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Everything posted by Aedelric

  1. I have to admit I was not expecting much out of these I do not normally enjoy fan music, but I was glad I was wrong in this case. Very, very good work Armand, I hope you manage to do more. Shame Project Eternity has no voice acting, a crazy bard following us around making songs of our adventurers in your personal style would have be amazing.
  2. In this case it does, tried and trusted in many, many games.
  3. I had to think about it for a moment, but yes, they did remove it. Oblivion and Morrowind definitely had durability though.
  4. You are right PsychoBlonde, being only rewarded for quest completion does force you to only ever do the quest, but we would be doing quests regardless. The problem only arises, if we only have one option to complete the quest with not alternative path or alternative outcome. I do have a problem with the concept of an NPC handing out worldly experience like it is some sort of currency, it is ridiculous to me. One should gain experience through their actions during the quest and only a item or monetary reward for the quest itself. Edit - When I went to college it was the years of learning that gave me experience, not the guy that handed me the certificate at the end, the certificate was just the reward.
  5. The "Where are you from" poll says otherwise.
  6. Bandages, herbalism salves and sending companions home to rest. Injuries are fine, but not extreme ones that could not heal, like removing eyes or limbs. I would like to see a game that does not use potions and magical healing spells. Surprised anyone ever dies in those kinds of games. Edit - Definitely no regeneration!
  7. If you take that as a model for what to do in Project Eternity, then you can't go wrong.
  8. I like that idea, it is the only loyalty tracking method I would find acceptable. Edit - Romance (If included) could also be a factor.
  9. Obscure references, I would like to hunt them out. As for the kind of satisfaction in obtaining them, I can not say I care much personally, the fun is in the journey, so how we get them is quite important. What I do not want to see is that they are listed in every merchant inventory. Their is no fun in saving up to buy the biggest gun in the shop. Also knowing right from the start what are the best weapons lessens the sense of accomplishment of obtaining lesser gear earlier in the game.
  10. I voted both, depending on culture/NPC should depend on system used. Side note, I do not like hugs.
  11. Many games have great races, Forgotten Realms has Kobold, Guild Wars has Skritt and Charr, I would love to see things inspired by such great races. I am happy with many things, so long as the new races are not utterly ridiculous or something we know very well but with an new yet unpronounceable name.
  12. I do not want every companion to be my best friend for life from the moment I meet them. The games I enjoyed the most are the ones where I had to earn their trust, where later in the game I was rewarded due to their loyalty. I would also say having meters, scales or numerical values denoting how loyal people are is immersion breaking, it is better to not quite know.
  13. I am for cursed items. I find a sword in a tomb that has not been disturbed for hundreds of years I do not expect to know what properties they have. I do expect however to be able to use without identifying, after all a sword is a sword, be it with good or ill effects. I am not keen on how modern roleplaying games assume your main character is a grandmaster lore keeper that knows the personal history of every magical item ever created. We need one of the non-combat skills to be lore.
  14. No giant comical weapons, no Buster Swords or Soul Edge's. It is a thing I hated with the change in art direction for Dragon Age II.
  15. The UI will be good, it Project Eternity does not have a console version to sell it's soul to. The only major thing I want with the UI is for players to be able to mod it. That way players that want a BG I & II UI clone can make it themselves, those that want unobtrusive minimalist interface can mod it to be like that.
  16. Not an easy question, it adds realism but in most games all durability/repairing serves to do is make us travel back and forth to an NPC for repairs, wasting gold, or worse, forces you to spend money to purchase and carry around many repair kits. Neither option is enjoyable and if a game mechanic is not enjoyable, then it should not be in. If it was included I want to be able to disassemble items into components (which weigh nothing) and use those components to repair and even improve an item (including increasing durability). As for magical items, they should loose potency when repaired, unless the items used in its repair are of a magical property of equal value.
  17. Icewind Dale, it is one of my favourite roleplaying games. Even though I played Baldur's Gate first, the setting, story and music of Icewind Dale won me over instantly.
  18. People like romances in games and even though I personally never bother with them, they should be included. Many classic RPG's that Project Eternity is basing itself off had them, seems appropriate that it should have them also. I always like to play a no-nonsense soldier type that is all about getting the job done and has no time for romance. Just because I have no interest, does not mean other should suffer, after all it would be optional.
  19. Grow facial hair as a stretch goal for four million? Do you know how stupid this sounds? Edit - I would rather see traditional game content incentives or bringing on popular guest developers.
  20. I want slavery in the game, so long as I have choices to fight it or outright stop it.
  21. I would like master crafted items to actually mean something. In most games if it is not magical it is vendor trash.
  22. You are entitled to your opinion, I disagree though, it is not really worth my time arguing with you I do have better things to do with my life. :D
  23. Other. I would like it to be modular, I would not mind having to build it and deciding what kind of rooms should be built.
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