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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Assassin-Scout with the new boots, Scepter+Rust's Stiletto and Evasive Roll: Sneak in, do backstab with a great sword + modal + accurate wounding shot, turn invisible after the first kill, repeat, evasive roll away, fire away with scepter with Accurate Wounding Shot + Driving Flight to trigger invisibility, Evasive Roll to target, backstab with great sword. In times of need and no guile left use Rust's and trigger Shadowing Beyond. Or instead of Great Sword use Arquebus at point blank. That's better anyway because of the skipped recovery - and Driving Flight gets used. Sound like lots of micro but also fun.
  2. Yes - dual hand mortars are better. I think there is no other spell than Wall of Flame that works so nicely with Combusting Wounds. Both last a pretty long time. That is as long as you can make sure the enemy doesn't move around. I simply made a wizard tank, let the enemy engage and then cast Wall of Flame right in front of me. They are too stupid to leave and die very fast.
  3. I think they fixed Dance of Death (and also Mirrored Image, Gilded Enmity, Ironskin, Wizard's Double) in a way that only attacks that do a proper attack roll and deal damage will count. All self damage stuff does no hit roll - so I suspect (only suspect) that they all work fine with Dance of Death etc. Edit: Ha! Pushing this build over to the "hot" category.
  4. You can use the console to get it: giveitem hunting_bow_u_animancer Of course achievements are gone then. Maybe use the Unity console mod. I think it doesn't disable achievements...? It's a pretty good hunting bow. By the way you don't have to kill an enemy with the bow to trigger the morph. It's enough to hit once to apply the soul charge. If the enemy gets killed then (doesn't matter how) it will transform into a random creature. Some of those are stray pets and do nothing besides strolling around, but others can be oozes, guls and whatnot that are either friend or foes (random). With Sould Diplomacy they are alsways friendly and will act like summoned creatures - except they don't count towards your summoning limit. Sop you can have summoned some skeletons or whatnot and these creatures will still pop up and not remove your summons.
  5. I find CON afflictions to be one of the least bothersome generally. They don't hard-CC you - they just prevent healing. Thus you can always reapply Frenzy to nake them go away (1 Rage only). Thus I would never enchant the Breastplate with Resistance to Constitution afflictons. Also you can get the Breastplate and a Vithrack brain for enchanting quite early (if you know where to buy one). The Splintered Reef tavern guy always has them and you don't need to fight to get to him. There is a merchant in Neketaka who also sells those. Forgot who it was. Breastplate armor + Principi = good fit as well. Modwyr is cool. But a Principi Marauder not not be the best fit for a sword. I can see one handed guns, rapiers, sabres and daggers. Squid's Grasp is very nice but the immunity to flanked might not be so good for you.
  6. Thank you. Nope, I only have offensive monks - one can be used as a sort of punchbag-tank later on. He's pretty powerful after some levels: The Monksterlasher. Tanky monks are the Juggernaut and the Anvil. Both are in the build list here. I don't have a ranged cipher either, sorry.
  7. Since the general rule is that you only can have one active summon instance (this includes instances with multiple summons like 3 skeletons etc.) I think it's working correctly. It might be an oversight, but it surely isn't a bug.
  8. This build works like on day one. No changes to mechanics or so. For not so experienced players I would recommend to lift CON a bit in the early game, yes. Although a barb with 3 CON has about the same endurance as a fighter with 10, his lower deflection makes it harder in the first few levels. Raising RES is difficult because it's already at max (18). Maybe you meant DEX? Paladin or Chanter do both work. What you like better.
  9. They said longer than Bastard's Wound (which I never played, so "eh?") and a bit shorter than White March. Whatever - there are plenty of nice new items in it. If you include the Deck of Many Things (free DLC that also came out today) it's a LOT of new items.
  10. Ninja-Orlan, Ninja-Orlan, Does whatever a ninja can writes a post, any size, slides it in while you still type. Look out! Here comes the Ninja-Orlan...
  11. There are gloves that give you +2 mechanics: Burglar's Gloves They are in the chest you described... Haha! Nah, kidding - you can buy them from Iolfr in Neketaka.
  12. The DLC adds more content to the base game and is not a sequel. It's designed for chars of lvl 14-16 but scales properly (if you activated scaling). All items and sidekicks you pick up can be used in the main campaign as well. So I wouldn't advise to finish the base game first and then tackle the DLC. It is surely more fun to slide in in between in order to use the new stuff you can find/buy for the rest of the game.
  13. Assassinate works from stealth and invisibility (which are two different things). Same as Backstab. So Backstab and Assassinate are more related to each other than to Sneak Attack. Assassinate has no range delemiter like Backstab has though. Assassinate, Backstab and Sneak Attack (and Deathblows) do stack! Combine with a powerful multiplicative bonus like Flames of Devotion and you will one-shot most things from stealth or invisibility. There are now some new assassin's boots in the game (since today) that make you invisible after a kill (1/encounter). They don't give you additonal Smoke Veils. Maybe that got changed from beta to release?
  14. You can use the console to check out all unique items of the deck of many things. THey all start with LAXD_. So just type iroll20s<hit enter> <reopen console> giveitem LAXD_<hit tab> and you can cycle through all of them.
  15. I was talking about the weapon, not Shattered Pillar though.
  16. Different enemies use different criteria for deciding whom they attack. For example enemy Barbs go for lowest deflection, enemy wizards often cast Necrotic Lance on the party member with the lowest endurance, some others go after low DR. So there's no general recipe how to keep enemies engaged. One thing that works quite well to prevent rushing: don't make your backline pure squishies. It makes a difference if they are wearing leather armor or robes for example. Also CC is a more reliable way to prevent rushing than "keeping aggro". If you charm one enemy you do a lot more for your backline than trying to hold off the mobs with your front line. For example: Charmed enemies get debuffed pretty hard and thus often turn into punching bags for their former buddies. It also helps if your backline has high move speed. Enemies realize very quickly if they can't catch you because they move too slowly and will turn around soon. It helps of your engaging tank does serious damage with his weapon - that way disengagement attacks pose a real threat. If you have a hatchet with 0 dmg bonus and a shield enemies will just leave and break engagement - because you can't harm them. These problems are most obvious on PotD difficulty because there are more enemies. At lower difficulties it's not that bad.
  17. Hello, this build works like on day one because mechanically nothing got changed. You can add one talent and one ability though because this build was done during WMI and we had only 14 levels then. Now it's 16. With 10 RES and 10 CON life as a tank can be tough at lower levels and I don't recommend using it as a single tank. Together with another tanky frontliner it's alright. Its advantage is being tanky while dealing a lot of AoE damage at the same time. It works well with a Paladin buddy or another Chanter in the front line. Chanters' damaging phrases like Soft Winds and Dragons Thrashed stack with each other - Ancient Memory's healing does as well. So - two chanters are better than one. I personally don't like fighters as pute tanks - they can only soak up damage then, don't add anything else to the party and get boring. I like them better when played more offensively.
  18. Weapon and Shield Style can be used, of course. Once you switch to a weapon + shield setup it will work. It does nothing if you dual wield fists, but for more versatility it can be good. I didn't take Turning Wheel because it doesn't work with the Long Pain (or at least didn't when I made this build). I wrote about it in the opening post. Besides that I'm a big fan of Turning Wheel.
  19. Yeah - like Deltro's armor can make you immune to shock damage. Just different triggers.
  20. @Ascaloth: that's nice, thank you. @thundercleese: do you also have issues with Barbaric Blow (or upgrades) + Torment's Reach? When I use Torment's Reach I nearly always get the 20% bonus of Barbaric Blow - even the +50% when I crit with Torment's Reach. As if the bonus from Barbaric Blow was given to my char permanently.
  21. No need: I just tested it and the self damage will not cancel Dance of Death. I also remeber reading this in one of the first patch notes after release, but I wasn't sure. Now I am. With Berserker/Nalpaska/Enduring Dance you will generate more than 1 wound/second without even touching another being. It's pretty hilarious. *Sigh* - another build that wants to be explored...
  22. Blooded, Bloodlust and Blood Thirst work no matter what you use. They are not tied to weapon use at all. Melee = hand-to-hand combat. No ranged combat. Only exception is Instruments of Pain which gives your melee weapon a +500% range increase which makes it a ranged weapon - but abilities tagged with "melee" will still work.
  23. That's like saying "I'm the guy who adds extra salami and gorgonzola to the pizza when it arrives - so I want my pizza faster".
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