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Found 2 results

  1. Watching the Rezzed video and hearing talk of creatures that are meant to fit seamlessly within their environments got me to thinking - if the room exists for such polish, I would also like to see more wildlife scattered around, maybe even hints at ecosystems existing. Simple things like birds flying above/between trees, fish (maybe jumping upstream), the rare dive of a bird of prey to catch a fish in a river, or a fisherman leisurely casting a rod in the shade, skittish deer with faun, occasional trade caravans traveling or camping by the roads, bees and butterflies floating about, rodents scattering into bushes on your party's approach. These little things are not uncommon in RPGs, but I always appreciate the little extra touches thrown in to help immerse me in a world teeming with life and (in the case of traveling caravans) economy. While they may seem insignificant, I feel they can be important to creating a living, organic landscape, and would love to see such things taken the extra step in Project Eternity. Such are my thoughts anyway. What about the community's?
  2. Anyone else here getting the feeling Obsidian is spreading themselves really thin with all this talk on BIG goals. And that Mega dungeons a WHOLE new story in itself if its the same creatures and monsters on "every" floor. Yeah, Just imagine it. This big huge world filled with a miniscule amount of wildlife and fauna, that after like two hours of playing you'd have seen near everything? Does that sound fun?! I can see it now, they'll be all like, "We got bears,wolves, and boars, that's a wrap for wild animals". And lets not get started with a lackluster variety of undead(there's more then zombies and skeletons), but I'm sure some folks don't even want to see "that". You know what I'd like to see, Maybe not as they are in our prehistoria... But I'd love to see dinosaurs, Yeah YOU can bet JURASS I'd like to see dinosaurs! Though once again I'm sure AGAIN people wouldn't want to see this either... Or better yet, how about some original Creations? Dungeons and Dragons was Bloated with the sort. From Carrion Crawlers, to Ankhegs, to Vrocks(You know, the demons)... And even I remember my first encounter with the now WAY overdone Gelatinous cube(still welcome sight) Do people even care if their adventure is full of bizarre creatures? Maybe folks really do just want to kill the same things... Over and over and over... And never want to slay something truly Bizarre and monstrous... I'm sure Obsidian knows this too... Do "you" care if they save their budget on this feature, and keep the creature variety limited to an amount countable on ones hands? If there were only "ten" creatures in the game(not including the main humanoid races), would that be something that hurts your enjoyment of this game? Hell, What creatures would you be upset "not" seeing? Or better yet, what creatures would you "BE" upset seeing?
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