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Everything posted by DocDoomII

  1. I beg forgiveness in advance for the OT. I saw that page already, but I couldn't manage to understand how will it be distributed. I don't want another client. I already have steam and origin (if there's a god I hope he can forgive me) and gog (even though it's just a download manager). I don't want other third party useless programs on my pc...
  2. Pledge rised. I welcome myself as the despotic "DocDoomII - Archvillain of the Obsidian Order" Pwetty pwease
  3. That's not really going to be all that accurate. Especially as we go more towards the end due to the unpredictable spikes in the last days. Nice nontheless I'll have to trust you on your words (and your first 2 graphs) since I'm new to Kickstarter (wish I knew about Wasteland 2).
  4. If anyone is interested I found this 'projection' graph http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/#chart-exp-projection
  5. And what about the booze? I'm so disappointed
  6. You don't like it when enemies use parachutes to jump down out of the sky?! No
  7. Hmmm, like in the Lord of the Rings (movie style) when they get swarmed just before the arrival of the Balrog!
  8. Just to be sure, since this is gonna be an "old school" type of RPG... there will be friendly fire at each difficulty level right? I don't want to see something like friendly fire being off unless you select the "hardest difficulty" like Dragon Age II.
  9. Crafting and enchanting are at 2.4 millions
  10. I too see it as simply 'augmenting' the characters range of ability/knowledge/"power".
  11. Waves of identical enemies that appear out of thin air right behind your caster/ranged
  12. Hordes are cool, granted that they don't spawn in multiple waves of identical enemies out of nowhere and mostly behind your second line (caster/ranged).
  13. I like my single player games to be offline.
  14. But Luffy is the nicest guy ever... Try asking him to share his meat Anyway, my point was that it shouldn't be only about money, or riches in general, but to be able to 'twist' the plot of a quest to get an ending fitting *my* purpose, and not that of the quest giver. Let's say that someone hires you to free a manor from an usurper and the one who hired you comes along. I'd like to betray the npc who hired me and let him fight alone the 'last boss' and then kill them both and take the manor for myself
  15. I see it as Luffy (OnePiece) does. "I don't want to be a hero! Heroes share their meat. I'm a pirate, I wanna eat my meat!"
  16. Bard's would be cool, but they need that something to make them more useful. Or at least give the feeling of being useful. In Baldur's Gate II I always felt that bards were a little useless or had too little to add to the experience.
  17. Or that by having weapons in their hands gives penality to spellcasting.
  18. I don't believe auto-regeneration of HEALTH after every combat is the current plan. Did you read that somewhere? Nah, I was only commenting on lobotomy42 post
  19. I plan to play as a chick, however they aren't mutually exclusive things. I *bro-fist* you, man! Is there any chance for this class to be something akin to an Illithid?
  20. You just want to uncover other people naughty secrets and have a harem of mind controlled women, don't you? Jokes aside, I'd like to have few more details on this class. It seems interesting, but quite vague.
  21. That could be interesting, but once you are a Lich, then what? I doubt that any level-headed villager or merchant will ever speak to you...
  22. They're called paladins. Or Clerics. But in P:E they called them Priests.
  23. Man, why are you so fixated on nunchaku? The last time I even saw one of that things it was in the Ninja Turtles tv series and I think it was the late '80s
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