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The TV and Streaming Thread: US Writers/Actors Strike Edition


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An old show came to mind, Earth Final Conflict. Shamelessly filmed in Toronto, started off ok, but wow did it go off rails. Anyone else, ever watch that?

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Looked it up on that font of all knowledge wikipedia and have no recollection of having watched it. Which would be odd given the amount of extremely average scifi I've watched over the years.

Speaking of which, I watched two more episodes of Discovery without any major gripes. Also without any major reasons for praise except for the lack of negatives. They're both rather contrived, but meh, so's Darmok or The Inner Light if you want them to be. No doubt some will hate the time travel though, and that did have one glaring omission..


..go back to Lorca era so we can see the much lamented and missed, uh, Arian? I can't even remember her name, and the only reason I remember her dying was because it was done so badly. If you were going back then you'd certainly be hoping for Isaacs or Yeoh, if not both. I do remember them saying they were hoping to get Captain Malfoy back for an episode, I'd presume it was this one.


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6 hours ago, Malcador said:

An old show came to mind, Earth Final Conflict. Shamelessly filmed in Toronto, started off ok, but wow did it go off rails. Anyone else, ever watch that?

It had a whole slew of faces in it that turn up constantly in the sci-fi industry that I still end up thinking I first recognise them from Earth Final Conflict.

As I recall, wasn't that based on another of Gene Roddenberry's ideas? It was along the lines of they took his notes and his widow guided the start up of the project based off them..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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