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  1. The wild untameable and very dangerous living lands, seem very safe with no enemy respawns, maybe this should be a feature for easy mode and regular enemy respawns for normal and higher difficulty?
  2. Hi, Yesterday I noticed for the second time that enemies can become untargetable and keep you in combat, requiring a reload. Clip of this happening: https://clips.twitch.tv/PricklyStylishWebSmoocherZ Loving the game so far; thanks! poe2diag.zip
  3. So I recently bought the game and I wanted to play as a chanter (dunno if that makes a difference) Every fight I have been in (discarding fights followed by a 'cinematic') ends with the enemies downing, getting back up at 1 hp, and when I attack them, they become untargettable. If I do not target them, they will automatically lose 1 hp, then down again, and once again get back up. Does anyone know why this keeps happening? It makes the game unplayable as I cannot leave the ruins...
  4. Hi all, anyone else scream at the screen as to why we can only use spears and dagger underwater! It’s frustrating having to change up my play style to tackle certain underwater areas! why can’t you shoot a crossbow under water??
  5. Come on just do it :D!!!
  6. Okay! First, let me just say bravo and thank you for what has already been a super fun game to play! (and we're still in early access). With that in mind, I have some suggestions of things to improve overall enjoyment of the game and some suggestions for future development. If you read this and like my thoughts be sure to drop a like so Obsidian will notice it. Lets get started. The Obvious Things: The sap collectors. Stop making us pick the sap up one at a time! There should be some mass collect option. Please! We need an elevator option! Everyone who's a true master builder wants to make at least one "floating" base. That is EXTREMELY difficult without an elevator to bring up materials with. Even if it were for only building materials would be better than nothing, since I cant climb ladders and hold materials at the same time. Hatches! - Just as doors are to walls, hatches should be to floors. Fire Arrows. This one just makes sense. There ain't no way in hell that in a world where I was shrunk and had to fight inse... had to fight SPIDERS that I wouldn't be lighting them on fire with some Molotov ****tails and/or Flaming Arrows. "Kill it... Kill it with fire!" A boat or raft. There should be a steerable raft of some sort that we can use to fairy around on the pond with. Spider's Doom - Like the Ant-nihilator but for spiders. (I'll tell you what, if I were really shrunk I wouldn't be worried about how to better kill ants. What I would be studying? Spiders!) Tier 3 Axe - It should be a two handed item and it should be clippers. Made from ant mandibles or something that makes sense. This one should go without saying but we all want a entire crow armor set! I'm sure you're working on it already so that's not really why I bring this up. I bring this up because it should be obvious that we *want* armor sets for literally everything we can kill! (Or at least any predator). I know we aren't gonna get everything. An aphid armor set is probably never gonna see the light of day. And I get it! Some critters don't have strong enough hides to make armor sets out of. Like aphids and mosquitoes. That makes perfect sense. But some obviously can! and should taken into consideration. (IE: The Stinkbugs, The Bombadier Beetle, The Larva). The Not So Obvious Things: The Four Leaf Cover! The lucky four leaf clover should be a harvestable material. As to what for... there are a few options I could see right off the bat. First, you could have building parts that only can be made with "lucky clovers" and they could provide some sort of structure bonus or maybe just be really fancy (similar to the feather roofs)! Second, a luck tower. This would basically function as a booster for nearby structures. The mushrooms gardens would grow faster, the stem walls would be sturdier, the dew collectors would collect moisture more often. Etc. Etc. Essentially an enhancement beacon. Third, a new smoothie that gives you a percent chance to dodge attacks (or something, extra % crit, etc.). All these are nice but personally I would suggest option 4, a tier 2 shield! Just imagine it! Having a 4 leaf clover shield!! That would be super cool! As far as its bonuses there are tons of things you could do for it. It could just have more durability and a bigger threshold before getting stunned. Wielding it could give you the percent dodge bonus I mentioned. Though, I think it would be cool if (ya know, since its like all magical and lucky) it regened its durability given time out of combat! That would be sick!!! Lets be honest, farming weevil meat gets annoying. Its not hard. Just boring. It bogs down the game. So a solution to that would be awesome! (Plus there is still a chance you break your shield in combat so its not a cure all shield!) Option 5: I'm not sure that I really recommend because I'm sure many players, myself included, would abuse the heck out of this so there would need to be limitations somehow. But it would be awesome if you could make a 4 leaf clover beacon that stopped enemy spawns in a certain radius. This would let players build bases in cool areas where we otherwise wouldn't be able to. A great example is under the tree. Everyone planned on building their base there until they learned that not 1 but 2 wolf spiders spawned there! I still think option 4 is the best but figured I'd put this in here for food for thought. The Haze Reaper! So I am stealing an idea from William Akhurst Hultz's suggestion (so please go read his too) but tweaking it a little here because I think he missed some things. "Here's the idea, in the haze roams a praying mantis that has been affected by that weird fungus that's all over the place there. He attacks on sight with slashes, lunges, and stabs with his "scythe like" arms and occasionally flies up for a moment to come crashing down with a huge slashing attack." The loot that comes from slaying this beast could be his mantis arms that the players could craft into a two handed scythe weapon that would fit under the "assassin" mutation. I think having a two handed assassin weapon would be very unique and provide something new and exciting for the assassin players! A possible name for the boss could be the "Haze Reaper" and the name of the weapon could be "The Reaper's Claw". Additionally, this boss would drop the materials necessary to build "The Reaper's Mask" a mask that, like the gas mask, blocks the damage from the haze zone. However, unlike the gas mask it would not weather down given use. (Of course it can still take damage if you are attacked, like any other armor piece). This would give players a viable option to build a base in the haze zone (WHICH EVERYONE WANTS TO DO!!!) but as of right now its just not viable. Making us have to kill a boss (possibly 4 times for everyone on the squad) to get it would really make us feel like we earned it! Please consider it! (Should be a summons boss like the brood mother) Hopper's Doom! Okay so the name of this one is bad but the idea is good! (Also kinda obvious but I felt it belonged down here anyways) We have all these tadpoles swimming around and no frogs?! Dat don't make any sense... lolz. So! I suggest a three tiered new hostile creature "Frogs" that have a new deadly attack! A tongue attack that pulls players in right next to the frogs! Let me tell you, I abuse the heck out of a bow and a high rock! So an enemy that could pull me down from my safe high ground, down right next to him!! That would be scary and fun to deal with! The first tier would just be your generic pond frogs. The frog equivalent of the orbital weaver. The second tier would be poisonous frogs, aka "Poison Hoppers", that would be the frog equivalent of wolf spiders. These would obviously have poison attacks but as frogs poison usually comes from their skin I suggest not having its tongue attack be poisons us and instead make its melee attacks apply the poison. Okay so we've talked about frogs but now lets think bigger. A boss enemy. The Toad! Like the frogs he would be able to pull you in with a tongue attack but would also have a variety of other attacks. Other possible attacks could be a long jump up that ends with him crashing down where you were last standing when he jumped dealing a big aoe slam attack, a croak attack that if your in front of him dealing that melee damage would pushes you back off him and on your ass! and of course a venomous attack! Spiders aren't the only small creatures known for their venomous touch! Some of the deadliest poisons on earth are from frogs and toads. Don't let that go to waste. (Should be a summons boss like the brood mother) Loot Ideas: An suit of armor that each individual piece increases your jump height but when worn as a set give you immunity to fall damage! Come on! It makes perfect sense!!! And who doesn't want to jump and land like a superhero?! Regardless of the tier list I came up with, frogs should be an enemy in some way shape or form. Looking forward to it. Ice! Idk what for and what its benefits will be but I want to make ice! and maybe a freezer? Make it hard for me to achieve too pls! Maybe the freezer could just keep food fresh longer or something. Idk. I just want ice! Thx. PS: A personal shoutout to whomever over there at obsidian gaming drew the weird chef man as an easter egg for us more adventurous players! That **** made my day! Hilarious! Thank you!
  7. Combat against any of the larger creatures in this game is absurdly difficult. I enjoy a good fight, a hard one. I play Doom on Nightmare in my sleep and have beat Sekiro on more than one occasion. But the larger creatures here feel impossible. Poison arrows, smoothies, spike strips, armor, club II, parries...still it just feels like there isn't even a point to trying. Am I missing something? Is this how the game is supposed to feel?
  8. Can someone please explain to me why in turn based combat I will select an enemy to attack that is right next to my character and instead of doing this they f$&k off in a completely random direction so the enemies can just pick them off one by one? Also while on the subject how come the pointer mode on ps4 constantly breaks so you have no control over your party and on the best occasions they pi$$ off wherever direction they feel like often loading into completely different areas at a whim forcing you to sit through the god awful load times twice to get back to where you started only for it to break again? I seem to spend more time fighting this broken game than I do playing it to the point I feel I've been conned in to paying full price for a game that's barely above an alpha build.
  9. During radio free monarch, i decided i wasnt going to deal with MSI, so i killed Hiram to stop the MSI broadcasts and bolted from stellar bay with the guards hot on my tail like the badass space cowboy i am; i then completed the iconoclast missions and took the bay for them but now whenever i am in Stellar bay i am stuck in combat. Nobody attacks me because I'm cool with the iconoclasts, everyone acts normally but i can't interact with any NPC's. I have gone and done missions on other planets, generally tried to avoid the bay for as long as possible, slept, searched everywhere in the city for anything that might still have aggro with me, killed every sprat (ok that was for fun) but i still hear combat music as soon i load into stellar bay. Please help :).
  10. I've been playing now for several hours, died a few times, and am enjoying the game, learning the skills/perks/etc. Only two issues I noticed both deal with stealth. 1. Not sure when I am hidden. Am I missing an indicator or something on the HUD? When I'm in tall grass it fades so I can see through it. But it's also tough to know when I reach or PASS the edge of that grass and am now visible. 2. I kill a mob. The noise aggros a mob on the other side of a solid building/wall/etc. I run into tall grass and hide, or around another corner and hide. The aggro'd mob somehow knows right where I am eventhough they never saw me. I got killed off by a guy with a light machine gun because I though I was crouched hiding the grass after blowing the head of his buddy. He (and a third mob) come around the corner and mow me and the grass down. If that's an intended mechanic I'll adapt, just was surprised they knew exactly where I was without ever seeing me in the first place. Anyway, breaks over. Back to hunting marauders.
  11. I have started a turn based game after installing PoE II with patch 5.0. My character is a chanter skald. Every time combat starts, my character all ready has 4 chants which means I can start casting invocations right away. Is this right ? In PoE I I had to do some chanting before I could cast any invocation. Being able to cast invocation at the beginning of combat make combat a lot easier.
  12. KnockDown skills are only serving to delay enemies or to interrupt, nothing more. The enemy falls and raises on the same turn and still strikes as if nothing happened. Another important detail, the fallen enemy has the same deflection as if standing? Does it make any sense? Those who are fallen are not in a position to defend themselves, should have a penalty of 50% for attributes of avoidance as reflex and deflection. In my opinion who is knocked down should lose the turn and suffer avoidance penalty while on the ground.
  13. While fighting Jungle Lurkers in the Hohina Ravine on Tehiwai Islands I encountered a soft lock. My best guess is that Mage Slayer is successfully interrupting a spellcast but this is causing turn based combat to break. Unfortunately the combat log does not offer an indication of a spell being interrupted here, though it would if I was using the pet boar and still it would soft lock so long as there are spell disruption stacks. I have not encountered this problem before this point due to either luck or bursting down an enemy before or after their spells had been cast. This is on Veteran difficulty (solo, Eothas and Berath challenge) and can happen even with the pwgra if they attempt to cast something while there are spell disruption stacks. A screenshot
  14. Hello! I was recently doing some testing and I could not get damage shown to match numbers. I was under the impression that no penetration gave a negative bonus similarly to how damage bonuses, apart from lashes, are additive. I can not get the numbers to add exactly but it seems that no pen uses a .25 multiplier to base damage, then the game takes the .75 penalty again to reduce bonuses additively before multiplying for a final damage total. Using my monk/barb here are some numbers: 14.6base +.03+.2+.5+.15-.75 = 4.7 game Calculator= 16.498 Negative Reduction to bonus, ~4.5 with Negative Reduction base and bonus 22.2base +.15+.1+.15+.15+.5+.15-.75= 7.9 game Calculator= 32.19 Negative Reduction to bonus, ~8.05 with Negative Reduction base and bonus Is this intended or a bug?
  15. I was very excited to play the turn mode, after some quick quests, I arrived at one of the first challenging fights, Gorecci Street. In the Questlog appeared to be at the same level as mine, 3. At this point i have 3 characters. I started the fight, I noticed the astronomous amount of enemies, 7. I ignored mathematics and went up, got good damage and some few cures, but after several frustrating attempts I realized that it would be impossible by the mere fact of enemies ranged did not miss any attack, always giving more than 30% of my total health damage. In the flood, u cant reach in time the backline with big damage on your neck. Completely unbalanced for one of the first missions!!!
  16. This is admittedly a very minor thing, but it can be misleading to annoying. While using the Turn-Based combat, just about every time I mouse over a target to check the chance to hit the character makes their comment about it not going to work. They'll say this even in cases where there's a 100% chance to hit and they'll be doing 130% damage. Not sure what the criteria is for them to say their comment, but it doesn't seem to make sense in a lot of the cases.
  17. I got around to playing today, and I've noticed all my characters' speech gets cut off if I click on someone else or someone else says a battecry, "ouch", etc. The spell sounds, "moeth ixi anath" etc get cut off as well if anyone else makes a sound, interrupting it. Has anyone found a workaround for this? Is this ever going to be fixed? I've done some research and this bug seems like it's been going on for a while, but I have seen some YouTube videos where the game seems to work fine. I think this really ruins the immersion =/ Any advice or help would be truly welcome.
  18. The interface for changing the ai is "unoptimized" and it takes a few minutes to make a small changes because I have constantly move things one input at a time then re-adjust slider. Wondering if there is a file location to make my own faster.
  19. So, just a couple minutes into Beast of Winter and it looks like you can keep modal abilities active even when weapon u're holding is not the weapon that can use that modal ability. Here i have the option to Rapid Shot (pistol modal ability) while having rapier and dagger. Aloth can use his scepter abilities even if he swithces to arbalest. BTW Eccea Arcane Blaster is still broken and doubles the amount of projectiles (which is the only reason i was able to kill that annoying new dragon in this comp). https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cgCechNlKBWK_4BeG41EvnafPSQLhlee
  20. As you can see on the screenshot taken prior to combat Xoti's Dismissal targets every undead in AoE except for Fampyr (same thing happened minutes ago during first encounter with local inhabitants, pointing out that this Fampyr named Zulka is not some kind of boss that should not be affected by spell, diary says that Fampyrs are lvl 8 creatures therefore lvl 18 Xoti should pop em in industrial scales with that spell). Even if we assume that upscaled Fampyrs are equal or higher lvl than Xoti they still have to take true damage on cast. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eKsdraCyVicvBdj63TRfUN5YykekXPxY ^^ Save link However on this next screenshot in combat log there is no entry for DIsmissal hittin (or missing => no entry of spell targeting that Fampyr) Zulka In russian Zulkas name will look like Зулка written in blood red, as you can see there is no entry of Xoti performing anything against her.
  21. I recently finished my first run through the story and enjoyed it just as much as POE1. I'm currently playing through on PotD and focusing on tweaking the AI scripts... It's making the already enjoyable combat that much better. It got me to thinking that I would love to have a DLC Arena, separate from the story, where we could build custom parties and test different AI scripting strategies against endless waves of random enemies. It seems like it would be fairly easy to build (many other games do this) and would keep me playing over and over. If this is already in the future plans, thank you in advance. If not, please get on it, I say!
  22. From time to time Amira's wing stops working. The attack animation goes on without problem, "projectile" launches but it never reaches the enemy. In combat log there is no entry for those attacks at all, as if Aloth did nothing that whole time (unless he casts spell, then corresponding entry appears in log). Bug occurs randomly, after some period of time (or after some action performed) it fixes itself. It appears that it fixes after you board your ship and land somewhere (but simply leaving and re-entering location won't help, neither will switching location, because on screenshot you can see that bug is still there despite it first (not the very first time, it happened to me on 2 walkthroughs, this being the second) showed up on the upper level of the location Poko Kohara) Also on second screenshot in combat log you may see my rogue hitting Desert Imp twice with 1 attack using Scordeo's Reward, and damage dealt differs between those 2 hits. The second issue occured after i switched weapon (not set of weapon but replaced 1 pistol with another) from Eccea's Arcane pistol to Scordeo's reward.
  23. During 2 of my latest walkthrough i've noticed that there are moments when FPS drops from the cliff in combat. Luckily the reason was easy to spot : for some reason every now and then Serafen's shots cause FPS drops. I've encountered this bug in The Hanging Sepulchers, and just a minute ago i got that bug again. The moment Serafen pulls the trigger (doesn't matter what weapon he has arquebus/pistols/blunderbuss) and the hammer hits the primer (or whatever that part is called on that flintlock firearms) and the sparks show up the fps drops (simultaniosly with the sparks appearance) and stays low for uncertain amount of time. Switching weapons back and forth didn't help (perhaps because i switched from firearm to firearm). Yet this bug does not appear EVERY time Serafen fires. Save file link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BQW4MyLnKaIR1Fl54Hwm-fm8AFajg8mZ
  24. Player Character freezes during combat after attempting and failing (abandoning) to perform an action from another class, most likely, that of the enemy. For instance, Marauder might try casting a spell or chanting. After abandoning action, the character becomes unresponsive until death or reload.
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