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Everything posted by morhilane

  1. Nice Coat of Arms LordCrash the Fallen Knight. *steal copy of image*
  2. As a French speaker, Cute-Eetude sound like quiƩtude when said really fast. Oh well, don't mind me. Welcome to you Cute-Eetude of the Obsidian Order.
  3. Just so you know, that feature have (almost?) totally disappeared from games in this day and age of hand holding, small areas and quest markers. All the old IE games had it and I used it a lot in Baldur's Gates to keep track of areas too hard for me or place I had to return to.
  4. WoW! A part 2 already! Well, welcome to the recent newcomers to the Obsidian Order of Eternity.
  5. 1st or 2nd option for me. I actually always forgot about "Bioware improvement" to the party system where you could switch pretty much everywhere. Although, I tend to never change my party once it is formed either.
  6. I think the best approach is what the IE games had when it come to good magical items. Some were found on bosses (or chest), some were rewards for quests, some were simply found hidden somewhere, some required understanding riddles/hints. But the most important part was that they were all hand placed, no random "all powerful" loot.
  7. *bring bag of fresh cooked cookies* Cookies for everyone!
  8. Untrue. I killed every enemies I encountered in some of the my Deux Ex (1) play-through despite them not giving me any XP. Killed enemies might not give you experience, but they can give you loots, money, quest items and/or alternate quest resolutions. Example: A mighty barbarian might not be able to coerce the prison warden to get a key. Killing him to pick it off his not yet cold body might be a simpler solution for him. Especially if he can't pickpocket him or pick the lock on the prison gate. A wizard might be able to confuse or mentally control the warden to open the gate, while a "thief" might be able to pick the lock or pickpocket the key from the warden to get the key. Why would the barbarian get more XP because he killed the warden, when the goal was to get inside the prison?
  9. The Order do party like there won't be a tomorrow or they ware loot so awesome that even the rats run off with it.
  10. Yay! for riddles and puzzles, please, I love puzzles.
  11. If we go for a $1000 tier, I suggest to pick an NPC an not an Inn/Tavern. We could design a storyteller/bard that sing BatNat song, have some lore/stories about the order and stuff like that. Although, I think the best would be for Obsidian to create a bunch of naked dead NPCs in "dungeons/caves" with random Order member names.
  12. I'm going to be 30 before 2012 ends. Favorite RPGs. hmm. BG2 have a special place in my heart (my 1st RPG and my 1st PC video games too), BG1 isn't far behind. Than we probably get Deus Ex (1st one) and Anachronox. These are the games I replayed the most.
  13. Localization would be a BIG push to the backers number, but professional translation is also expensive. Planescape Torment quantity of text (8 novels) would cost about $400k* per language. Although, if they want to make money with PE they have to translate it into German. It's the biggest market for PC RPGs on the planet.
  14. 116 and counting. Simply amazing. Now I feel so special to have seen the birth of this Order live yesterday.
  15. Welcome to new members! Jester BatNat that song is really nice.
  16. It's the first time I answer polls on a forum and I always pick the most popular choices. So weird.
  17. I would like to see a grumpy old man/woman. I think Anachronox had a really good example of what I want in Grumpos Matavastros. Note [spoiler for Anachronox below]
  18. We will soon have enough members to staff a castle and an army. Awesome! and welcome.
  19. So many new members. Welcome everyone! Knightshark of the Order, did you post on the wrong thread or did you want to show the awesomeness that are Icewind Dale 2D backgrounds?
  20. Something like Durlag's Tower would be nice I think. As long as it have: - different levels with various "ecosystems" - interesting encounters - puzzles and/or riddles - traps
  21. As usual Europe win when it come to RPGs. but I'm from Canada.
  22. There might be way more sisters than you think around the order.
  23. Finally got to post in here, I joined the order a long time ago... Azarhal the DemonLord, Bard and Keeper of Truth of the Obsidian Order of Ethernity. Azarhal, Bardy Keeper of the Obsidian Order will suffice.
  24. 1. Voted others. I think this feature really depends on the core of the combat system and its balance. Going by the Infinity Engine combat, a simple mana bar won't work. It won't feel the same, especially if it regen or there are potions. The way spells are treated as a resources need to create the feeling of urgency after multiple encounters. Not just one encounter than reset like "modern" games. This is how D&D was(is) balanced: a normal encounter (encounter level = party level) should consume 25% of the party resources. So after 4 encounter you have to "rest". I'm not a big fan of memorization though. It always felt a tad too inflexible to me. I guess Josh Sawyer will have to think on this one to have something flexible while keeping the IE games feeling of a spellcaster. 2. Individuals naming spells. There is something awesome using spells that have history and their own names. It's a like famous move in gymnastics: they immortalize the 1st to use them, their creator or their most popular user. 3. Separation between Arcane and Divine, I selected others here. We already know this is tied to the "souls" mechanics, so I doubt there is a division when it come to who allow you to cast spells. I personally think that "divine" should be a school of magic (sort of like a miracles school of magic).
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