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[Merged] George Ziets as as the 2.8 million stretch goal

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In fact I might *** install them right now *** (demonic cackle) and post screenies of my epic (saved) Epic Blackguard game of MotB (Chaotic Evil version, bloated on souls).




I recently finished MotB with a similar character. It was refreshing to finally see a game where playing an evil protagonist doesn't equal to being Chaotic Stupid. One of many reasons to bring George Ziets back.

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I liked my Hagspawn sidekick.


Gann and Safiya were favorites in general. Kaelyn had her moments I guess.


I wasn't an Okku fan myself, and the choice between Okku and One of Many wasn't all that interesting to me, if felt a little polarized. Mostly if Safiya and Gann had been my only party members the whole game, I wouldn't have blinked an eye, they were the best by my measure. One of Many felt like the more intriguing character, between it and Okku, even if I don't tend to play to that side.

Edited by Umberlin

"Step away! She has brought truth and you condemn it? The arrogance!

You will not harm her, you will not harm her ever again!"

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Kaelyn the Dove (though her dialogue was written by Avellone) is arguably my favorite companion in a RPG ever. Wonderful if you play a character that supports her, and wonderful to "hate" on if you play a character that disagrees with her. She works really well all around.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Am I the only one here who liked Safiya most than the other companions? O_o


Anyway, yay for George! Sadly I cannot throw more money at the project. :(



Unbelievable! The "George Zeits Stretch Goal" has overshadowed even the announcement of the Paladin and Bar..."cough" Chanter class, wow!


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Bwahahahaha I have mint physical copies of NWN2, MotB and SoZ.


In fact I might *** install them right now *** (demonic cackle) and post screenies of my epic (saved) Epic Blackguard game of MotB (Chaotic Evil version, bloated on souls).


Who says physical copies are dead?

I got the collectors edition with little metal rings and cloth map :grin:


Edit: And yeah, the boxed versions of the expansions. Only thing I hate now that I have to reinstall it is I remember it taking forever to patch itself up to last build number.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Damn, that's going to be one hell of a nice stretch goal. Not to mention paladins and chanters aka bards. These two new stretch goals really got me excited. Nwn 2 MOTB was an amazing expansion pack and had that unique character feel that PST had to it. I mean what other game can you travel around with a paragon bear, Not to mention Kaelyn the Dove which we've seen in PST and BG2. Aerie from BG2 and fall from grace from PST. For some reason it's always been a 'winged' cleric, and I always end up traveling with them as they end up being some of the best companions. I'm really looking forward to getting to that 2.8 million mark and can't wait to see some concept art for project eternity itself.

Obsidian ‏@Obsidian Current PayPal status: $140,000. 2,200 backers


"Hmm so last Paypal information was 140,000 putting us at 4,126,929. We did well over and beyond 4 million, and still have an old backer number from Paypal. 76,186 backers. It's very possible that we have over 75,000 backers if I had new Paypal information. Which means we may have 15 Mega dungeon levels, and we already are going to have an amazing game + cats (I swear I will go stir crazy if Adam doesn't own up to the cats thing :p)."


Switching to Paypal means that more of your money will go towards Project Eternity. (The more you know.)

Paypal charges .30 cents per transaction and 2.2% for anything over 100,000 per month for U.S currency. Other currency is different, ranging from anywhere between 2.2-4.9%.

Kick Starter is a fixed 5% charge at the end.

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MotB was a damn good game. It is probably my favorite of the more modern fantasy crpgs. I bought the thing a while back with no idea who Ziets was.


Anywho, I am intrigued he may join the project but I wonder if the team can maintain a unified vision with so many strong developers on It.

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And of course... One-of-Many who is sadly missing from the picture (for obvious reasons), And who happesn to be one of the best evil companions ever in a game.




I loved that little ghost. It's observations of the other NPCs and their general disapproval of it made it that much better.

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Hmm. PS:T had many-as-one and MOTB had one-of-many. I wonder if PE is going to have something similar. All-we-are?

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Hmm. PS:T had many-as-one and MOTB had one-of-many. I wonder if PE is going to have something similar. All-we-are?




That actually make me laugh (Remembering the old 80?) song with the same name.

I remember one (by Warlock) but not sure if that's the one you had in mind. German heavy metal wasn't that well known outside Germany (and my native Denmark).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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MotB was a damn good game. It is probably my favorite of the more modern fantasy crpgs. I bought the thing a while back with no idea who Ziets was.


Anywho, I am intrigued he may join the project but I wonder if the team can maintain a unified vision with so many strong developers on It.


They have worked together in the past

~Seattle Supersonic of the Obsidian Order~


Chris Hansen is the Savior of Seattle

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Hmm. PS:T had many-as-one and MOTB had one-of-many. I wonder if PE is going to have something similar. All-we-are?


You could always call it The-Same-But-Different. :shifty:

Edited by Umberlin

"Step away! She has brought truth and you condemn it? The arrogance!

You will not harm her, you will not harm her ever again!"

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MotB was a damn good game. It is probably my favorite of the more modern fantasy crpgs. I bought the thing a while back with no idea who Ziets was.


Anywho, I am intrigued he may join the project but I wonder if the team can maintain a unified vision with so many strong developers on It.


They have worked together in the past


Plus, the vision and leadership of the game seems to reside with Sawyer and Adam Brenneke.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Man this fit of nostalgia really makes me want to reinstall the whole kit and kaboodle ... god, this is going to take forever.




Yup forever ... btw, Anybody remember if there are any niggling issues with the install process? I seem to recall there being problems once upon a time?


Just to be safe I'm doing the Main install + patch, XP1 + patch, XP2 + patch. Seem like overkill?

Edited by nikolokolus
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