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Everything posted by morhilane

  1. My choices: Potions and scrolls very rare. Of course "health" potions should be more available, but the other type of potions should be rare. As for "rogues" being able to use scrolls (similar to in D&D 3E), I don't think we have to limit it to rogues, especially if it is a skills. If Wizards can wear armor, everybody with the right skills should have access to magic too.
  2. Kickstarter is not a store, you are donating money so they can make the game, not buying something. The reward tiers exist as a thank you. Also, I wouldn't call a cosmetic pet content. I would gladly give you mine if I could (I don't care about cosmetic pets). Also, all Kickstarters get in game stuff that nobody else will get once the game is released (achievement and item).
  3. I sort of like having level of coinage (gold/silver/copper being the usual setup). I would like something different from those, weird names are welcome. I definitive no to weight though, well unless they add storage and a banking system, but that could take too much time. As for different currency, I like it for a specific faction/race to only use something else internally.
  4. Divine Divinity 2 had telepathy dialog "choices" (it had its own button in the dialog UI), but it didn't always work and consumed your XP for each usage (increasing amount depending of levels). Sometimes the person was too strong-willed and knew what you did. Sometimes there was nothing to gain to use it. Sometimes you got secret information about hidden lot or other way of solving a quest. Also Divinity 2 didn't have multiple dialog choices for persuasion and other thing like that.
  5. From update 16, it seems like all Paladins were eaten by the Kerfluffles gelatinous cubes.
  6. Tim's explanation about the spell cooldown make it sound a bit like the D&D 3/3.5E Sorcerer, but without the spell selection limitation (which is based on the grimoires/tomes for Wizards and Faith for Priest in PE) and no need for resting (it's all in the background). Still unsure if I like it or not.
  7. Update 16 have some good news for modders. I copied the whole thing because I'm lazy.
  8. DA:O suffered from "MMOization" mostly. I'm talking about the cooldowns, flashy abilities and lack of info on abilities tooltips (until mods were released).
  9. I think I want an exotic small pet. Maybe a small animated rock? As if a soul fragment moved into it.
  10. Going by the op list we are now 252 members! Welcome the the latest additions too.
  11. I don't think there is any limitations and the Order doesn't say no to possible recruits.
  12. How am I supposed to walk around with 10,000,000 golds, 10 suit of armors, 30 weapons and 100 potions if everything have weight?
  13. I hate big houses in RPGs (aka fortress). I prefer something smaller that doesn't make me feel like the richest person in the game. Like a ship or a medium-sized house (it still need to be big enough to house my companions).
  14. I played all of them. BG2 was my first RPG. I stuck with the genre after that.
  15. I voted! So, I have no interest in merchandises. I don't really care about being "in" the game, but I wouldn't say no to a lore mention or an humorous mention.
  16. Wow! So many new members. lol Parhelion the Ascendant, you just reduced the value of infinity.
  17. too late i already have, i am retiring from shield design, i would like to thank my fellow Knights and my mom, for their early support but we have progresed from those early days (was it realy only 10 days ago?) NooooooooooooooOO!
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