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Mass Effect 3

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According to the numbers released previous, 82% play as DudeShep and 18% as FemShep. I'm guessing Silvermen misspoke or the interviewer made a typo.


Edit: That doesn't address what you said at all. Sorry.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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According to the numbers released previous, 82% play as DudeShep and 18% as FemShep. I'm guessing Silvermen misspoke or the interviewer made a typo.


Edit: That doesn't address what you said at all. Sorry.


Hm, actually it might.. if the 13% played as default DudeShep, and 83% created custom characters.. could that leave 4% who played default FemShep? Or was the 13% default Dude & Fem Shep?

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Maybe the problem is that Bioware is trying to do too much here. Divorce the team-based cover shooty bit from the dialog and romance bits, put each in a different box and you could be making twice as much money.

The new Awesome Button Technology ® seems to indicate that they are trying to become the Michael Bay of the gaming industry.


I liked ME2, but I worry about where they are currently headed (if DA2 is any indicator). Combat in in ME2 was mind numbingly dull, all action and no tactics. I've also developed an irrational dislike of corridors :yes:


The characters and diverse story elements was what kept it together for me.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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In a lot of ways ME2 was fun in that.. space opera sense.

The main flaw I found was that the moment you put in the higher difficulties which gave all enemies shields.. it nerfed any biotics. By the time you took down the shields with gunfire, you just might as well finish killing them with gunfire rather then waste time using biotics... That's what made the combat a lil tiresome..even if it kind of looked slick.


Edit: So that's actually one of the things that I'll be interested to see in ME3, just how they've handled that aspect of the game...

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I usually play as a female character, just because it's not that satisfying playing barbie dress-up with a male. That and the fact that you are choosing between looking at a pleasingly gyrating female rear end moving down various corridors for 90% of your playtime, or some dude's ass.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Only 18% have played as femshep? Ifa ccurate, that's REALLY low.

I agree, I thought it would be much higher. Maybe they got those numbers out of people who chose to play the game connected to the server and they have imperfect data.

So all/most pirates are female, or all/most female are pirates?
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Only 18% have played as femshep? Ifa ccurate, that's REALLY low.

I agree, I thought it would be much higher. Maybe they got those numbers out of people who chose to play the game connected to the server and they have imperfect data.

So all/most pirates are female, or all/most female are pirates?

No, a higher percentage of male gamers are antisocial and paranoid? :yes:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Maybe the problem is that Bioware is trying to do too much here. Divorce the team-based cover shooty bit from the dialog and romance bits, put each in a different box and you could be making twice as much money.

The new Awesome Button Technology ? seems to indicate that they are trying to become the Michael Bay of the gaming industry.


I liked ME2, but I worry about where they are currently headed (if DA2 is any indicator). Combat in in ME2 was mind numbingly dull, all action and no tactics. I've also developed an irrational dislike of corridors :)


The characters and diverse story elements was what kept it together for me.

If only they were the Michael Bay of gaming, because even for his lack of storytelling he does deliver on the special effects department. BW's Awesome Button should be aptly named "Mildly interesting Button"


Problem as I see it is a fish out of water situation, BW is learning how to do shooter/action games. Sadly enough their mechanics fall short of the real deal and it shows, which wouldn't be a problem if their games at their core wouldn't be CRPG where you spend the majority of the time fighting.


Can't we just accept that today's Bioware games are the gaming equivalent of romance novels, complete with random retcons and plot holes?

I already regard Bioware games as the equivalent of Yaoi fanfiction written by a fat girl with glasses and ten cats :coughs:Jennifer Helper:cough:

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I liked ME2, but I worry about where they are currently headed (if DA2 is any indicator). Combat in in ME2 was mind numbingly dull, all action and no tactics. I've also developed an irrational dislike of corridors :)

Maybe try playing as a Vanguard? You'll still spam the same ability over and over again, but at least you'll no longer hide behind a brick and play whack-a-mole with the enemies. It's far less boring.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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No, no they aren't. They are both following orders from the dcos and from the EA mothership.


. Not only that it will end with the fully interactive dialogue selection:


)------------------------------- I love you

)------------------------------------ I like men

)------------------------------- **Rape*

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No, no they aren't. They are both following orders from the dcos and from the EA mothership.


Yes they get direction to make their games more "accessible" from the Doctor's/EA, but each team is headed up by a separate individual which guides and directs the team on their project.

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No, no they aren't. They are both following orders from the dcos and from the EA mothership.


Yes they get direction to make their games more "accessible" from the Doctor's/EA, but each team is headed up by a separate individual which guides and directs the team on their project.

That sounds suspiciously like every other project... ever.

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"Yes they get direction to make their games more "accessible" from the Doctor's/EA, but each team is headed up by a separate individual which guides and directs the team on their project."


A seperate individual who reports to the docs and the rest of the EA execs whom get the final say and tell them how to make the game.


Also, as Purkkake states, that's how things ALWAYS work.


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