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Found 2 results

  1. Not playing the beta (I don't use Steam), but I watched: Is that still the case in the current beta? If so... It costs a minimum 5000cp to create a full party? Unless it rains coins in Dyrwood, that seems damn expensive. You could rest 25 times in the most expensive room in the inn for that amount. How about an option to say: "I'm looking for an old friend." to which the innkeeper could respond: "Tell me 'bout this friend of yours and I'll tell ya if they've been around..." Is that too much to ask? Pacing is not an excuse: The number of companions could be limited by level if pacing absolutely required some kind of limitation (which I doubt). Nor is ignorance of player desire to roleplay a group of adventurers rather than hire mercenaries an excuse: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61516-the-adventurers-hall-should-not-be-a-money-sink/ Nor is "realism" an excuse: Maybe a rogue wants to join me because I offer them a suit of Shiny Chainmail of Awesomeness. Or because I'm a famed adventurer. Or maybe I'm just charming as hell. Who knows? Why enforce some arbitrary fee? What good reason is there to screw players that want to build a custom party?
  2. Hey kids, yet another "hire x talent!" thread! So, without further adieu... Hire Sara Kestelman! Now being pragmatic here, you might ask "for what role?" and "does she even still do VA for games? It looks like she's only done it twice" to which I reply "it's the point where they can make a role for her" and "it's worth offering to her." Then comes one last question: "Who the hell is Sara Kestelman!" She was Kreia from Knights of the Old Republic II, and she complemented the writing so well as to totally sell the character for me. Obviously this game isn't full VA but even snippets can really make the text come alive when you take what you've heard and apply it to what you read-- oh, and of course, if this game happens to employ a narrator she'd be the best for that as well. For the uninitiated: http://www.youtube.c...ed/RK8ni6Gl3ws (don't think this does justice but it's a better overview for those who didn't play the game) http://www.youtube.c...ed/tDVCHKeM1Uk Really, no video can describe Kreia well enough; you can find lots of lengthy posts about her here and across the internet-- and I think a lot of the impression was driven by Kestelman's delivery coupled with the unmatched character writing and creative id Obsidian's got: So why not put the band back together for another go round? Forumites for Kestelman, unite!
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