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Everything posted by DocDoomII

  1. Well, I don't know how real can it be, but I've seen some documentaries of tibetan monks wrecking piles of roof tiles with a hand and being hit with an iron bar and said iron bar bending. A fantasy martial art monk could very well being able to withstand projectile weapons to a certain degree... and why not throw punches in the face? Hands can be quite lethal if the enemy is not wearing a 100% covering plate mail. Usually armors have weak spots at the joints anyway and I bet that it's easier to fall a guy suited in plate mail than one dressed with shirt and pants.
  2. I'm not against martial arts monks, but they can be designed after Chuck Norris for what I care. I don't see the point of adding Monks similar to the Knight Templars though. They seems to be too similar to normal warriors or melee Priest.
  3. Drawback? You loose one skimpy clothed class slot!
  4. I said the same thing in another topic. It wasn't that much of a success...
  5. and I was wondering. How do you guys feel if there would be a possibility of creating your own spellbook? For example, remember how Nameless One made his own through a series of quests and dialogue, and even was commented by a mage at Sensorium how crappy his spellbook looked. How about a possibility of carrying multiple spellbooks, or grabbing enemy spellbook after his death? Maybe that's something to concider with idea of specific "suits" of prepared spells. Of course maybe I'm just on the wrong track here and stuff would be done differently. I support the idea of looting enemies' spellbooks. But I would like to find spell that I cannot learn instantly and need more xp/soul/skillpoints(?) so that a spellbook wouldn't just be a "uh, a new tome! *right click -> learn* uh I got 5 new spells" item.
  6. Exaclty, if I jump you with a pike that's long twice your sword you should be quite ad a disadvantage! The range of spears is the real disadvantage in an head-to-head encounter because it makes you inflexible and slow. Years of oriental martial arts movies all for nothing. Red Cliff, Hero, <no other movie comes to mind cuz I'm sleepy>! I curse your inaccuracy!
  7. But you could wear a ring 24/h 7/w. Wearing a loincloth that long of a time though...
  8. But 'mechanically' how would they be different from a standard warrior?
  9. I assume because if you think about occidental fighting monks you should end up with the Knight Templars.
  10. Exaclty, if I jump you with a pike that's long twice your sword you should be quite ad a disadvantage!
  11. No wait, I though the player character was the huge tentacle-thinghy in the back ground! You know, from one of the "Huh?" races
  12. This update is fantastic and the 2 new goals are very very interesting! I'm very thrilled right now!
  13. I prefer fullscreen, and the best results for fullscreen are at native screen resolution
  14. Lurking around these kind of topics is making me wonder if I'm the only one who actually liked IE games spell memorization... I feel lonely!
  15. More that the camera my concern is the visible area in general. Torment and Baldur's Gate 1 had such a low resolution that the visible area was absolutely small. I've recently installed Baldur's Gate Tutu with the widescreen mod, and I can say that now I have a great view, but at the cost of having really small characters and monsters at 1680x1050. I hope, if the camera distance is fixed, that they manage to find a good compromise!
  16. I couldn't have said it any better. Actually, I wouldn't have been able to even say it as well as you did, since I'm a bit sucky with my english, but that is exactly my point of view on the matter.
  17. It could be interesting if by some plot devices or game mechanics, as you progress, you can 'power up' your soul by recovering shards of it or being able to absorb other souls. (I think that in a video souls were discussed a bit and it was said that people could have souls able to remember past lives, or had more than one souls inside their body or that their souls was fractured or shattered)
  18. That's because a sword could get stuck in the opponent armor or bones if the swing cut really deep. With a mace you crush things and it's more difficult to get stuck. A good hit on the helmet could be fatal. I think about it that way, at least.
  19. The game should be 3D but with a isometric feeling camera, I think. DA:O with the camera at max distance wasn't bad at all.
  20. Autoheal nowdays is too common, and too lazy. There should be some mechanics though to prevent being able to rest 10 times in 5 seconds.
  21. Naked chainmail apron. Mind = Blown (as NKKKK said)
  22. I just thought of a way to solve the problem. Armor have to be made un-sexualized, so our side of the argument will be satisfied. For the other side, which likes skimpy stuff, the game can have a tattoo shop where the female characters can get themselves a tattoo of a skimpy plate armor. Or maybe a bodypaint. How's that? Huh? I'm a genius.
  23. In the old IE games dialogue were not 'scripted'. They were organized in a 'giant' file the dialog.tlk and they were conceptualized like a huge tree with various flags check at every branch of the discussion. If my mind still assists me. My times of dabbling with Infinity Explorer are long gone.
  24. I know that my topic didn't get too much attention, and therefore the point I wanted to discuss seems to be marginal to most of the furumites, but I'd like to see some hints from the developers. Pwetty pwease
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