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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. Another update... The Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine RPG -- A diceless RPG with what seems to be a fantasy/spirit setting... I'm not really sure. Successful at $90,081. (See above postings.) ZEITGEIST AP hardcover compilation -- Steam-powered fantasy setting for D&D and Pathfinder; Successful at $38,074. Deep Magic: A Tome of New Spells for Pathfinder RPG -- Pretty much a compilation of 500 spells, plus variant magic systems, &c. in a 200 page work. Succeeded at $126,031. Maelstrom Domesday [sic] RPG -- New edition of a 1984 system. Supernatural fantasy. Succeeded at £6,556. Space: 1889 - SF Role Playing in a More Civilized Time -- A new version of the victorian steampunk RPG. £4,642/£15,000 with 38 days to go. RED AEGIS Roleplaying Game -- Fantasy RPG with strategic aspects as you role play members of a family bloodline. $3,607/$25,000 with 37 days to go. Shadows of Esteren - A Medieval Horror RPG: Travels -- "A medieval roleplaying game somewhere between Ravenloft, Game of Thrones and Call of Cthulhu." Nice artwork. Succeeding at $65,434/$15,000 with 24 days to go. 1d100 - A Book of Lists -- A bunch of lists for generating random encounters, items, and so forth. Succeeding at $7,029/$350 with 7 days to go Shaintar: Legends Unleashed -- Fantasy setting for the Savage Worlds RPG. Player's handbook is already available. Succeeding at $24,421/$10,000 with 67 days to go.
  2. A stronghold on a remote mountain peak with no nearby farmland? Well I hope it either guards a valuable trade route or there are productive mines nearby. Otherwise you're not getting much income.
  3. Something they could do to make your background matter a little is to start you off with a small family inheritance: say a unique crafting recipe that you inherited from a parent or guardian. The nature of the recipe would depend entirely on which background you choose, and it would be unique--you couldn't acquire any of the family recipes through your adventures. In other words, it's a family secret. For example, suppose your family were pig farmers: you could inherit a crafting recipe to build a device for drawing small amounts of pure water out of the mud. This seems pretty worthless at first, until you figure out how to use it to veil yourself in concealing mist.
  4. I think the humor is in her reaction to his behavior. That's about it really.
  5. Unfortunately the exploding Corgi was kidnapped by an eager paparazzi. The headquarters of the London Sun was leveled, leaving nobody surprised.
  6. I don't care what software company you are talking about, if you don't wait for the second or third patch update then you are likely to run into significant bugs. I've played patched versions of FNV, KOTOR 1&2, and NWN2: they all worked fine for me.
  7. My understanding is that multi-player games require a lot of extra effort to build the networking functionality, as well as significantly more product testing. That can be a big chunk of the budget right there.
  8. I pledged at the level I did so that I can get a physical copy of the media and a printed manual. For me it's decidedly not a subject of debate, unlike virtually everything else around here.
  9. I've had a few second thoughts. Kickstarters that split their effort between single player and multi-player modes concern me as I'm not that interested in the latter: it means I'll only be getting about half the value of my donation. As a result I'm probably going to hold off and see what type of game they produce.
  10. I have no idea. The OGL assumes products in a written form. The license appears to allow for multiple forms of distribution and use, including broadcast. A potential licensing hangup could be in the use of any product identity material belonging to Paizo. http://paizo.com/PRD/openGameLicense.html
  11. If you're not using them and you know that they are going to expire, then selling them is probably the best option. I think they just need to make potions convenient to use so they provide a ready temptation.
  12. Having an option other than selling your old loot would be good. Perhaps when you get your stronghold, you can donate your lower level loot to your recruits? This would improve their morale and effectiveness in combat. You might also use the loot to pay off information sources and reward those who help you complete missions, thereby enhancing your standing with factions. I could picture having a dialog window for your stronghold subordinates, with each character row having three slots for loot items (e.g. armor, weapon, and shield) and indicators for morale and effectiveness modifiers. As you add loot to the slots, the indicators change accordingly. The effectiveness of the loot then impacts how well the subordinates fare on their assigned missions.
  13. I find manuals are useful for planning out your character development, particularly when the game doesn't do a good enough job. They are also handy when the game includes modding capability.
  14. Another approach would be to integrate the item crafting rules, giving each item a specific set of synergistic enhancements. Any enhancements outside this set would cost double.
  15. Green Light Backers Oh I guess that might be confusing... Expansion Backers Hmm, maybe not. How about... Carpet Backers Stacker Backers Ah, never mind.
  16. You know what's weird? People in fantasy worlds can develop a single potion solution to counter-act ANY poison in the entire world, no matter what it is. But, they can't seem to develop a vaccine to even a single one. It's all about the mindset. It's a relatively new concept to go from curing/treating a disease to preventing a disease. I know your post was tongue-in-cheek, but this is an actual problem even in real-life. Some cultures/countries are still in this mind-set where they ignore primary prevention and deal only in minimizing morbidity. Plus the potion is likely magic-based and of instantaneous duration. The equivalent to a vaccine is an item that proofs against disease with an infinite duration; something that seems to be expensive to create in a magic setting.
  17. The mechanic was officially announced, and they appear to have abandoned it for little or no reason. The explanation from Josh Sawyer seemed clear enough, and I respect his choice. I'm sure the designers have had to make many such decisions about what to keep and what to cut--it's just an inevitable part of the product design process. Hopefully there will be a little something for everybody to enjoy in the end result.
  18. The title appears misleading since Skyrim refers to the engine used. The game concept seems plausible, and being a mostly cybernetic form probably helps mitigate the automatic weapon damage to some degree. I'm not so sure about the A.I. idea though, unless you can temporarily download those into robots.
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