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Everything posted by morhilane

  1. Maybe people haven't realized that it doesn't work like in the IE games where an archer/ranged hitting a spellcasters would interrupt him/her/it most of the time. There was no stats associated to it back then and it only affected spellcasters. I always had a character on "interrupt duty" in the IE games, it was the best way of making sure the spellcasters wouldn't destroy me with their spells.
  2. I think people should stop to look at XP as a reward and start to think of it as a way to control the character's progression in the narrative.
  3. 50% increases would be plenty viable. Come to think of it, a 50% increase is pretty much what you could expect to see with max vs. min in their last major game: New Vegas. (Endurance 5 vs Endurance 10 was 50%, Charisma 1 vs. Charimsa 10 was 50%, think Int 1 vs INT 10 was about 50%, etc etc etc.) The attributes don't all increase at the same rate. Intellect increase via a rate of +5%/attribute point. You can get 100% increase to AE size and duration at 20. Resolve and Perception increase rate is +3%/point. This gives +60% Concentration at 20. Might and Constitution use a +2%/point increase. So you can get 40% increase with a stat of 20.
  4. The only thing Might does is make your hits do more damage (or healing). It doesn't increase how often you hit things, it doesn't make you hit in a larger area, it doesn't make you DoT/buff/debuff last longer, it doesn't protect you against interrupts, it doesn't help you interrupt enemies. High Might is useless if your accuracy sucks and you can't hit anything. High Might is useless if you get interrupted by every hit you receive. The attributes define what kind of role the character is going to have in the party along with his class. A support Priest will want Intellect and Resolve because his buff/debuff last longer, can affect more people at the same time and he doesn't get interrupted too much. A healing Priest might prefer Might to get better healing spells. A melee Priest might want Might and Dexterity to hit things hard. An Interrupt focused Priest will focus on Perception and Dexterity.
  5. I'm trying to understand how an ability that does way to much damage regardless of the amount of Might you have, means that Might is the stats everyone should max first. The Might 19 damage value is only 7% higher than the Might 14 one. If the ability only did 20 point of damage with Might 14, it would only do 21.4 point of damage with Might 19 using the same ratio. At Might 14, this spell does 38.33 point of damage per tick. It's way too much. If it did 10 point of damage per tick at Might 14, it would do 120 over 12 seconds and only 128.4 for a character with Might 19.
  6. Not my experience. A fighter left to his own is a dead fighter. To me, it's consistently the one PC that's always down. I never said I left the fighter to his own. I said I didn't micro-manage him. The only thing I do with BB fighter is putting one of his modal on (I tried both) and I let him swing away on the front line while my priest buff the party, CC stuff, restore stamina and debuff enemies, my wizard cast spells once in a while and use his wand, my rogue launch arrows stupidly or fight melee depending how close the enemies are to her. For my own character, it's totally depends what I'm playing.
  7. People seems to have a problem with this. A lots of the abilities are situational. They aren't meant to be used in each and every encounters even if they are per encounter. They exist in case you need them and want that character to play that way. You can easily let the fighter tank without ever using any of his abilities if you want, they are not required has long has you create a party strategy that works without it. And that strategy exist, because I never bother with micro-managing BB Fighter. I micro-manage the spell casters only.
  8. I like the OP suggestion. Actually, I first I though the red decal was health and stamina was the green bar and I was all confused because the priest spells were healing the red but talked about recovering stamina only.
  9. Update, after trying all the classes against the groups of "thugs" by the bridge. It seems like the real problem is the lack of feedback and responsiveness, not so much that combat is too fast. Basically, by not seeing the auto-attacks or other actions, it gives the impression that things are going too fast because you are taking lots of damage or dealing a lots of damage without seeing how it is happening. After my little trial today, combat isn't necessarilly too fast, it just lack visual feedbacks at the right time so I can make a guess of how things are going.
  10. I had a slogish Medreth fight last night has well (after talking to the entire town entering/exting buildings, etc). There was like 6 boars at the time. No crashes (but I have 16gb of memory). Today, I decided to go through the different classes and his group was the closest so they ended up with a fireball in the face a few time. In that specific case, the encounter was not slogish at all and there was no duplicated boar either.
  11. Auto-attack is bugged? I just learned something. It doesn't look animated for me, but stuff still dies even if I don't tell my characters to kill them. I also didn't find the combat more complex than in the BG games or Icewind Dale. It's different, because the spells and abilities are different, if not all new. There is a few things that annoy me: 1. Creature movement speed. It's a bit too fast or maybe it seems too fast because things do not react to being hit. You have to check the red pips and red numbers to know what is going on and even then it seems to be "differed" in term of information. 2.The disconnect between "request" and "action". I sometimes have no idea if one of my character is doing what I told them to do. Did it miss? Did my command go through? Is that a long spell or he is really doing nothing? For example, for a while I wondered if the Holy Radiance required a specific condition to be cast despite the button not being greyed because it never worked for me until my last fight last night. 3. Pathfinding is mostly annoying to when everything glue together and you can't tell who is who or select enemies easily.
  12. I think the point is to sse the stash when you pick stuff up you won't use. The problem is that the UI is not really intuitive about it.
  13. After 1.5 hours of gameplay (with a Chanter...I totally agree that they are overpowered and I was on easy). I did less or a more what was shown in the Gamescom demo (that's what it ended up like, wasn't exactly the plan). Combat - Combat is too fast in the sense that things move too fast into position and maybe some animation are too fast has well (while some others are probably correct like reloading the arquebuse and crossbow or casting a fireball). - In combat, entities tend to glue together, which create a weird mass of bodies where you aren't too sure who is killing what has well. - CC skills/spells might be too powerful when combined with ranged attack (once I discovered the CC spells that is it). Never lost a character and once I discovered the CC spells, barely got hit too. - Larger fights cause slow down (3+ mobs, so group of humans near where you start and near the drake nest, the pack of wolves too). Windows - The "get more detail" dialog (aka right click an item) in trade is confusing with the lack of close button and sometimes the existence of an enchant button. - The inventory system is somewhat confusing at first (pickup item from ground and inventory vs stash). Other comments - Good ambiance and music - I love the water - I love the dialogs
  14. Back in the days, BG1 and BG2 were considered 60 hours games, but in reality there was way more disparity between playthroughs. Probably more in the 30 to 80 range. Some people maximize their playthrough to avoid losing time in back and forth, fight, etc. That is something only possible on replay or by checking a walkthrough first though. Others do no care and take their time. That is how you end up with DAO complexionist playthrough that take between 45 and 120 hours. The difficulty level also play a part.
  15. Without spears and, euh, the roman armor. Although, it's rathe an unknown in term of classe (that and the druids). I still voted for them, because well I plan to play one.
  16. Nice update, it makes the Ranger looks very tempting. Although, I really want to know more about the chanters and the druids, but they are not in the same "class" group.
  17. I don't expect AAA games out of Kickstarters, especially when they are made by like 3-4 guys. Well, except from Star Citizen but that game is at 37+ millions now. People talking about managing expectation are right. People shouldn't be expecting the moons just because a known dev is making something with a few millions. A large part of a game success is because the project had good manager and a clear vision of what they wanted to do.
  18. I'm missing my badge too. Thanks.
  19. Not sure what the website is checking, didn't work from home on Firefox, but worked fine at work on Firefox. I saw somebody saying that no-script was an issue for him (doesn't have that, but I do use other means to stop being spammed by ads). Maybe this is what is causing people issues.
  20. There seems to be some issues with it. I can't complete it (got to the "checkout" to comfirm addons but it timeout). Now I can't even see the pledges. I'll wait for tomorrow...
  21. I think the website is "down" (or too many people are trying to access it).
  22. Somebody can never talk too much! At least this is what I answer when people tell me that I talk too much.
  23. Obsidian! Star Wars IP have just been bought by Disney, go pitch some KoTOR stuff to them! Oh and Ghost in the Shell pretty please... or any cyberpunk themed RPG. I'll buy this without thinking about it. Same for Firefly.
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