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Everything posted by Aedelric

  1. I am fine with repeating dialogue, I forget what I ask people some times or need to ask again because their is information I need but ignored. It would be good if they get more irritated with the player character each time till the option to ask said question is eventually removed and only met with an disgruntled `go away´. What dialogue needs is more reactivity, specifically to what the player has asked previous and already knows.
  2. So, what Obsidian needs is twelve years to produce the game, because that is the length of time is takes to come up with a polished setting with believable languages such as in Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire. I say keep it simplistic, everyone speaks common so the game is enjoyable without requiring a dictionary. But keep the illusion of depth with snippets of various ancient languages throughout the world. I agree the one thing we need the most is continuity, although we do not need much in the way of languages, when it is used it has to be well thought out. Also it is fairly `hyper-nerdy´, and so are the cool down crowd.
  3. As close as makes no difference, if Paypal numbers does not cover it, four days are left and the remaining pledge money required is easily obtainable. Zeits fans can celebrate.
  4. Yes, I mentioned this a while back in the `random encounters´ topic "I want random encounters to worry me and potentially be scared when they happen. I want some to be un-winnable, were I have no choice but to lay a decoy and high tail it out of the region as fast as I can." My opinion is still the same, we need a bit of fear when venturing the world and not to feel like we are unbeatable or the strongest person with no equal. But it can not be overused, as was said in the poll, it would cause frustration and games are meant to be first and foremost fun.
  5. I have to say sheathing weapons is something I actually expect in a modern game and assumed would be included, even if said game is inspired by classics that did not have weapon sheathing. Was always odd to walk about town or a temple looking like you are about to beat people senseless. I see where you are coming from Osvir, a lot of games have really bad looking helmets. But I think in this case I would prefer if one did not wish to have the visual representation of their armour on their character, they should pay the penalty of no head protection. Though perhaps they could receive a slight perception bonus (Or other skill/statistic) to make up for it.
  6. I actually agree with this, I was ambivalent about the whole "Get Zeit's on this project" movement. But as he will be on the project soon and he will be a main writer I am interested to hear his opinions and desires for the project. Much in the same way that we have already heard from Tim, Chris and Josh.
  7. She is a fighter ready for combat and is dressed appropriately. As for wearing armour while travelling the Roman legion wore armour while walking long distances all the time. If you are basically asking for her to have multiple armour sets for town/travel/combat, then you are asking too much from the art and animation team, they do not have infinite funds. Edit - The breast plate and chain bikini discussion has been long over, you are quite late for that. If it is your preference as you say then you are out of luck as the developers wisely have gone for realistic armour styles.
  8. It is exactly what they promised, essentially Infinity Engine plus. Edit - Forgot to say, it looks absolutely fantastic!
  9. My word that is a beautiful sight, I am absolutely loving the screenshot! Anyway, I came here just to say that, now I am off to read the rest of the update. :D
  10. An arena is a cheap way to create content with much less work, requires no story and reuses mobs from the rest of the game. I am not against an arena as such, but my experience with them has been lacking, Bethesda has done the best so far, they did have a quest which revolved around it, but with only three or so fights, it was utterly wasted. Killing countless mobs does is not quality content, Dragon Age 2 proves that, so if they add an arena it has to be special and have a rich lore plus quest to accompany it. Edit - Just to say the Bethesda game was Oblivion.
  11. I missed that, thank you Osvir. Edit - If prone is in and we can not use skills while prone, what use will it be? I can not imagine it would be much use for sneaking around.
  12. True Rjshae, but with those classes the majority almost always swings to the positive, not monks which seem equal.
  13. I felt the same way until I upgraded. Windows 7 is leaps and bounds better than XP, it's worth the upgrade just to upgrade windows. And X-Com....yeah it's worth it man! No, an upgrade is not worth it, their is nothing 7 can do that I can not do with what I have, my music works, my games work, youtube works, Google chrome works. Unless windows 7 has a feature that lets money magically generate from my un-used disc drive (Thank you age of digital download gaming) then an upgrade is pointless. As I said, X-com would work on XP if it was not for sloppy coding, which I am not going to reward with a purchase. Anyway, lets not derail the topic, back to cover.
  14. Not Xp compatible damn them! I will not upgrade till I am forced, I love X-com but it is not worth upgrading for, especially since the only thing stopping compatibility is sloppy coding. Anyway, I agree with others, it may not fit well into this setting, X-com is fully 3D with dynamic camera angles. With a true isometric game it would be a utter pain to try and target people that are concealed and hard to tell if your own people are in cover or have half their body sticking out. It does not feel right and I have a hard time visualising a scenario where it would work well.
  15. Yea, I should have added one, but I did not think at the time and given my opinion is to drop martial arts and have a different kind of monk entirely, that would have coloured the poll a bit. I think the community is slightly divided on the subject, some like and some dislike, Obsidian has no hope of satisfying everyone with this class.
  16. They are challenging the stereotypes I grant you that, many classes seem to have a nice twist. Monks on the other hand, we know little and what we have seen fit exactly with the stereotype we know and many wish to avoid, even the lovely wallpaper they released reinforces this view.
  17. Yea, turns out I accidentally clicked a different video, but I caught my mistake early.
  18. I see, I do not think that solves much, fist fighting mages and sword wielding paladins while semi-naked is insane. A different martial arts does not fix that discrepancy, regardless of background and lore.
  19. You are replacing one martial arts with another FlintlockJazz, how is that better?
  20. The attire is not really to my taste, I would rather not have image like these inspire the team.
  21. Obsidian have many great artists that can do the job very well Dwarven ranger is a fine example, but Justin's artwork really does speak for itself. Does anyone know if he even wants to be involved?
  22. Obsidian have made games before, they know what they can do and what they can not. 100k for each stretch goal is essentially another developer on the project specifically to create content for said stretch goal. Nothing so far seems extreme or unattainable, to suggest they can not seems preposterous, perhaps as preposterous as the 150 hours gameplay figure you pulled out of the ether Rahelron.
  23. Something similar to Crossroads keep, Vigil's Keep, Battlehorn Castle. many games have done it and done it well. To be honest I was expecting a Stronghold stretch goal, but at the rate this project is going getting a 2.9 and 3 million stretch goal plus achieving it is not impossible.
  24. I agree with the general consensus here that we have enough at the moment, but if I was forced to choose one from the list I would pick Necromancer, though I never play them myself. Basically we are at a stage where most of the traditional classes are a dilution of the ones already set Assassin/Thief is just a Rogue, Swashbuckler/Knight is just a Warrior, Illusionist/Sorcerer is just a Mage. Anything added now would have to stand out as truly unique, so far Necromancer is the only one that fits the bill. (Tinker/Technomancer/Engineer does not fit that 14th century theme)
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