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Everything posted by DocDoomII

  1. Just play trial of iron mode, and be done with it.
  2. Setting aside some forums here and there I use no social media at all. I have no use of them, otherwise I'd gladly put a like everywhere.
  3. I'd like complete control, but I wouldn't mind some story driven event here and there like for Wynne in DA:O Has to be a rare occurrence though
  4. By useless I meant in battle. They add weight and depending on what they are, they can restrain movements. Annah doesn't care about a full plate mail, yes, but I don't see why she had to wear a leathery revealing teddy. Not that I don't like it, but I don't see why.
  5. Well, you could have ceremonial and decorative armor, but I don't see why they should show skin. Usually they are simply modeled differently and with complex, useless, decorations. Not exactly practical or effective in real combat. Yes, you could make them more feminine, but why skimpy?
  6. Uh, didn't know that. Ok, I wanna see the screenshot too
  7. I think that it's too soon for screenshots and technical demos. Concept art is always welcome though.
  8. This may be thinking too far ahead, but... Replayability? Don't make a sequel like Mass Effect 3. It killed all my will to play the previous chapters, even though I played ME at least a dozen of times and ME2 at least ten times.
  9. Too bad, I don't have Facebook. The goal is 20k likes, and as of now the page has 6152 likes. Isn't that asking too much?
  10. Can we have this logo not only on Project Eternity site, but on the forum too? It isn't an ouroboros, but at least it's something!
  11. No man, 8 hours full game. Or something along those lines. I've got lot's of other time consuming stuff to do besides gaming so I really appreciate being able to play stuff through. Is my expectations really off? How much do you want in scope? 200hr? Yes, I want a 200 hour long game. I will not be seen for a number of weeks until I have finally finished it, and then I will hibernate. Well 200h is more like Final Fantasy scope (if you look for every single little bit of content and max level characters). That's a bit too big. I'd go for minimum 40h-50h?
  12. Not to mention that if the maps are prerendered 2D, the rotating thing would mean that the same area needs to be rendered 4 times. This if the camera rotates just by 90°.
  13. IF we are talking of something that just adds 'color' like a passive companion pet, which is not gonna be released for 3$ after the game release, then I'm fine with it. If we start to talk about companions, shops, quests or items in general, available by preordering here or there and then made available for 10$ each after release, hell no.
  14. 8 hours? This ain't gonna be a random xbox shooter. FFS.
  15. I just thought of a single instance of random being good. Random encounters while traveling. While having a good set of unique and well done random encounters (fallout much?) is good, I don't want to get to a point where there are no more encounters. Thus if there were some randomized encounters, the unique ones could 'last longer'. The random encounters should be better than those of baldur's gate though. They were way too repetitive.
  16. I'm not 100% sure, but I seem to remember reading about the occasional npc joining for specific quests and that would be beside the 5 companion slots.
  17. The sum gives 100, so they seem to be correct?
  18. It will be on both gog and steam. At the end of the kickstart you'll be asked which one do you want.
  19. They already said that there will be little to none scaling. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60889-level-scaling-dont-scale-individual-enemies-scale-encounters/page__st__40#entry1219467
  20. But I want the Ouroboros back. All the old IE games had a logo!
  21. I know, but maybe since the 'deed' ended up being only a *not gonna spoiler*, he may think otherwise?
  22. Are you talking about Neeshka or Annah? Because Annah has various romance options (in the PS:T way though) He did say hot, so I'll go with Annah.
  23. Are those all the characters you can get in your party? I've never played that game. Yes, they're all. Even Morte (the floating skull) is a proper companion, instead the Lim Lim (the little green bug) it's only a pet who does nothing. Also, two of them are very well hidden in the game. As Sick said. I added the Lim Lim today because I had forgotten of him yesterday To be back on topic, one thing I wouldn't like to have is separated interiors. It'd be nice for once to enter inside a house just by walking in and not by crossing an exit for another, smaller, map.
  24. It would be cool to have some numbers from time to time on how the paypal side of the founding is going.
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