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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Sure. I planned to scan all the builds in the list for changes on that front. I also noticed some other build crawled beyond that line.
  2. Kalakoth's Minor Blights summons a wand into your hand (your actual weapons disappear temporarily). Then you just attack with that "Minor Blights" wand like you would with any other wand. Minor Blights procs an AoE crush damage when it hits the initial target. Each of those AoE hits will trigger a Blast (if you took that talent). That's why it's considered to be very powerful.
  3. No, because two things have changed since that build went public: - retaliation doesn't generate focus anymore - retaliation now does a hit roll (used to be auto-hit). So 3 PER is bad Before that the synergy was pretty hilarious.
  4. I tried it with Torment's Reach - and the Ghostblades also proc off of cone-kills. The fact that Torment's Reach and Ghost blades both use a cone shape makes this a very good combo: You place yourself in a way that Torment's Reach hits as many foes as possible - and so will Ghost Blades once it kills. Usually you'll kill the guy in the front first and bring down the others to 1/3rd of endurance in the meantime. Then, when the first guy falls and Ghost Blades procs it will most likely kill somebody else and so on - chain reaction till death. The raw dmg AoE of Oathbreaker does more damage, but it's circle shaped which in the above case is not so benefical. For others like Barbs that's totally fine of course.
  5. Yeah, good point. The slot for those items is named "back_" and then something. Like "back_cloak_u_whatevercloak". So you could totally come up with different stuff that goes onto your back without breaking the "internal" logic: "back_backpack_u_the_drifters_breadbag" or so.
  6. Yeah, if you wittled them down a bit the raw AoE on kill usually leads to a deadly chain reaction. Very nice with Cleave as well. The Estoc Engoliero do Espirs from the vanilla game does the same (basically) if you enchant it with Ghost Blades on kill - only that the Oathbreaker's raw dmg AoE is a bit more powerful.
  7. No they don't. Because they can't come out of you pocket until PL 9. At that time the Deep Leap has done so many one-shots of groups that Minoletta's Missile Salvo peeks out, looks at the numbers and retreats grumpily into your pocket, sipping another cup of Earl Grey like old, bitter people do. The link is broken by the way. Besides the obvious disadvatage of high PL access there are more: - 4.5 sec casting time compared to normal weapon attack - danger of getting interrupted - friendly fire - takes longer for the damage to apply Anyway, I wasn't serious anyways. There is no "best" build. For example if one doesn't like rods or attacking from stealth it's a bad build. Same as an empowered Missile Salvo is a bad thing for anybody who doesn't want to use Empower or a single class wizard.
  8. Because Touch of Rot (very powerful with high Power Levels), Rot Skulls (very good with high MIG and INT) and Symbol of Berath, paired with the self buffs.
  9. You can get Fire in the Hole: I also think this should go into the char build forum because it's full of spoilers now.
  10. Yes, as a monk/rogue you can use the following weapons to apply afflictions in an AoE: - any rod with Blast (Blast also helps proccing special on hit effects) - Fire in the Hole (blunderbuss-mortar like Hand Mortar, also has build-in Driving Flight as an enchantment) - Three Bells Through (that's a very long AoE "line" though) - Whispers of the Endless Paths (in a cone) - Wahai Poraga (max 4 enemies get hit) - Minor Blights (from scroll)
  11. Yes, exactly. It also works with Hand Mortar/Fire in the Hole/ and rod + Blast. If you use a wizard try and wear the Ring of Focused Flame, summon Minor Blights, then summon an Essential Phantom: it will also have Minor Blights - but only the burn version which will not change - the phantom will get +10 accuracy to all his Blight attacks then and you two can fire AoE-shots as a team.
  12. Oh, that's a pity. You should write a bug report. I also thought about using it with an Assassin - because the AoE raw damage on kill is pretty strong and you can potentially one-shot enemies from stealth/invisibility.
  13. Yes,I meant Shadowplay as well. It creates an overlay that you can access while playing and doesn't force you to Alt-Tab or something like that. You can tell it where to save screens you make with a shortcut so that the overlay wouldn't even show up.
  14. For a rogue with only ranged weapons the cone is good because he can't engage and therefore not use Persistent Distraction. This might ensure Sneak Attack/Deathblows which is better than +20% dmg at short range. Because you are using a monk/rogue, right?
  15. First of all: Blights belong to no weapon proficiency so they can't have Blast. Then yes: Blights get the bonus of One Handed Style. But as I already explained to your ancestors (if I remember correctly ): Additional conversion chances stack, but they don't add up like you suggested above. Conversions get checked one after the other. If a conversion happens the check stops. If you have for example One Handed Style and Merciless Gaze and Dirty Fighting you will not have a conversion chance of 45% but rather 38.8%. Because of math basically. This has nothing to do with a weird implementation on Obsidian's side: it's just like chances add up (or rather: multiply) if you check chances one after the other. You can simply do the math like this: Merciless Gaze does 15% so we will use the inversion (the chance NOT to convert) and use it as decimal number like so: 15% = 0.15 -> 0.85 chance NOT to convert (I will use "NtC" as abbreviation). Do the same with the others: 20% -> 0.8 NtC 10% -> 0.9 NtC Now multiply: 0.9*0.8*0.85 = 0.612 NtC That's a 61.2% chance NOT to convert hit to a crit. So you have a 100% - 61.2% = 38.8% chance to convert. Not 45% but still great. Blights also get a 30% or even 45% speed boost from dual wielding + Two Weapon Style - for example if you put a dagger into the offhand and attack from range. If you use Tuotilo's Palm you can use Weapon & Shield Style AND Two Weapon Style with Blights.
  16. I think the core of the problem is that we all seem to have different ideas about what a pirate actually is/does.
  17. Long Pain is the ranged equivalent of monk fists. They replace your weapons/fist like any other summoned weapon. That means it works with Driving Flight and Marksman and other ranged abilities and items - but not with melee-only stuff like Force of Anguish etc. Instruments of Pain is different: it just gives your melee weapons +500% range. Nothing gets replaced as far as I can tell. They are still considered melee weapons though - just with a veeery long reach. That means that all melee abilities will work - but not ranged-only ones. So no Driving Flight (at least last time I tested pre 1.2). For some reason Transcendent Suffering sales with Power Level while the other "natural" or summoned weapons like claws, Fearsome Brute's fists and so on scale with class level. I have no idea why.
  18. Hm... Which spells? There is a difference between pulsing spells like Chillfog and Malignant Cloud and DoT spells like Necrotic Lance. But maybe it's like you said and it's only fixed for weapon induced DoTs - although that'd be weird.
  19. Carnage procs off of the initial hit, but not from the AoE cone hits. Same with Wahaī Pōraga and Spirit Lance: no interactions between AoE and Carnage. Carnage only procs off the initial target. It's different for AoE Full/Primary Attacks though: Clear Out, Heart of Fury and Vengeful Defeat will proc Carnage from each hit roll.
  20. I think they are from a site on the map somewhere. I got them on my first playthrough without console. That's when I discovered that they don't stack with a Cloak of Greater Deflection.
  21. Sorry, the screenshot didn't load on my phone when I posted my first answer. It's obvious that it's "problem number two" when I look at the tooltip.
  22. Like 90% of times when I file a bug. Nearly all the ones I reported in beta are still in. I guess they just hate me.
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