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Everything posted by DocDoomII

  1. Only screenshot I have seen (Not really following the project closely) was on the tablet, is that the UI you mean? Beamdog screenshots http://www.beamdog.com/products/baldurs-gate-enhanced-edition
  2. I seriously hope they are gonna work a little more on the UI though. It was fugly in the last screens I saw.
  3. Uh... no. We had full control once we recruited them. We had to follow the game mechanics and rules, but I could dualclass Imoen into a mage for example if I wanted.
  4. Would he attack from afar throwing ceramic pottery?
  5. Yes, I too really like the wallpaper and hope that the portraits will have the same style.
  6. I didn't even know that a Dark Alliance 2 was released. LoL.
  7. That's a beautiful screenshot!
  8. "Uh, looky here, a nice backup-tape. I just needed one for my stash of pr0n."
  9. Spoilers ahead. What makes me wonder is who the hell will be in this fantomatic BG3. And what about companions? I don't want a sequel without some of them! I can live with that.
  10. All of the above are true -- however: There is a 100% offline mode, and the Beamdog client doesn't have to be running when you run the game (and there is no advantage of having it running, either -- no "Stream overlay", for example), and you don't have to use cloud saves. There hasn't been an explicit promise that there will not be day-0 DLC, but I'd be shocked if this was the case -- the devs have their hands full simply trying to get the product out the door. Tablets will have day-0 DLC, but that content is included in the PC version, and this was done to reduce the base price on tablets. Mmmh. The beamdog client is the bigger issue for me. I hope that it will come to gog sooner or later.
  11. I could think of buying it, if it will be released on gog. Though I've heard about having a system that connects to their servers for update, cloud saves and possible release of DLCs. Don't know if it's true, but that would be a big "no no" for me.
  12. -Player's home upgradable to a manor/keep. With a lot of management options and related questes/questline. I'd like to get my place with some questing rather than buying a deed from some NPC around town.
  13. Don't forget that with PayPal we are already over 2.4!
  14. Much love and appreciation guys!
  15. I prefer BG1 for the exploration. BG2 maps outside the city were truly beautiful, nothing to say, but I felt a bit sad about being able to go there directly, without exploring about a bit.
  16. + More Companions + No immortal NPC (unless it's a story driven attribute. I'm not referring to children, about them I don't care either way) + Items artwork and description/background story in the inventory + Ability to initiate dialogue with party members without waiting for they to decide and become chatty from time to time + Ability to add custom portraits (no, not to change the current ones by putting new ones in the 'override' folder) + Ability to add a 'blason' like symbol on my armor/robe/cloth/bare chest, and on my (closest?) companions too (like the banner in Diablo III) + Easter egg random encounters + Easter egg spell that drops a cow on the target any combination of these would make me increase my pledge
  17. I'm with you Neversleep. And, I'd like to point out DA2 as a strongly negative example for this matter.
  18. They could have set a goal on x followers on twitter too.
  19. The only time I used multiplayer in BG was to create my own party. And I used the characters of The Order of the Stick as portraits. Lots of fun.
  20. Well, you posted when they had ~5000-6000k, so technically we only needed another 15k
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