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Everything posted by jivex5k

  1. I don't want a hard cap, maybe a soft one? Actually the post above me sounds like a great idea. Just limit the amount of XP available, then you have a cap that isn't really a cap, it's just running out of XP to be had. Shouldn't be too hard since you are doing away with mob killing XP. But it also means once the game is done, it's done.
  2. With the limited amount of voice work that's projected to be in this game they should not worry about hiring specific people. I'd actually prefer this game with absolutely no voice work, but I'm probably the minority. I just hope I can turn it off in the options. Even Minsc gets annoying...
  3. How does this make sense? If anything, lower quality weapons should misfire more often. Just for balance, not realism. Balance > Realism IMHO when it comes to combat elements.
  4. I like everything they said except for the indecision about game+. I don't see a reason to not include it, those who don't like it can simply ignore it.
  5. I think there will be enough small objectives to keep your party in line with enemies. Getting XP is satisfying. Learning new abilities and getting better stats is fun. I doubt they will make XP scarce.
  6. I'd like the ability to stab with a bayonet, and then fire the round into the enemies skull with the bayonet still lodged in it. After that he'd better be dead, or you'd better have backup for your shotgun wielding warrior there. I'd also like the possibility of a weapon jam to blow up in your face, but limit it to very high end rifles/shotguns. Lower end weapons should be more reliable, maybe if they take damage use that to determine the chance of a jam. Problem is, this jamming would only apply to the guns so they would have to be powerful enough to accept the additional risk. I'd probably just leave jamming out of the game for that reason right there...but it would be cool, just don't see it balancing well. Bayonets should be the crappiest of crappy piercing weapons, worse than daggers. The force of the projectile though...it should shred through the strongest armor and have a huge potential for knocking down the enemy it hits. So basically, make the shot powerful as hell, the bayonet weak as hell (if you even need to include them).
  7. My 2 cents: If media providers made it easier to obtain their media they would see piracy rates decrease. Maybe a little, maybe a lot, I don't have the data to even estimate that....but I know this: If you try to watch Game of Thrones on demand, it's a real PITA. If you download a torrent, you can have the whole season in a couple clicks. South Park is ahead of the curve, but red tape prevents them from providing a stream of their latest episodes. If media providers embrace streaming and the internet they could be making back some of that lost revenue.
  8. @OP Great idea I like it a lot. It would be a great surprise to the player, one of those moments where the player says "Wow, didn't see that coming! This is awesome!" Keep it as a fairly low occurrence though or else it gets old quick.
  9. Skyrim failed in this regard for amount of monster variety if you ask me....it wasn't nearly as bad as Oblivion though. Get bored of killing Draugrs over and over. The giants were freaking awesome though...
  10. Probably will end up as a dedicated buffer/debuffer, with a lot of charisma. I'd like to hear some songs as well, they wouldn't be audio clips, but talking to him and getting a recap of your journey in lyrics would be awesome! Other than that...I'm at a loss, I'm sure obsidian is a lot more creative than I am though.
  11. It was not intended as an objection. I do love that image. Also, think of the role-playing possibilities. Exactly what kind of hero will collect four bards to tag along and sing to him on his adventures? An extremely vain one?
  12. Whoa OP you just rocked my world. That would be seriously awesome...I can't think of an RPG that has door knocking as a standard method of interacting with (non vendor) npc shops. It would save time too, allow for interesting dialogue and tactics, and add to the immersion of the game. Perhaps there is a technical limitation though.
  13. Fine, my last question is: How would you like to die?
  14. No reason to not include it, wouldn't hurt anything for a few racial name examples. Personally I'm naming my character Green Machine.
  15. As long as buffs are limited I enjoy them.
  16. Personally I'm not a big fan of animal type races like Lizardmen and Catpeople. I wouldn't even care if the only race in this game was human. I'd rather have them look more human than animal, animal races just look weird to me. I can't take talking to a Khajit seriously...I mean it's a freaking cat face....I just want to cuddle and pet him. Just my opinion.
  17. ^^ Awesome suggestion! I really hope they include a feign death ability.
  18. Why do you want to discourage min/max builds? Isn't that part of the fun? Extreme specialization? Why do I need my barbarian to have intelligence when my chanter can fill that gap?
  19. What if your journal look was specific to your class? Rangers could use leaves and bark, Barbarians could use big slabs of rock, Mages could use scrolls, and Necromancers could use human skin parchments. Bards could simply sing their journals to you as they play a beautiful tale of your journey, Ciphers could use their mind to visualize a journal, Paladins could use gilded pages, I can't remember the other classes.
  20. OP: This was your first post? Can I ask you a question..... Why?
  21. Yes, and yes, I do wish to find P:E sufficiently engaging and Old School that all the cRPG-lite, action-addled Konsole Kiddies go elsewhere and leave this one to those of us for whom a videogame that closely simulates the Pen and Paper experience is the ideal. I don't need fights every other step and kewl sploshuns to keep my attention riveted to the screen if the storyline, companions, and gameplay are conceptualized and executed with care and craftmanship. I doubt more fights would decrease the tedium, in fact it would increase it. The last thing I'd want is to have to fight every 10 minutes. I hated Dragon Age 2 for ruining what could have been a great game and turning it into a button masher. I'm just saying these old games feel old basically. I probably shouldn't have even started this thread, but I'm frustrated I can't get into these old games any more and I think a large part of it is graphics. I hate, absolute HATE pixel hunting. And that's exactly what PST felt like to me. I couldn't find where the hell to go for at least 25 minutes, just walking in circles looking for some obscure staircase that looked nothing like a staircase.
  22. A dog companion? No thanks.... A dog familiar or ranger pet? Yes please! But the pets should be very limited in ability. IE: All they do is attack and follow you.
  23. Dodging targeted spells by moving out of the way seems more appropriate for an aRPG like Skyrim. I don't expect movement to be quick enough in an isometric cRPG to allow this, and it wouldn't seem to fit the general feel they are going for with this game. I wouldn't enjoy pausing to dodge a spell every 3 or 4 seconds, would change the whole feel of the game IMHO. I'd rather have tactics like casting protection spells, or even interrupting enemy spells with spells.
  24. Yeah, as snide as she was about PB is still right. It would be impossible to do this kind of movement with a party. Seems more fitting for Zelda type RPGs anyways.
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