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Everything posted by Aedelric

  1. Races I do not want to see; Pixies Halflings Gnomes Cat people Races I do want to see; Beastmen Bird people (Can not fly) Small Ratmen
  2. I never really got into the Witcher series, but I can agree with that Tuco.
  3. I am sure Mr. Brennecke is disappointed, he had his first phone interview and all the community can talk about is female chest pieces. :D
  4. Having varying levels for each and every of the magical effects in the game would require a great deal of artwork. I am for it, if the money stretches.
  5. Says the person using apostrophes incorrectly... I apologise, his text was just hard to read.
  6. This project is their baby, they would be foolish not to pour their soul into it and fix every bug and glitch they find after release.
  7. We still on female chest pieces? :D How is it so immersion breaking to have slightly rounded bosom? Most of the time we will be playing from an isometric view point and not be even able to tell. The only time we will ever notice is in the character screen and its not like that is the bulk of the game.
  8. You do not need spaces before comma's and full stop's. No one wants glitches and bugs, least of all the developers. Stating you do not want them will not stop it happening, give them more funding and they can test the game better and hire more artists. Go donate ten thousand Kyonhism.
  9. Yes and enjoyed them. Also, why would anyone be here if they had not?
  10. You are comparing sketches to a painting. Edit - Just to clarify, one is a concept sketch, the other a painted character portrait. Their is no difference in art direction, the dwarf is the art direction, the concept sketches are just that, concept.
  11. I want random encounters to worry me and potentially be scared when they happen. I want some to be un-winnable, were I have no choice but to lay a decoy and high tail it out of the region as fast as I can.
  12. Was it really an issue of publishers changing their deadlines, or was it just Obsidian failing the meet their deadlines and the publisher not willing to let them push it back? I don't know the details either way but I don't see why publishers would go around shortening previously given deadlines. Bethesda bought the rights to Fallout 2004, they released their game 2008 (Four years to make). Even if Obsidian started the moment Fallout 3 was released, that is only two years, we know they did not even have that long. Knights of the Old Republic Sith Lords, Lucas Arts forced an early release to make the holiday sales, hence the mass of cut content. Alpha Protocol was never fully patched well because Sega dropped all support, a developer can not release patches without permission from the publisher. Obsidian have always got the short end of the stick, the blame falls on the publishers almost every time. I expect great support and I do not expect cut content or forced early release this time. Edit - As for a company going over budget on their product, that is their own problem. Everyone that backs Kickstarter knows it is a risk, that is the only drawback of Kickstarter.
  13. Quite right about the restrictions and timetable Luckmann. We can only hope it has better path finding Rjshae, but it would be hard for them to make it worse to be honest.
  14. You are right to be concerned, Obsidian does have a certain track record. But as you said yourself, most if not all the blame rests with the publisher, they shorten deadlines which demands cut content, they give permission for patches when bugs are present, they are the ones that quality control the product, so if it is released buggy, they are to blame. Obsidian has no meddling publisher this time. Edit - Budget depends on the kind of game, doubtful Obsidian will release figures. But fully voiced triple A would cost millions.
  15. No level scaling. No quick travel. No quest trackers or pointers. No.. and I can not stress this enough. No auto dialogue!
  16. All the art is good, but for quality coloured pieces like the dwarven ranger takes time. These sketches are just that, early concepts showing the direction they want to take the characters. They serve their purpose for now, we will no doubt be impressed as the project moves on and the team have had more time to create art assets such as the dwarven ranger.
  17. Yeah. Ad I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Icewind Dale was inspirational for PE'S art. I haven't seen any IWD quality art so far. The dwarven ranger screams Icewind Dale.
  18. Alternate paths are always good, more freedom of choice. I would also like to have alternate paths that trick the player and actually make their situation worse!
  19. I am expecting a game equal to any one of the classic infinity engine games, no more. Obsidian are great developers who have proven their ability to come up with great characters, story and game systems. Since this project has no meddling publishers and no Intellectual Property restricting its design or story direction, their is no reason to not at least be a bit excited.
  20. At least she is wearing plate that covers, I am only ever bothered when they happen to be metal bikinis.
  21. Their was a case not long agoabout this stuff. I loved Diablo and Diablo II. Diablo III on the other hand did nothing for me, I watched the videos and read the info like everyone else, but it just did not have classic dark gothic Diablo feel about it the others had. As such I never bought the game, hearing most peoples opinion it was obviously the right thing to do. Edit - Torchlight is just too comical for my tastes.
  22. Yea, this is the third topic on this subject I have read, not sure we need another. You should use this topic which was only made earlier today.
  23. No, gold should not have weight. Simply because all that happens is people start to carry around other objects that are lighter yet worth more money (For example diamonds), all it does is essentially trade one currency for another.
  24. A fantasy RPG without sewers would be shocking, I hate walking through them, but not having them would not feel right. Swamps are great if done well, but often they are so gloomy I just do not want to spend any time in them and get out as soon as possible.
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