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Everything posted by Aedelric

  1. This is what difficulty levels are for. Find normal too easy, try hard, find hard too easy, try extreme.
  2. All, except Planescape, Icewind Dale was my favourite.
  3. The developers were in the interview btw. If you read more post here I said I miss read it. Here we go 8( I actually did read more, thought you could do with the advice anyway, in-case you are tempted to make more topics.
  4. You should get your information directly from the developers, not rely on hearsay Vampero. Link.
  5. For the love of god, do not add the names Zweihander or Einhander for English language. They are German words for two-handed and one-handed. Also no Japanese weapons, overused and not appropriate for late medieval high fantasy setting.
  6. Nitpicking is not going to help anyone, a concession was made and if Obsidian does what every post asks the new image will end up being a ridiculous monstrosity. The game is isometric, we will not be able to see trigger guards, we probably will not be able to notice belt straps beyond the character inventory screen. This topic is no longer about making a logical improvement to a character but trashing a perfectly fine piece of artwork, I elect for a lock.
  7. If you make the effort to read only a little about the project you will realise that it is designed to be single player, Tim Cain even states this.
  8. Justin, I know you guys want to release the soundtrack and it is part of the reward system for kickstarter, but any chance we can get an .mp3 download of the kickstarter teaser music to enjoy?
  9. And your rant does what for this topic? You said nothing different than your previous post, if it is how you feel and you do not trust Obsidian, then you should not be here.
  10. Happy Birthday Chris, and all the other members of Obsidian that we missed this year because they are not as famous.
  11. I would say such things are quite likely, being Obsidian and all.
  12. I was watching the trailer again and paid attention to the concept art. This image is similar in design to the two companions, to me he looks like an elven mage and he happens to have trousers, no robe in sight. Anyone know more?
  13. Money is not the main issue, legality is. No permission, no patch.
  14. My desk is very clean and neat, all I wanted to do during that video was tidy it all up. Glad my girlfriend was not watching, the swaying would have made her very sick, odd camera movements do that to her.
  15. You are right, it does need explained in the lore as you said, but being smart means more power would also need explained also. As I said above, it is information we have to wait to be filled in on.
  16. In Eternity it is drawn directly from ones soul and it has been stated that magic is not uncommon. I have a feeling one would not need to be smart but just capable of it, still, we will have to wait and see what they say.
  17. Level requirement equipment, I am with you on that Oerwinde. Equipment requiring specific stats and another thing I do not want to see. The dagger requires 80 Strength? What is it made out of Lutetium? 90 Dexterity to put on these trousers? What happens if I try when I only have 80? Do I choke to death because I clumsily trip and they wrap around my head?
  18. Intellect and charm should play a bigger role and open up additional avenues to solve conflicts, but also to make situations much worse when confronting irrational and unstable characters. On the subject of magery and intelligence, I do not think they should be strictly tied together like in other games. A smart man does not make a powerful mage, and a stupid orc (insert any Eternity beast race here) can make a dangerous shaman.
  19. No facepalm picture in the word is appropriate for how I feel right now.
  20. All the beastly men I did not have the imagination to include.
  21. Not unless she shrunk several sizes. Seems to me that people has a problem more with he size than the plate shape.
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