 21th), I thought it might be a good idea to do a recap of all the 2012 releases we managed to get our hands on, and you know...let everybody know which ones we enjoyed the most.



So far:



Borderlands 2

A very enjoyable experience overall. Unfortunatly, the final parts of the game somehow felt disappointing. I was really hoping...


...I could go to the space station in the orbit, battle handsome jack there and escape via an escape pod while the space station is collapsing in the background. :D




Wonderfull art direction, lore and gameplay and a wide cast of characters you could never care about...except for Corvo maybe, but nah, scratch that one off the list too...and the most disappointing thing is that Dunwall can actually be a very interesting setting for a deep story because of all the lore and stuff behind it.


Max Payne 3

Rockstar doesn't F around from what it seems. Awesome story with memorable characters that you meet along the way. It's really amazing how R* has managed to capture the spirit of the Max Payne series. I don't think Remedy could have made a better Max Payne 3 If they wanted to.


Spec Ops: The Line

These guys(Yager Development) came out of nowhere and delivered a third person shooter that is similar, and yet so different from all the other third person shooters out there. It drops you in a situation that gets more and more confusing with each step you take. It wasn't the most polished game released this year but it was definitely the most unique one(story and setting wise).


Lollipop Chainsaw

I really wanted to like this more than any other game released this year, but sadly, this game is nowhere near Shadows of the Damned or anything Suda 51 has released so far. It is a very mediocre experience and it felt rushed on all fronts: Gameplay wasn't that deep and felt clunky, the music was ok but nothing spectacular and the characters felt like they were picked out randomly out of some Kinder Surprise Egg...wait, why am I even mentioning this game?


The Darkness 2

Wasn't anything similar to the first The Darkness game, but still a very awesome game in it's own rights. The gunplay and darkness powers work really smooth and the story(alongside with Spec Ops' ) was my favorite this year. It got more and more weird the further I went and climax of the story was pretty awesome and rewarding. It was pretty short thought, you could see everything the game has to offer on a weekend.


Mass Effect 3

Say what you want about the ending, but Mass Effect 3 did alot of things right and the multiplayer is still running strong from what I've heard. It deserves a mention to say the least and if you have played the two other games then this one is definitely a no brainer. The Mass Effect games have been without a doubt one the most entertaining sci-fi games of the past few years(not the best RPG though...obviously).




Yup, that's about it for now. Still need to play Dragon's Dogma and Far Cry 3 before I can finally decide.


Aight fellas, your turn! :)

Edited by Astiaks

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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I play games so late after release now that I'm not even sure if I played any games released in 2012.


Diablo 3 was fun for a while, but it doesn't have the same fun factor for me as Diablo 2. Or more likely, I've aged and it has less appeal.


I had a lot of fun with ME3, but it loses points because of the lackluster ending.


The most exciting thing gaming wise that has happened to me this year is Project Eternity.

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In a year where I only bought three new release games - XCOM at a canter. Not an enduring classic by any stretch but a game that's chomped my time like no other since Civ4. Bear in mind I've played MMOs in the interim.


Runners-up by pure virtue of my having purchased them are Dishonored and ME3, but misleadingly so because I've only played the former for about an hour thus far (because XCOM) and the latter is a purchase I very much regret.


The only new release game I still might buy before the end of the year is New Super Mario Bros Wii U, depending on whether I delay the console purchase to next year or not, but if I do, I expect it to come #2 on my list. :p


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Only game I can remember getting this year without having to think really really hard is Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams.

For me this had the added magic of being a kickstarter I had backed :)

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Dark Souls, I guess.

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Been a pretty disappointing year, but there's still stuff coming out or I haven't had the time to play (BGEE, Dishonored, Hitman), so not ready to call it, yet. So far top contenders are the zero-expectations-massively-positive-surprise Black Ops 2 and the huge-expectations-but-those-endings-ffs ME3.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Choice between The Walking Dead and X-Com.


I haven't finished Dishonored, but so far it's not that compelling to me. Hitman IMO is just an average game, can't really think of much else.


Of course I haven't played AC3 or Far Cry 3, and I probably won't until they come on a good sale.

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Spent a good bit of time with Borderlands 2 and XCOM so will have to go with one of those two. XCOM's 'meh' after a while, which I still cannot explain, might nudge it out of the running.

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there were many good games this year. the one I had the most fun with is Torchlight 2, this maybe because I just finished it.

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A tricky question as I don't necessary play games the year they get released :blush:


Really positive experiences this year would be Fallout New Vegas and Warlock - Master of the Arcane. I can't remember if I played Trine this year or the previous. Might have been the beginning of this one =]


“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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X-Com is my pick. Not without its faults but a very good game overall I'd say. Was the Civ V expansion released this year? If so, that is also up there. Yay for Firaxis I guess.


There are however two that I haven't played yet, but that I have an interest in. Dishonored and The Walking Dead first season.

Edited by Starwars

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I'll go with Xcom as well. After that I'd probably say Xcom, and then I really enjoyed Xcom, and then I would follow that up with a last vote for Xcom.


Actually it was kind of a down year after 2011, which I felt was very strong. I enjoyed the conclusion of the Mass Effect series, but other than that the games I was excited about rarely kept my attention for long. Faster Than Light was a neat little gem. Both Guild Wars 2 and Dishonored lost my interest faster than expected. I'll go back to them eventually, but they weren't as good as I hoped for.


So yeah, Xcom was the biggie and it didn't let me down.

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I know I'm breaking some kind of cardinal rule by nominating a handheld game, but I don't care. My 2012 GotY is Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS). In my opinion it's the best Resi game ever made. In addition to a great, beefy campaign that brings back the claustrophobic tense feel of the classic Resi games, the game also has a ridiculously fun and addictive Raid Mode that can be played solo or co-op via wifi. I got over a hundred hours of "Holy **** this is fun!" out of Revelations.


Sleeping Dogs (PC, PS3, XBOX360) is my runner up, based mostly on the fact that I only got about 40 hours of "Holy **** this is fun!" out of it.

Edited by Keyrock

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