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Found 4 results

  1. I think you guys really, really, really need to see this. You're welcome, Obsidian Forums. Best single season show to be canceled of 2015!
  2. Start of old thread. End of old thread. I have no original content to provide to christen this new thread's maiden voyage. So I'll just steal my favorite from the end of the old thread.
  3. So far we know that chanters will be sorta like bards. The issue is, bards are a little bit of everything, and really just plain sucked until third edition, and then just mostly sucked until Pathfinder (Where they got their masterpieces, like being able to mime a 10 foot by 10 foot wall in less than a turn). I personally though, despite the massive suckage that they had, loved me my bards. I don't know why, but the idea of singing or dancing my way into combat, and making terrible puns while I bash people upside the head with my Axe (Bass) just really appealed to me, so I plan on Chanting it up for my first character. I'm personally thinking that the Chanters are probably just going to go the way of dedicated passive buffers. Maybe something like Song of Hero's, courage, and skills, but with more versatility. Maybe throw in a Fascinate as well, and you've got your standard Buffer/Mesmer archtype. Where do you guys think they're going to go with the Chanter?
  4. This is a minor suggestion to embellish and give a deeper dimension to characters and companions and also making players get more art related to the game. Since we will be playing this game for lots of hours and my characters will probably face months or even years in "game hour", i would like the possibility to make them register their journeys and i could get those registrations. This could be a very funny way and a great excuse to players to get fine desktop wallpaper, epic poems, cool songs, all made by the great artists that will be part of the making of Project Eternity. We could get JPGs with sketches of monsters, NPCs, simplified 1 minute versions of the soundtrack, poems and epics written in text... Instead of making us go to Obsidian forum to get these pieces of art from PE staff (whenever available), we could get those inside the game: "In the village in Storm Mountain Peak, after reaching the temple belvedere, you character can get an amazing painting from INSERT ARTIST NAME" These could be done with paintings, sketches, poems, chanting, songs... What exactly I am talking about: Example 1: After a major victory in a hard battle, my companion could say "This battle inspired me, i'll write a song about it this night", and your character could enforce or reject that artistic inspiration. Example 2: As reaching a completely remote place or a never seen before dragon, the talented priest wants to paint or draw the scenario to show to his church. Again, a dialog comes and you can enforce or reject that "We have no time for that now". Example 3: After 3 months of journeys together, the bard could make a poem about your travels "The Ballad of My Character". Example 4: The druid, inspired by the greatest forest he has ever been, plays a new tune in his flute to express that happiness. Example 5: The "exotic" barbarian that recently joined the group, excited about being part of our part, grabs his awesome tabla and makes fine rhythms with it. ****
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