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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I already have a bust. It's called "the Steward". So I guess I will have to ripple a sponge...?
  2. That's because all that "Instruments of Pain" does is to increase your melee weapon's range by 500%, nothing more. It works wonderfully well with reach weapons and is especially beautiful with Citzal's Spirit Lance (because you can then use Swift Flurry and Heartbeat Drumming in combination with Stunning Surge at range AND in an AoE). Because +500% weapons range is more impressive when your weapon range already is 1.8 meters and not just 1. And what's one players downside (doesn't work with Driving Flight) is another's upside (monk's and other classes' "melee only" abilites work with Instruments of Pain).
  3. Get the pipe that you can hang around your neck and that gives you a Whiteleaf trip after every rest. Must-have for a Nalpasca obviously...
  4. I didn't double-check. It does not. But it seems that Sharpshooter's + Barbaric Blow's conversion (or Accurate Wounding Shot's ACC), combined with high accuracy of the ranger, leads to a lot of crits and high crit damage even without Berserker-Frenzy's conversion.
  5. Berserker/Sharpshooter is quite the crazy combo for Frostseeker. You'll miss the Twinned Shot but Tenacious + Bloodlust + Bloodthirst means very high attack speed (to compensate for the Sharpshooter's malus). Also Tenacious, the higher crit damage of Berserker's Frenzy, the crit conversion of Berserker combined with the conversion of the Sharpshooter and Barbaric Blow make this guy crit a lot an really hard. Another nice variant is Geomancer. Essential Phantom will also get Frostseeker (and all other items you wear). The phantom will not have your abilities, but it's fun enough to attack groups with two Frostseekers. I still didn't try out if Combusting Wounds works with Frostseeker or if the ice quenches the burn.
  6. It's really bad though - because it's random and it's single target. You can't plan encounters or anything on random effects on a single targets - let alone for that price. Even if it would be good "on average" (which it is not) most people won't consider it because it's unreliable.
  7. No, but they reduced recovery penalty and increased attack speed - which is both the same (for dps numbers) as raising base damage.
  8. If you have many melees you just form a sack and let one enemy in whom you can attack from nearly all sides. Using choke points is the best strategy in the early game. Later on a lot of melees who run around, spread out and swarm the backline can be viable as well.
  9. I don't get that one. The UI is there (you can most likely open it with the console). Can't they just add a simple button to the char sheet that opens it? Also: why can't I see my [current engagements/max engagement slots] in the char sheet or somewhere else?
  10. Yeah, I just read about that right after posting. So, a 0.5 sec attack phase and 3 sec recovery now - and less armor penalty. That's a good start. But why do they have recovery penalties from their own skin in the first place?
  11. I think a crash is handled like an injury: rest with food. I never encountered such a lengthy crash.
  12. As I already said in the "strongest/weakest class" thread: rangers have really useful abilities. It's like in PoE: first people complain that wizard and priest are useless, years later wizards and priests are considered the best - although they got a major nerf in between. The reason is that in the beginning, a lot of players judge classes by description and do not try them out. After some time they maybe did and change their minds. That said: the Ranger's animal companion is so much weaker than in PoE (where it got buffed with a patch after it started into the game as weak as now in Deadfire) - it's no fun to build around it. Stuff like Master's Call, Stalker's Link and Takedown Combo is fun, but the stuff that boost the animal Companion itself, like Predator's Sense just makes you cry if you look at the puny base damage + 50%. Like in PoE, they attack superslowly. If they'd just give them a bit more base damage and also scale base damage with level (instead of giving additive dmg bonuses that scale badly with a pet)...
  13. With the button "Full Editor" right left of the save button you can edit your thread title.
  14. It should be fairly easy to cause an injury to yourself (swollen thumb). All you'd need is an hammer, a nail and a picture that's supposed to hang in your cabin...
  15. Kith meat's +2 PL for Corspe Eater only applies to his barbarian abilites. Still nice, but not that gamechanging.
  16. Berserker for Warlock is quite nice because you can remove Confused very easily and early with Infuse with Vital Essence. I'm playing a Warlock atm (will post a build when I'm done) and I'm using a Corpse Eater. That's because it very much fits the build theme and I only use Rage for buffs and not for offensive abilites like Barbaric Blow - so the higher costs don't hurt as much while the healing now and then is nice. With Frenzy and Blood Thirst it also doesn't take too long to "cast" Flesch Communion. I also had problems (for the first time) with the raw damage and the concealed health of the Berserker so I switched to Corspe Eater. I toyed around with Mage Slayer/Wizard as well - and if you use offensive spells mostly and no self buffs it's actually pretty nice: you can stack a good amount of spell resistance with items and abilites with a Mage Slayer. Then it's no problem if you nuke yourself: a lot of times you'll just shrug off the effect/damage and nothing happens. The goal with a Warlock is of course to get Blood Thirst and then eliminate recovery between nuke casts, but even with Frenzy + Bloodlust + Fast Casting you are pretty fast with your casting.
  17. Ok, I went into every build thread on the list again and marked every build entry in the list accordingly (if the conditions were met). What do you think know?
  18. If anyone is interested in how you can create a tag like above with a tooltip with BBCode: [size=3][color=#d1512e][background=#d1512e][color=#d1512e]|[/color] [acronym="this tag nesting is wicked"][color=#000000][b][size=1]HOLY MOLY[/size][/b][/color][/acronym] [color=#d1512e]|[/color][/background][/color][/size] --> |HOLY MOLY|
  19. Yes, I know. It was already marked but today I tried out Unicode emojis as tags and unfortunately they all got stripped when I was saving the post. Edit: ah wait - that was another one. You mean the Suicide Bomb?
  20. I removed the stars and am planning to replace them with tags (hot, popular). I can't use icons because the forum won't allow that many images - so I'm using just simple colored letters with brackets (and some BBCode): |HOT| |POPULAR| |DEPRECATED|
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