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Everything posted by Aedelric

  1. True, it seems like all classes can tap their souls for otherworldly benefits. But come on, he does seem mage like does he not?
  2. The whole point of the title monk means they are religious. Other weapons? Dear god do not say nunchaku.
  3. How about we drop martial arts entirely. Guns, magic, swords, archery and some semi-naked lunatic runs around trying to punch people in the face? I am all for suspension of disbelief, but that is being slightly ridiculous. Hospitilar/Flagellant is the way to go I think.
  4. True a fighter/priest with zealot fury, but still better than a kung-fu monk. Edit - Nice concept Shadenuat, much better than kung-fu monks.
  5. Continuity, nothing in the game so far is Asian, it all has European, specifically Celtic origins. Edit - As above stated, all traditional high fantasy is based off European myths and legends.
  6. To stop derailing the other topic, we can discuss the pro and con's of the Monk class here. Personally I am completely against a stereotyped Asian kung-fu fighter with spiritual overtones. The archetype has been done over and over again, in many varying settings and in most cases when set within a high fantasy medieval world it often feels and looks out of place. How can this be addressed? In European culture monks traditional are peaceful, tend herb gardens and wear habits dedicating their lives to god. But the crusades changed that and we had the likes of Hospitilars, warrior monks who took vows to fight zealously for god and heal the wounded. A much more likeable monk archetype in my opinion. Are you for kung-fu monks or against? Edit - Good suggestion was flagellants.
  7. The answer is in the question. I want continuity and I would prefer european medieval fantasy that does not include eclectic parts of overused asian stereotypes.
  8. Agreed, that would be a far better approach to monks, more in keeping with the medieval style they said they are aiming for.
  9. Well, Monks are in like it or not, we can not change that. But we could suggest a different approach, that is not the staple fung-fu kicking, nunchaku swinging action stars that we dislike. But my lack of imagination could never let me come up with something better.
  10. Agreed, monks should tend gardens and wear habits. Kung-fu monks just do not fit that `late medieval feelĀ“ but I am sure someone likes it, probably the same people that want samurai and ninjas.
  11. I have never been keen on shape-shifting in most games, mainly due to the fact the creatures vary so extremely in size. Transforming would be great, but only humanoid like monsters of the same proportion. Becoming a cat, rat or gnat, should be left up to conventional illusion magic instead of physical transformation.
  12. I was going to instantly click yes. But I paused and thought best not. The cost would be too much and the money would be best used on other aspects of the game. Perhaps would be good for Eternity II though.
  13. I am happy to continuously misread is as Dry Wood.
  14. That loin cloth Cadegund has seems to be quite the liability. Judging by the symbols on her armour, the white and silver colouring, and the fact he seems to be summoning a spell of some kind, I would say she could quite likely be a priestess. A wizard with trousers, that should make a bunch of people happy. My favourite is Edair, a fighter without full plate, exotic shield or a fancy helm, his attire seems quite normal, which I like a lot! He and Cadegund will definitely be in my party. The monk guy with the burning hands is the only one I do not like much. I do not care for fighters that use martial arts, everyone has swords and guns, yet he runs in fists first, utterly senseless. I have a feeling he is a member I will likely replace with the Adventurer's hall. Great wallpaper, I am looking forward to seeing another with the stretch goal companions.
  15. Can we only have one or the other? I like swords and rings, but I see no reason why we can not have the other things you suggested additionally. But let me say, this is a high fantasy game with a late medieval theme, I expect to get my sword, shield and rings. What I do not want to see is large quantities of magical items, it lessens the value of normal items, effectively making them vendor trash.
  16. I forgot to mention Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption. So many twists really took me by surprise, especially since I knew nothing about the setting or the game before playing. If only Overhaul games were to get their hands on that gem.
  17. I never read that, do you have a link to the comment/blog or whatever it was? I would like to read it. Also, how can someone run out of soul? Spells are meant to be soul powered after all.
  18. Only thing worse than generic is when someone tries to be too original and we end up with an unrecognisable monstrosity. They said high fantasy so we can know what to expect, but this is Obsidian, we should expect some twists.
  19. Becoming slightly useless in a fight when out of spells is part of the trade-off for being very powerful when fully prepared, everything works as intended It will be interesting to know how magic even works in Eternity, who knows, their might not even be a situation when a character is out of spells.
  20. Music is subjective, personally I thought Dirge of Eir Glanfath was the best and all were quite impressive.
  21. He is very talented and I am sure he could do whatever artistic style that is asked of him, but these pieces lack the character and style of Icewind Dale, which is apparently the artistic direction of Project Eternity. Obsidian has many very talented artists, I personally would prefer to see everything handled in-house, this is their baby.
  22. I have played many RPG's so it is not easy to pick one single moment. But if forced I would say the moment when Shepard walked out of the wreckage at the end of Mass Effect one, to the sound of the heroic music. It was such an emotional ride from start to end and that scene was so very satisfying. I instantly started a second playthrough after that and Bioware made my number one RPG company. How times have changed, Bioware fell from grace and I can not even count two and three as RPG's at all, I do not think either would rank anywhere close to my top fifty. My second place was Martin's death in Oblivion, Sean Bean bought that character to life!
  23. I would prefer limited with decent sized stacks, and perhaps the ability to craft and enchant them also.
  24. You expect him to compose a new theme in just fourteen days? That is asking a bit much is it not? Not that I would mind if he did. :D
  25. Considering the whole game is actually still in the designing stages, anything that is added now would be as well planned as as they humanly could, unless they time travel of course. Nothing to worry about to be honest.
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