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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Short is relative. Instruments of Pain give you +500% range. That is raange times 6. A reach weapon has a range of 1.8. 1.8 x 6 = 10.8 meters. Hope it really works this way... I'd love to find an awesome reach weapon and use it from distance. Or summon one.
  2. The Fury's attack is considered ranged. For example Taste of the Hunt (melee only) won't work with it. What does work is Two Handed Style (also works for bows etc.) and also Driving Flight (giving you an additional jump) as well as Marksman. Heart of the Storm gives the attacks +1 PEN (they do shock damage primarily). So no Carnage. Shattered Pillars do generate wounds with all ranged attacks. At least last time I tested them (pre beta4). What I did was a Bleak Walker/Fury with Scion of Flame+Heart of the Storm + Spirit of Decay so that my FoD attacks would have +3 PEN and 4 elemental damage types (shock as base + burn from FoD + corrode from FoD + freeze from Wildstrike). It was fun. But not gamebreaking. I think it could be nice to stack on-kill effects on Fury/Barbarian. First of all the barb has nice on-kill effects like Bloodlust and Blood Thirst and others and Furies get their Spiritshift prolonged when they kill. Could be a nice synergy.
  3. There are dedicated subforums for builds and stuff that are marked with "spoiler-alert". The general discussion subforum isn't and should be spoiler free (I hope mods can keep up - sometimes people just forget) - so best stay away from the char build subforum.
  4. But maybe you care when a company makes bad business decisions and can't produce any more of your favorite games?
  5. after lvl 13 you progress more slowly. PL9 is the max.
  6. My beloved Blood Thirst is in! It's like in PoE (0 recovery after kill) - man I will def. play a barb in my first run... With the heaviest hitting/slowest weapon I can find. If it works like in PoE then Berserker/Beckoner will be my first build that will be nerfed instantly (killing summons while confused trigger Blood Thirst). Barbaric Retaliation WTF???
  7. Josh having a vision does not mean that he's able to implement it in a way that it works out like intended. Or maybe sometimes he can't make his developers implement it in the way he envisioned it. There are examples where Josh had no clue how some ideas were implemented, like bash in PoE1 or MIG multiplier in Deadfire. He doesn't seem to run some tests or math in order to confirm if his ideas make sense or not. I think he relies more on testing the stuff in game and look how it feels. Fair enough, but you can only "testfeel" so much...
  8. Yes, one has to know that with maluses like graze and such it's not like you lose 50% of your rolled base damage. You lose more as long as you have a positive dmg modifier after all (see above). Because of that some people might have thought that graze is "multiplicative" like MIG, which it isn't. It works like all the other "additive" dmg mods. The only exceptions are MIG and Power Level bonus. The percentage-values with all maluses are totally misleading for the average player. For the same reason blunted criticals (-25% crit damage) does not lead to a crit that does the same danage as a hit - a crit with a gun leads to less damage than with a hit. This shows that even the devs/desginers at obsidian don't really know how their mechanics work - at least not all of them. The intention was that a crit with a gun should do the same damage as a hit. So somebody thought: "well if a crit does +25% then I only need to add a malus of -25% and the crit does the same damage as the hit..." - well - no. Now a crit with a gun can do +25% and -33% which leads to an overall crit damage of -8%. Bravo! Again: very nice research of the damage formulars by the way guys.
  9. Yes, as I said: I'm ok with PL giving multiplicative bonuses. Usually they are lower and their increase is less steep than MIG's. And there are no abilites where you just get huge amounts of it (except for Livegiver with they +5 when shifted - which is kind of cool though in this case because you also get a -5 after shifting).
  10. If I could I would make Edér a Fighter/Streetfighter. But yes, for me Fighter/Rogue fits better than just Fighter - and Rogue only somehow also doesn't feel right. But maybe just beause I'm used to his implementation as a Fighter in PoE. Maybe this time I will build him in a more tankish manner for a change and give him Arterial Strike. Pull the annoying rushers in with Into the Fray, hit them with an Arterial Strike and they won't want to go anywhere.
  11. Another thing Josh might look into "personally": Bonuses of Power Level like increased duration and healing are also multiplicative. I think that's ok - but I don't know if this was done by design or by accident as well...?
  12. No, it also was additive in PoE and still is (kind of - the math was changed a bit and works in "steps" now and whatnot - but basically it's still additive). Same as crit damage.
  13. He seems to be a guy I could watch without getting annoyed.
  14. Overpenetration will lead to 30% more damage. That's not unimportant. It's debateable if it makes sense though. I don't think that this forum gave it more importance than it has. What this forum does is showing where the flaws of the PEN/AR systems are (under a pile of other stuff). Some people here are analyzing this way better than Obsidian seems to have done before and after implementing it.
  15. All dmg modifiers that work with % are in one group that uses the weapon base damage as... well, base. Only MIG is in another group of modifiers that uses the whole dmg (except lash and attached DoTs) as base. Simply put: all stuff like Sneak Attack, crit damage, overpenetration, Backstab and so on get calculated with the weapon base damage and then "added" - and then comes Lord Might and multiplies it all.
  16. Don't need any help from the internets when playing the game for the first time. Unless I run into a serious bug or get so stuck that I can't go on.
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