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Everything posted by Aedelric

  1. Well, having painted backgrounds does not lend itself well to zooming. I am for pure isometric, if you want to look at how sexy your character is, look in the inventory/character screen.
  2. Most people are not against the class but the stereotype looks, abilities and background it generally comes with.
  3. Rubbish interviewer, great concept art and some insightful comments by Mr. Avellone.
  4. So, every time something improbable comes along, we should just say "It's magic" and let is pass? Well I guess that point should have been used for whole Cadegund breast plate drama. What you say does not address the countless other points and dislikes people have raised over the course of this topic in regards to this class.
  5. Not liking kung-fu monks has nothing to my opinion on magic fuelled defence or attack. As for every other class, I love them, I would not want to see them changed. So suggesting that I make a thread to throw them out is quite comical.
  6. Well, then I am for it, so long as warriors wear suits of glass. @@
  7. But that is exactly what you described. Regardless, you are obviously for kung-fu monks, we do not all have to agree. Seems the forum community is fairly split, some dislike the stereotype, some like. I am starting to think I should have made a poll.
  8. Tolkien's Elves were special, but they did have souls like most other fantasy settings, I think they were referred to as spirits in the books, when they died they travelled to the Halls of Mandos.
  9. It is exactly that kind of nonsense as to why this topic exists. I find such extreme antics undermines other classes. To a degree I am fine with a Monk class, but it needs to be grounded and not rely on the kung-fu stereotype.
  10. I never play evil characters, but you make a good point with your original post Kabaliero. People play evil not just for evil's sake, but to profit from it. They should be rewarded and punished for their deeds as much as any altruistic good character. A good person needs love of the people and be given gifts, but should also be crossed and taken advantage of by not quite so noble people. Bad guys should get their statue of gold and high ranking friends, but in the same respect also suffer due to the peoples hatred and their reckless crossing the wrong people. I would like to see Obsidian strike a good balance with this concept.
  11. Yes, that confused me also, every fantasy setting I have known they have had souls. I see no reason why they would be different in this case.
  12. Any class can be anti-mage, you do not need a monk for that.
  13. I am not keen on the idea of an engineer, primitive guns is fine, but an engineer introduces a more advanced element that I do not think works with the setting revealed to us so far. In you want bombs and alchemy, then just have an alchemist class.
  14. Ah, a feature, so not all will be so, that is good.
  15. Hmm, some people are mixing a berserker with a barbarian, a berserker can be a barbarian and a barbarian can be a berserker, but they are not one and the same. The class is barbarian, so do not automatically assume red rage. Unless Obsidian stated otherwise, did they?
  16. Hard to say at this early stage with so little information, but things seem to indicate that they will be inspired by the aos sí. I am quite happy we will have barbarian elves, I am a bit tired of the habit of developers to cast them as an oppressed, endangered weak race. I am looking forward to Elves having a bit of wrath and danger to them.
  17. No one wants a historically accurate replica of medieval Europe, you are being hyperbolic Umberlin.
  18. It does not matter how boring a world is, so long as the plot is utterly gripping you are unlikely to mind But if a world is fantastical and diverse you will still get bored when the novelty wears off because it has a rubbish plot. So, most definitely plot first.
  19. I do not mind if they make it revolve around a race, faction or city. So long as the story is utterly gripping and we are not set on a specific path with no choice. Also, I like humans, I am one after all.
  20. I can say what I do not want, Dragon Age two style seemingly endless waves of enemies dropping from the ceiling. Infinity Engine games are a good example of what works well, they should stick to that.
  21. I am looking forward to seeing what they look like.
  22. Yes. from page one by Shadenuat. I agree with your post, but a direct copy of Warhammer though not overused would not be a better solution, they would have to be unique to Eternity in some way. Many of their aspects could be used in an intriguing class which really would be good, also having a fairly insane zealot companion would be quite a bit of fun as you said. I think your post spoke for itself.
  23. I take it you are for kung-fu monks then, not everyone has to agree.
  24. Read the rest of my post, please I did, I did not want to comment though.
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