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Everything posted by DocDoomII

  1. That's what I'm talking about. Or else you'd end up with all 6 options if the higher requirement are met and that would be lame and confusing.
  2. Counting PayPal we should already have the new dungeon level.
  3. Same here. I am surprised that Chris even answered some of those questions. It's like the interviewer thinks that old school iz hard and haz too meny numberz for hed. lol True. Too many numbers? I love numbers!I hated Dragon Age: Origin abilities and spells description because there was almost no number at all. Terrible.
  4. I have the same problem, I hate when even a half centimetre remains hidden. It drives me mad
  5. If implemented, an amazing thing would be if it could actually reflect the amount of light in the environment. During midday on a sunny day in an exterior place the field of view should be pretty big, and by night or with low light condition (raining, eclipse(?), or inside a dark dungeon) it should be quite narrow. Maybe expandible with a torch or magic.
  6. So very true, yesterday I travelled from point A to B (don't remember the actual locations) and it was something like 36 hours of travel and bam, all fatigued. Lol wut? What about sleeping while on the road?
  7. Would it still be okay to show that a choice is a skill limit choice but only if you meet the threshold. Something like [intellect] - I'm smart, so I can say this . But if you're not smart you just don't get the choice? I'd go a step forward adding that if you are smart enough to gain a new and better dialogue option, the normal-int dialogue option should not even be present. One thing is having other dialogue options, but having the choice to use a normal int option instead of the higher int is nonsense to me. Unless by doing so I'd in some way gain an advantage (like not letting the other understand that I know he is tricking me, just to catch him with his hands in the sack, instead of just exposing him with words)
  8. Aside from the fact that the developers can act as a 'shield' from the eventual crazy suggestion, I have faith that whoever spent so much money to gain that kind of right, is someone that is truly faithful to the idea of 'old rpg' and wouldn't dare to try and force into the game something stupid.
  9. Tinker is good, McGyver is better though Jokes aside, I like the idea of a class specifically focusing on 'technology'. Fire arms, mechanically hidden blades, bombs, and so on. If done right it can be a really fun class.
  10. Klaatu Barada Nikto

  11. Well, dungeons shouldn't be long uninterrupted tunnels.You should have doors, hidden passages and whatnot. If a tunnel ends with a door the next section shouldn't be visible until you open the door, or even if it seems to be a dead end, maybe there could be a hidden passage that's detectable only upclose. No everything needs to be covered by FoW
  12. I don't like FoW because the visible range is usually too small and restrictive... Being able to see at 10mt from my nose is annoying.
  13. Klaatu Barada N... Necktie... Neckturn... Nickel... It's an N word, it's definitely an N word!Klaatu... Barada... N*coughs*... Okay, that's it!
  14. it is stated clearly in the ks page that when the time comes, you will be asked if you want it on steam or gog and wil be sent the apropriate key. if you have ordered more than 1 copy, then you will be asked for each key individually so you can have 1 on gog and 1 on steam. Are you talking of P:E or wasteland 2? Bacause I was ot on wasteland 2. And on wasteland 2 page I only found a mention about a closed beta on steam.
  15. Well if push comes to shove we can hope in a good old expansion (not dlc) to provide, among other things, new levels for the dungeon!
  16. Any insight on where it is said that I'd be able to donwload it, say, from gog?
  17. Isn't savate something like a french version of kickbox?
  18. Again with the nunchaku. What's all this hate? Seriously, have you all been traumatized by him when you were children?
  19. RipTen: The Soul system/philosophy seems to underpin everything about what we know of Project Eternity (setting, society, etc). Can you talk a bit about how that will be woven throughout the combat and non-combat experience? In other words, how will souls link the narrative with the interactive aspects? Chris Avellone: We don’t want to give too much away on the story and narration at this point. That said, the idea of souls persisting from being to being, and being reborn and finding homes in people is a concept that not only gives more strength to the world and connections between individuals, but the purest (unfragmented) souls are able to allow individuals to create tremendous displays of power… and even souls that have fractured and shattered over time are capable of magic as well, although in different respects. This directly fuels our combat and ability system, and it is the source of the player’s and companions’ power, for example. http://www.ripten.com/2012/10/04/we-peered-deep-into-the-soul-of-project-eternitys-chris-avellone-interview/ with such premises, any race not having souls would be pointless
  20. I just wanted to spice up the conversation
  21. How about splitting the party sending 2 characters (rogue and priest) to stop the assassination attempt and the bulk of the melee group to fend of who is assaulting the village?
  22. As said few posts above, my idea of 'evil' is just being selfish and act only if the goal would benefit myself, no matter if what I do damages or helps others. If I have an archenemy, I would save him from death by hand of another because *I* have to be the one killing my archenemy. Vice versa being good would be being altruist and helping other even if not asked. People got robbed/killed on the streets and no one is lifting a finger? I'd try to capture the criminal even if not asked to and bring him to justice.
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