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Fallout: New Vegas


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Just preordered on dvd.co.uk, 21 quid including delivery is not bad at all. Forced steam is still going to suck a lot but I'll make an exception for Obsidian. :(


We'll see how fast it gets here - Krezack and other Aus/NZers, what options are you using?


Based on past experience, if they ship on the Friday (22nd), there's probably 50/50 chance getting it the following week. If they ship a few days early (variable, depending on publisher they get stock in on different days before official release), then it's a much better chance. That said, I imagine NZ Post could possibly be faster than Aus Post due to smaller volume/geography.


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- Less interesting story than Fallout 3


When I read this, I laughed.


I now realized I might get the game November 5. FUUUUUUU- There delivery times aren't the best, but their prices are for me. I pre-ordered from a UK online shop and they don't deliver the game on release day even if I pre-ordered it. But it was so damn cheap compared with games over here. :(

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I have difficulties taking seriously someone who talks about Fallout 3's story hitting the right way, sorry.



"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I have difficulties taking seriously someone who talks about Fallout 3's story hitting the right way, sorry.

Maybe he had low expectations. Given Oblivion standards it would be hard to blame him.


And I hope he's wrong as to the storyline. That was the biggest failing of Fallout 3 by far.

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That review was slightly less useful than anything out of IGN.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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of course it was good, it was the F2 story recycled. only recycled badly

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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- Starting up a third playthrough of New Vegas.

- Sorry gang, I can't comment on the game until Tuesday. All my playthroughs will make sense once you read the review.

- A month or so. (Q: how early do you get a game before its released?)


Major Nelson Show 374: Dead Space Ignition, MOH and Fallout New Vegas (Jason Bergman)

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Oh yeah, forgot to add in my previous post:


If anything that reviewer is asking for trouble. I'm pretty sure Zenimax doesn't take kindly to pirates? reviewing their pirated copy :lol:

Since there's no way such a site actually got a review copy.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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- First Jimpressions of New Vegas: As far as I am concerned, Alpha Protocol never happened now. Slate's clean.

- Played New Vegas for two days and have only officially completed two quests. [censored] hell!

- I in no way mean to imply that that's a BAD thing, either.

- @snoopypup248 If it is, it's an expansion that's worth $60

- New Vegas has officially overwhelmed me. I have so many quests going on and don't know where to start. This is terrifying and awesome.

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- First Jimpressions of New Vegas: As far as I am concerned, Alpha Protocol never happened now. Slate's clean.

- Played New Vegas for two days and have only officially completed two quests. [censored] hell!

- I in no way mean to imply that that's a BAD thing, either.

- @snoopypup248 If it is, it's an expansion that's worth $60

- New Vegas has officially overwhelmed me. I have so many quests going on and don't know where to start. This is terrifying and awesome.


As much as I loath Jim Sterling this sounds encouraging. Andrew Reiners too. Especially in regards to Review Scores.

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A review (Probably didn't get the embargo note). A bad one. Then again read through it and decide after if you take it seriously


His points


- Less interesting story than Fallout 3

- Fallout 3s flaws are harder to overlook in New Vegas

- Graphixxx

Given that the reviewer references "other people on the forum" who have played the game, it stands to reason that the reviewer is not an official reviewer, but a pirate. Somebody should kick that off to Zenimax - Every forum I've ever been on has had explicit rules about open admission of piracy, and if the guy is able to publish official blog posts for the site he's probably important enough that getting him in trouble is going to create a lot of entertaining drama.


The one thing this does for us is foretell the reaction the Bethboard masses are going to have towards NV. It's going to be a funhouse reflection of the reaction we had to Bethsoft's F3, pretty much.

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Also according to some gossip blog, the F:NV launch party happened last night and Vampire Weekend performed for some reason. Various television actors were in attendance.


Couple of little things that are apparently confirmed by streams and the like: There will be different fighting styles that will augment unarmed combat (no idea if this changes animations or the like) and when you reload a game, gambling is disabled for 60 seconds. Powergamers are gonna have to work for their bread.

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- New Vegas has officially overwhelmed me. I have so many quests going on and don't know where to start. This is terrifying and awesome.


heh I know the feeling, it wears off fast, though

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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