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Everything posted by DocDoomII

  1. The next update should be at 11:00 AM PST. So, in less than 20 minutes.
  2. 2.5 million goal achieved even though we are still 3k$ short on kickstart this is confirmation that paypal is counted for the goal (i'm posting here because i don't remember in which topic was asked the question, sue me )
  3. Personally I'll create an archer. I'll need to see which class is best for it. Depending on the class system and mechanics I could go for a Wizard/Archer
  4. Yeah, I guess the devs were warned - which should be enough for the time being... I dunno, it was such a let down to me, that I'm gonna repeat myself like a broken record. Forever.
  5. In my experience with mods and games (in general), it's always a good thing to do a clean start after adding/removing a mod. Continue a game in progress after modifying something can be unpredictable.
  6. It's not really. You HAVE to think now about it to carry choices or plotlines over. Otherwise it feels tacked on or presents too much work. Otherwise you'll end up with Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age II. Bug aside, the imports impact were minimal, at most cosmetic 99% of the times.
  7. Are you all aware that with the base logic of the savegame being a 'cheat', a second playthrough would be the same thing, because you already know what is waiting for you behind the corner? So, would you like to be served with a game that only allow you to play it once?
  8. If I'm not mistaken a mail will ask you if you want the gog version or the steam version.
  9. I hope we get to go so deep that we'll start to find magma in some huge caves...
  10. Likes are better than a stupid facebook flash game with in-game rewards for P:E. Why whoever might have done this? Dragon Age?
  11. Icewind Dale for the beauty of the backgrounds map and dungeons.
  12. Feargus said that even if they are not numerically accounted into the page (cannot be added to the kickstarter numbers) they were going to count them toward the goals at the end of the kickstarter campaign. EDIT: from update 15 "Please note that pledges made through PayPal will not show up on our Kickstarter page, though we will count them toward stretch goals at the end of the campaign."
  13. I just hope that they will be able to integrate choices well in the sequels. I don't want it to be like importing from DA:O to DAII, or ME+ME2 into ME3. Teh Horror.
  14. The 55k backers goal is arleady reached if you count paypal. We are something like ~1800 backers short of a new level.
  15. Too far is: -2 Day One DLC (10 bucks each if you don't buy collector edition) -10 different single item preorders -Facebook flash game with ingame items(1-3 usually) -Bonus item(!) for X likes on facebook -DLC item packs for 10 bucks -Skin packs for far too much $ I'd say that: 20k likes on facebook for an entire dungeon level An entire dungeon level for each 2.5k backers Expansion pack (not day one DLC, but a big chunk of content) Wasteland 2 seem much more consistent and appealing rewards, that don't require you to spin your head over 10 different retailer to see what bonus you want to get or to do solly thing like play a social flash game that requires real time turn base combat or to have a ****load of friends to gain little bonuses.
  16. If by tomorrow you mean 10/10/12 than it's quite possible that it gets to 20k. I underestimated it because the first day the page got few likes, bu yesterday it spiked quite a bit.
  17. From the expansion I expect no less than a new area, faction, plot, classes and companion(s). Yay! (I know I'm a bit too enthusiast)
  18. Paypal should be around 30k by now, I think. Good thing for the new classes. I love having many classes to toy around with.
  19. Likes are better than a stupid facebook flash game with in-game rewards for P:E.
  20. I think that's the only expansion for an expansion I've ever seen...
  21. Nope, not delusional. They already said more than once that if the game goes well they want to commit to the new word they are creating.
  22. To the OP Fear not my friend. If it's like the old IE games and expansion, the expansion will be integrated in the main game, meaning that there will not be a cliffhanger. They have said that the base game will be in the league of the old IE games too, so it will not be short. Cut concept... well as of now they have only added stuff with the various stretch goals...
  23. NerdBoner, I'm just not interested in that kind of social media. But anyhow, shouldn't they use all the social media available? Even G+?
  24. Well, after unpleasant experiences with modern games I cringe at the word "expansion" or "DLC", no matter the context. But you're right. Technically, Throne of Bhaal was an expansion pack too It was, but yet it wasn't. That was way bigger than a normal IE expansion, since they considered it more like a BG3 (it's written in the manual too, I still remember reading that sentence the day that I bought it at release). I'm gonna translate from the italian here, so it may be inaccurate if some of you has the eng version of the manual: "Since the beginning of Baldur's Gate series we had in mind to create an epic trilogy. Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal is the final chapter of the trilogy and the conclusion of the son of Bhaal's saga. But don't worry, we have other great projects in the work."
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