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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Yeah, nice idea. At high levels I knock myself out a lot of times with the raw self damage. Even took Vengeful Defeat and Effigy's Husk because of that. Only a suggestion: You might want to edit your title to "Berserker's Frenzy" though. The others don't have concealed health.
  2. Two hander already got +1 PEN with the 1.2 patch. They also already have enough base damage to compete with one handers when it comes to auto-attacks (paired with the higher PEN). Raising the base damage for two handers doesn't solve the Full Attack problem. All weapons need something special for Full Attack so that they are balanced for auto-attacks, Primary Attacks and Full Attacks. And two handers shouldn't get better than dual wieldig with Full Attacks because they are already the better choice with most Primary Attacks. But they (and single handed style) def. need to see some improvement for Full Attacks.
  3. This was already discussed in a former thread, but it can't hurt to bring this to OBS attention again. I think dunehunter suggested that two handed weapons should just get a max dmg roll with Full Attacks. I found that pretty interesting. Basically it's a base damage increase for Full Attacks with two handers and makes them very predictable (when it comes to dmg output). I liked that suggestion best so far. It would still not compete with dual wielding - but one could always add a short interrupt on crit or so. Another suggestion was to hit multiple targets - while that makes sense with a great sword or pollaxe it's a bit "eh?" for pikes, staffs and the like. Since single one handers already crit a lot and Full Attacks often get additional bonus ACC - and also bonus base dmg through Power Level - I would think that bonus crit damage on Full Attack would be neat, wouldn't it? One would have to check how high it needs to be to be on par with dual weapons and improved two handers, but I guess +25% wouldn't be too bad?
  4. I agree, it's pretty lame. But on the other hand: in PoE items like Shod-in-Faith and We-Toki etc. could be found in nealry every build - because they were so powerful and reliable. So something had to be done. I just think that making the procs more random is lame. I don't like things in a combat game you can't influence at all too much. I would rather weaken the effect itself than adding another layer of randomness. By the way: attack conversion rates were multiplicative in PoE as well. That's not new to Deadfire.
  5. Yes! I'm playing a nuking Warlock right now and that effect is very, very good. I think this will get fixed/nerfed. Blood Frenzy only works on weapon (and Carnage?) hits and so I guess Spirit Frenzy is supposed to work the same way. At least it shouldn't trigger on hit rolls that deal no damage (like huge CC spells - just my opinion). If it's intended like it is: even better!
  6. It is cool and overlooked (also because its mechanics are obscured) - but it's single target only and in the end it "only" adds 30% to damage. It's like giving everybody who hits that enemy a 30% lash for all damage. That's pretty awesome against bosses and other "hard to kill" single targets - but still I think in most cases you can spend your focus more efficiently. I never checked if it stacks on an enemy in any way though (from one or different ciphers). That would possibly lead to a loop - so I guess not.
  7. I think most people who search for builds might have a class in mind and want to check which builds for that class are available. So that's the order in which the class builds are put. For everything else one can use the site search. Based on this assumption categorizing by author makes no sense. It's easy to use the site search to jump to builds of a specific author. Game version is kind of a date. Adding a date like "last modified" would mean more editing work but not much additional information. If a build is updated to match the newest game version then it doesn't matter much if one build is from two days earlier than the other. Keep in mind that I have to edit this all manually. And few people actually notify me but I have to check on the builds all by myself most of the time. Additional cause for more reoccurring editing work should be a substantial improvement. Just because it would mean a substantial improvement to you doesn't mean it's for others as well. But if enough people chime in I will do it. Improvements that just need one-time editing are not a problem. @all: I'm thinking about a line with certain "tags" that show what role the build has, like <tank>, <melee>, <dps>, <cc>, <healer> and so on. It may take half of a day to add those to the existing builds - but at least it's a one-time thing and I believe it's useful. People could also put those tags when creating their build thread. "Do it!" or "Drop it!"?
  8. Try Wizard/Soulblade with Citzal's Spirit Lance. One attack = full focus, Soul Annihilation with the lance (raw damage in an AoE with weird numbers) is still superpowerful.
  9. When Citzal's Armory expires before combat ends I get the blade every time.
  10. @AndreaColombo: please change the title to "Priest of Woedica and Steel Garrote as playable classes: DO IT!"
  11. The patch version is listed with every build. If you seek only builds with a certain patch, e.g. 1.2, then you can simply hit ctrl+f to open the browser's site-search and type "Game Version: 1.2" into the search field. You can then jump through every build for patch 1.2. Same with builds for companions (search "Pallegina for example"). Or solo builds (search "Solo: Yes"). It's quite simple and effective. I will not put the builds in chronological order - because this order may change often: as soon as somebody updates his/her build. That would mean I would have to go and check all builds all the time (or receive messages about that) and then I'd have to manually re-order them accordingly. Please understand that I don't want to do that. Unfortunately I can't use Javascript and HTML in my posts. Then I could provide a sortable list. But as it is I can only use the static bbcode that the forum allows.
  12. You can check your action speed bonus when right-clicking on your weapons or spells and hover over attack/cast time and recovery time. Usually it's also displayed under "current effects" on the char sheet (press C).
  13. When he escapes you simply go to the entrance of the narrows (south east). There you will see him entering the caves. You can follow him into a secret cavern and end the fight there. You don't have to kill him in the first fight and prevent his escape. I think that's nigh impossible with a low level party.
  14. Ha - I didn't even know you can get it peacefully. Always attacked him on sight in the last couple of playthroughs (attempts).
  15. Caedebald's Blackbow: corrode Concelhaut's Draining Touch: corrode Firebrand: burn Kalakoth's Minor Blights: burn, freeze, shock, corrode Eccea's Arcane Blaste: raw I think that's it. Boltcatcher gauntlets can add a shock AoE to critical hits.
  16. Me! The Spiritual Fists for the Woedican Priest are already enough to make my mouth so watery that I can only wipe it dry with a charsheet of a playable version of a Priest of Woedica!
  17. Heart of Fury is awesome. Being able to use it makes playing a single class Barb worthwhile. It also works with ranged weapons, even reloading ones (Fire in the Hole + Hand Mortar is pretty hilarious with HoF).
  18. You can see it popping out of enemies' heads as red numbers after receiving direct hits (not DoT ticks), I think that's all atm.
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