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Dragon Age 2


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I'm assuming going to bit-tech of all places for a halfway competent games preview is an exercise in futility, of course, so this is not unexpected... :)

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I wonder what the subculture is called where constantly bashing bio games (you bought) gets you cred? Codexism? :)


I mean, apart from Borderlands, I haven't gone out of my way to **** in threads of games that I couldn't give a toss about. Is this a social faux pas? :)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Inaccuracy stemming from laziness is just being sloppy, yeah, but actually I'd like to see more previews and reviews come in from perspectives uncoloured by the assumption of having played past titles. Hardly an original complaint I know but I felt very much marooned at the start of ME2 having never played the original (I subsequently have and was suitably unimpressed).


Sid Meier I believe it was, said (and I paraphrase) that a sequel is 1/3 old, 1/3 new and 1/3 improved. Reviews of Civ5 however feel like 1/4 talking graphics and 3/4 comparing to Civ5. This works since I've played Civ4, but pick a random Starcraft 2 review for example and odds are I'll be utterly unable to make heads or tails of it. DA2 will be somewhere in between I guess - in the original I've played 3 of the main quest hubs (not with the same character) - but I've gone ahead and fully spoilered myself on the main game, expansion and DLC things because there's no chance of finishing it before the time arrives to make a decision on buying the sequel.




Sliding off topic but my tastes in RPG have probably slid far towards the minimalist side in the last couple years - gone from being a stauch defender of the party system aghast at how the likes of Ultima 8 and Neverwinter Nights ripped apart the big party systems of Ultima 7 and Baldur's Gate to loving the unfettered solo adventuring of The Witcher (which I've only booted up for the first time this past weekend after owning it for a year) or even MMOs. Same goes for inventory systems, and ignoring the silly resource and credits minigames, fell in love with the abstracted barebones inventory of Mass Effect 2. The effect is so much so that I now completely ignore lootable crates/barrels, enterable doors, random NPCs and the like and stay in character much more. But I digress....


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To be fair..


DA2 is meant to start off shortly after Lothering was razed.. so , hm, The Arch-Demon was around, and wasn't killed for some time..


So Hawke and family have escaped from Lothering and were fleeing elsewhere when they get attacked.

With the whole.."narrative trick" that Bio seem to be pulling, let's make a stab at it and guess you have the exagerating storyteller talking about the Arch-Demon turning up..because some dragon-type arrived on the scene.. and since it's not that heroic that "Flemeth, that manipulative and quite possible evil witch-woman turned up in Dragon form and saved the hero's ass in exchange for future favors.." the story gets shifted into "the arch-demon turned up looking like a dragon". :)

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I disagree with Oner.


..Seriously speaking, I do think that KOTOR was a pretty good game overall, though largely because of how Bioware nailed the Star Wars atmosphere and the desire of someone who has watched Star Wars to play their power fantasies. The quest design was imho superior to NWN also. Not sure whether I consider it superior on Mass Effect.

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Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I disagree with Oner.


..Seriously speaking, I do think that KOTOR was a pretty good game overall, though largely because of how Bioware nailed the Star Wars atmosphere and the desire of someone who has watched Star Wars to play their power fantasies. The quest design was imho superior to NWN also. Not sure whether I consider it superior on Mass Effect.


I've never watched Star Wars and quite like KoTOR, so that's a decent measure of success perhaps.




....my first Star Wars exposure was that dodgy Rebel Assault game during the painful birth of CD-ROM 'multimedia' gaming.


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Mentioning the death of Hawke's brother seems very specific, though. IIRC BioWare only mentioned and showed Hawke had a sister, the mage Bethany.


Also, I thought the game started with the Dynasty Warriors sequence. It's possible BioWare showed the destruction of Lohtering to the previewer.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I like Star Wars and I think KOTOR managed to capture the general feel pretty well. But that feel just doesn't make for a very interesting roleplaying experience (which is why I feel KOTOR2 was a superior game despite suffering from the same gameplay). But yeah, the gameplay is freaking horrendous.

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I like Star Wars and I think KOTOR managed to capture the general feel pretty well. But that feel just doesn't make for a very interesting roleplaying experience (which is why I feel KOTOR2 was a superior game despite suffering from the same gameplay). But yeah, the gameplay is freaking horrendous.


Yeah, that.


While everything was taken from BG they forgot the part where the combat was supposed to be fun. Not click > wait to die.


Same applies to every Bioware game post ToB minus Dragon Age.

Mass Effect rectified that by running away and becoming a shooter. A mediocre shooter but at least a functional within such a limited genre.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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We'll see about those answers when the newer batch of screenshots arrive, don't we?

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"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


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- Some guy 

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just like NWN :-


Actually NWN is far worse than KOTOR. :p



I guess that's the sort of thing that happens when you're successful - you make one good thing and everything else gets praised by default. Like with Steven Spielberg. Except that in the movie industry there are higher standards than in game journalism, or at least more reputable critics.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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