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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. She might get along with Hiravias and Kana; doubt she'd like Zahua much. Mixed feelings about Sagani—I guess Xoti would like her being a strong, independent woman who travels the world and has seen all sorts of stuff, as well as the fact that Sagani is attached to her people's traditions, but she may find her too patronizing / controlling / motherish at times.
  2. Subbing thread. Nice change log!
  3. Congratulations to the team! Very well-deserved!
  4. You can do something similar with the Unity Console but it has its limitations.
  5. I’ve got a mod on the Nexus that undoes a fair deal of the 1.1 nerfs, if you’re interested—but the focus is very much on items. I don’t recall there being any other massive blanket nerf after 1.1; a few balancing changes, but that’s about it.
  6. Not really sure where this is coming from. The description for the talent "Marksman" doesn't mention any bonus to the Stealth skill and she isn't wearing equipment that does either. Saved game: LINK
  7. My understanding is that he's just asking whether, difficulty-wise, The Forgotten Sanctum presents enough of a challenge for maxed-out characters.
  8. Bit of a necro—apologies for that. To get Ire, which is the MIG one, I chose all Passionate dialog options and went for Aggressive when Passionate was unavailable. However, these abilities give random tier Inspirations instead of consistently giving the 3-tier one. Because it is not something you can consistently rely upon, it's hard to build around it. There are more reliable sources of high-tier inspirations. There's a mod on Nexus to undo the Brilliant nerf for those keen on doing so, by the way.
  9. You can use the Cipher power "Ancestors' Memory" give your Priest the Brilliant Inspiration, which restores class resources every 6s (used to be 3s; I have a mod on the Nexus to restore the original behavior.) Your Priest can then spam Salvation of Time to endlessly prolong the duration of the Brilliant Inspiration on him/herself, thus getting an infinite number of spell casts for the encounter. Likewise, because Salvation of Time is an AoE spell, you can endlessly prolong the duration of any buffs on your party (including Brilliant on other casters.) If you do this with Barring Death's Door, you enter god mode and can't be killed for the entire encounter. I personally find this particular trick rather boring, but YMMV; I prefer to prolong my other buffs while maintaining a (albeit marginal) risk of losing the encounter.
  10. Quite, though perhaps a bit fragile early on. At later levels you can even do the Brilliant/SoT combo and become nearly invincible (or downright so if you pair it with Barring Death’s Door.)
  11. Saved game: LINK 1. Load the attached saved game. 2. Talk to Shrimp. 3. Select the option to attack, calling Shrimp and his group "sea rats." 4. Observe that Shrimp's answer, "Sea rats are born survivors!" is cut off; the VO only says "Sea rats...!"
  12. Is Brute Force even worth it on PotD? Foes usually have asinine levels of Fortitude.
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