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Mass Effect 3

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After DA2, this is probably a good thing (and I'm guessing related to that backlash), but knowledge of that won't override my personal disappointment of not getting to play it while I'm still a carefree student with little-to-no work commitments of the kind that would prevent me from gaming 2-3 weeks straights with a little scheduling. >_<

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I like the art direction of those photos, especially the lighting - looks much more sleek and clean, like the first game.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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In the last thread, importing from ME1 to ME2 was discussed.


You can create your own "import" by using Gibbed's ME2 savegame editor (google to get it). This method doesn't give you any of the game mechanical benefits of importing a high level ME1 character (though you can obviously use the editor to get some of those), it just allows you to set the ME1 plot flags to your preference.


To do this:


1. Start a new game in ME2. Save when you are able to.

2. Open said save in the editor,

=> Set flags under Plot -> ME1 to your liking.

=> Set Raw -> Plot -> End Game State to LivedtoFightAgain

=> Save new savegame. Note that you need to follow the filenaming format, or ME2 won't read it.

3. Open ME2, and select New Game -> import ME2 character, and select the new save.

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Yes, delay is extremely good thing.




From todays EA Q4 press release "Crysis 2, Dragon Age 2, Dead Space 2 have each sold in more then 2 million units". So quality, lack of content nor any other factor (including low metacritic scores... there goes that theory out of window) seem to have much impact on sales. Thus I can't figure any reason why EA chose to give developers more time on Mass Effect 3.


Now excuse me, I lost a bet and I have to go pay up (I figured that Dragon Age 2 would sell only 1,5 million units). My friend got 2 million correctly and now own pre-paid copy of Mass Effect 3 :teehee:

Let's play Alpha Protocol

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yay for the delay.


you know you are getting old and finicky when you are praying for games to get delayed so they have more polish :teehee:

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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"Yes, delay is extremely good thing.




From todays EA Q4 press release "Crysis 2, Dragon Age 2, Dead Space 2 have each sold in more then 2 million units". So quality, lack of content nor any other factor (including low metacritic scores... there goes that theory out of window) seem to have much impact on sales. Thus I can't figure any reason why EA chose to give developers more time on Mass Effect 3.


Now excuse me, I lost a bet and I have to go pay up (I figured that Dragon Age 2 would sell only 1,5 million units). My friend got 2 million correctly and now own pre-paid copy of Mass Effect 3 "


I'm not surprised that DA2 has sold 2mil+. It's made by BIO, a sequel to a very popular game, and despite the smacking it's gotten, it's still a very good game that has a lot of good qualities.


All this shows that the nitwits who claim that DA2 was the 'death' of BIo are just as dumb who claimed that , BG2, TOB,NWN, KOTOR, JE, ME1, DA1, and ME2 were also the 'death' of BIO.





MORE ON TOPIC: Eh. I'll play ME3 when it comes out. It don't really matter to me when.


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Do we really need another discussion on the difference between shipped (sold in) figures and sold through figures?


No Ryu, you don't owe your friend a copy of ME3 as for all anyone knows up to a million out of those 2 million DA2s are sitting in inventory or on store shelves gathering dust and haven't actually sold.

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sold to retailer or sold by retailer to customer - both of those are "sold", if the bet did not specify the buyer then thats the fault of the betting parties

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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I don't think it matters that much whether the game was good or not, peoples expectations based on previous releases would make them buy it. Interesting is to see how expectations may or may not change after DA2 and affect sales of future titles.


The powers that be knows that there were things in ME2 that made your face and palm best friends, but then what matters is the overall experience (i.e. a positive experience in my case). How Bioware interprets and use (abuse?) player feedback is still baffling sometimes, as is the conclusions they seem to arrive at.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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No Ryu, you don't owe your friend a copy of ME3 as for all anyone knows up to a million out of those 2 million DA2s are sitting in inventory or on store shelves gathering dust and haven't actually sold.


No, our deal was about sold copies (no matter if retailers still have 'em and are forced to sell lower then full price and thus take smaller profit, no profit or in some cases even possible loss in order to draw customers in or to make room). Personally I don't care who those copies were sold to or how much was bought at full price, because such knowledge can't be found. Like it or not (and trust me, I don't like it), EA managed to move rather respectale number of Dragon Age 2 units and if retailers are stuck with 'em... well, suck to be them :x


Maybe they can do the same as they did with Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa


Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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BioWare is in the process of realigning its Mass Effect franchise to appeal to a larger audience, according to EA boss John Riccitiello.


Speaking during an investor Q&A today, Riccitiello explained that Mass Effect 3 will boast greater mass appeal than its two predecessors.


I will no longer be pre-ordering ME3. I now have lost all interest.



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BioWare is in the process of realigning its Mass Effect franchise to appeal to a larger audience, according to EA boss John Riccitiello.


Speaking during an investor Q&A today, Riccitiello explained that Mass Effect 3 will boast greater mass appeal than its two predecessors.


I will no longer be pre-ordering ME3. I now have lost all interest.



"some of the features that you'll see at E3 to put this in a genre equivalent to shooter-meets-RPG," he said, "and essentially address a much larger market opportunity than Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 began to approach. "


Yeah, I thought so. Combat was way too complicated in ME2. You sometimes had to push other buttons than the 'Fire' button... I see great things happening :x

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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"I don't think it matters that much whether the game was good or not, peoples expectations based on previous releases would make them buy it. Interesting is to see how expectations may or may not change after DA2 and affect sales of future titles."


This is silly. DA1 sold 3-4mil copies. DA2 had 400k pre orders only. I say people are buying DA2 in spite of DA1. Lots of people couldn't even be bothered to finish DA1.. why would those people bother with the sequel? L0L




"I will no longer be pre-ordering ME3. I now have lost all interest.




Jokin' right? ME2 was already dumbed down. This isn't new at all. Yet,a rguably, ME2 is better than ME1. Arguably. Not fact.

Edited by Volourn


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BioWare is in the process of realigning its Mass Effect franchise to appeal to a larger audience, according to EA boss John Riccitiello.


Speaking during an investor Q&A today, Riccitiello explained that Mass Effect 3 will boast greater mass appeal than its two predecessors.


I will no longer be pre-ordering ME3. I now have lost all interest.



EA is just doing what EA does best. Having said that, Bio's been brain dead for some time, it's just that not many people noticed at first.

Edited by Wrath of Dagon

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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BioWare is in the process of realigning its Mass Effect franchise to appeal to a larger audience, according to EA boss John Riccitiello.


Speaking during an investor Q&A today, Riccitiello explained that Mass Effect 3 will boast greater mass appeal than its two predecessors.


I will no longer be pre-ordering ME3. I now have lost all interest.




For those like me, I think that's actually good news depending on what they are realigning. ME2 was better then ME1 as far as gameplay, and hence appeal.


Hmm, perhaps I should start a thread...or let one of you do it.


I think there is a difference in how we game. Those who are more mainstream prefer games that favor gameplay over story...while RPG gamers could care less about gameplay (at least to a point) and it's more about the story and how it flows rather than gameplay. Perhaps that's the rift between those who think ME2 is the next thing to sliced bread as far as they think an RPG should be (my stance) to those who think that ME1 was better than ME2 and there are many things that should be done to make ME3 closer to ME1 (RPG'ers?).


I know of all the friends I introduced ME2 to, they think it's awesome...but not as many with ME1. On the otherhand I did enjoy DA:O...and didn't enjoy DA2 as much so maybe I don't qualify as a mainstream gamer all that much either.


I have been playing JE recently due to one persons acclaim of it on these forums...and one would think that it would be more oriented to me with it's action gameplay. To tell the truth I think I may enjoy it more than DA2, but less then any other bio game, at least thus far.


Things I feared about...that they'd make the skill table too complex...sure you can make it more complex then ME2, but let's not have one more complex than ME1 from the sounds of it...or at least harder to comprehend.


I'm not a fan of vehicular travel in ME1...they improved it with ME2 DLC...but it was built on eggshells, at least in ME1 you didn't blow up with two enemy shots. Hopefully they can make it even better so I actually can enjoy it, that is if they even include it.


ME2 was pretty much perfect though...so I'm curious what they are doing to improve it's appeal over ME2. Perhaps ME3 will become the perfect game!


Hopefully they learn something about NOT reusing areas as they did in ME1 and DA2...and perhaps leaving Kaiden as someone who strictly prefers females...no hitting on my male Shepard!


I'd also really like it if they shipped it W/O Securom or some stupid authentication type stuff that they used on ME1 and DA2 (though ME1 is somewhat acceptable since it was bypassable with the Paul/Old Paul).


But that's not the gamebreaker for me...as long as the gameplay is awesome...I think I'll enjoy it. Now if they diminish the gameplay...that may be disappointing. For the record, despite some qualms I have about ME1's gameplay I DID ENJOY ME1 overall...so that quality would be acceptable. ME2 was better in my opinion.


Something worse than those however...then I'll be upset.

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BioWare is in the process of realigning its Mass Effect franchise to appeal to a larger audience, according to EA boss John Riccitiello.


Speaking during an investor Q&A today, Riccitiello explained that Mass Effect 3 will boast greater mass appeal than its two predecessors.


I will no longer be pre-ordering ME3. I now have lost all interest.



How is this "ruining Bioware?"


I'm honestly surprised how this can be considered a change. It's not as if Bioware has ever been some champion of niche audiences. The Mass Effect franchise especially was never aimed at being niche, intellectual, complex, or whatever else people are romanticising this realignment as taking away from it.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I thought ME2 was an awesome game and definitely a step in the right direction gameplay wise. I played it like a 3rd person shooter with hotkeys for all of Shephard and friends ablities, so I rarely paused. Besides the basic shooting gameplay I liked the nice mix of abilties and their combos, like the warp bomb.


Add to that some RPG mechanics and it was great. If they can make the gameplay even smoother while adding back in weapon mods and stuff like they are planning, I think it'll be a lot of fun to play.

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Those who are more mainstream prefer games that favor gameplay over story...while RPG gamers could care less about gameplay (at least to a point) and it's more about the story and how it flows rather than gameplay. Perhaps that's the rift between those who think ME2 is the next thing to sliced bread as far as they think an RPG should be (my stance) to those who think that ME1 was better than ME2 and there are many things that should be done to make ME3 closer to ME1 (RPG'ers?).

I think you got it 180 degrees wrong in there somewhere... at least older crpg players tends to share a common ancestry with wargamers and appreciate good game mechanics more than the latest emotional sob story. The best story is the one you create for yourself through your experiences through the game universe and all that, not the prepackaged "junk food" that somebody else wants to serve you :x


Non crpg players seems to favour the "entertain me" approach, where they crave more and more cinematic experiences that gives emotional involvement rather than cerebral involvement. Just my own, completely anecdotal impressions.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Those who are more mainstream prefer games that favor gameplay over story...while RPG gamers could care less about gameplay (at least to a point) and it's more about the story and how it flows rather than gameplay. Perhaps that's the rift between those who think ME2 is the next thing to sliced bread as far as they think an RPG should be (my stance) to those who think that ME1 was better than ME2 and there are many things that should be done to make ME3 closer to ME1 (RPG'ers?).

I think you got it 180 degrees wrong in there somewhere... at least older crpg players tends to share a common ancestry with wargamers and appreciate good game mechanics more than the latest emotional sob story. The best story is the one you create for yourself through your experiences through the game universe and all that, not the prepackaged "junk food" that somebody else wants to serve you :x


Non crpg players seems to favour the "entertain me" approach, where they crave more and more cinematic experiences that gives emotional involvement rather than cerebral involvement. Just my own, completely anecdotal impressions.


Perhaps it's a difference of what is or isn't good gameplay. A mainstream gameplay game will be FPS or Third PS, with good integration of elements, weapons, and abilities. It will be fast moving and require a nice mix of reflexes, skill, and thought. Most of the time the focus is on the action, and not particuarly the story. This is why Multiplayer is so important, no story typically, but a lot of gameplay. Without good gameplay, the game doesn't exist.


Racing and sports games are similar, it's all about how the gameplays. Story is typically very shallow or non-existent.


RPG's typically require no reflexes or skill, perhaps a LOT of grinding...and many times a lot of thought if it has puzzles. Most RPG's are remembered because of story and epicness rather than gameplay.


Not to say that RPG's don't have their aficiendos. Many go into quite the detail about turnbased and what type of turnbased RPG's are great, others about the action RPGs.


Overall however, I'd say the RPG gamers are probably more into the story elements whilst the mainstream are more into the question...is this game fun...which is moreso a thing of whether the gameplay is well done, or at least appeals to them.

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How is this "ruining Bioware?"


I'm honestly surprised how this can be considered a change. It's not as if Bioware has ever been some champion of niche audiences. The Mass Effect franchise especially was never aimed at being niche, intellectual, complex, or whatever else people are romanticising this realignment as taking away from it.

Considering the audience it was directed at, I'll wait for e3 before I start tearing my clothes off in rage. Everything I've heard about the game so far has been good, so unless the delay is due to them wanting to make serious changes at this stage, I'd rather look at the whole...


Bio has been adding (well, trying to add) a lot to the shooter aspects of the game (LADDERS! :x), so that could be part that John R is referring to in trying to hoodwink the investors. :)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Will be funny to see what they're doing.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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