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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Arcane Knight is totally viable. Which "expert" claimed the opposite?
  2. Yes, I took Evasive Roll and Escape so that I always have one mobility ability as long as I have at least 1 Guile or 1 Bond. Thorny Roots is quite cool. I only recently noticed that it's an AoE ability in Deadfire. Totally missed that. Those things happen if you have too much PoE stuff stuck in your brains.
  3. I had a suspicion: I read in the patch notes that Wizard's phantoms now get your gear. I suspected that the phantom must get clones of the items. That made me think: what happens with cloned summoned weapons when their managing spell effect isn't cloned as well? They should behave like summoned weapons you give yourself with the console. And it is like I suspected. I was pretty sure Obsidian didn't think about summoned weapons. I started testing with Concelhaut's Draining Touch (which on a phantom doesn't go away after one hit - and thus your phantom can do very serious single target damage with it), then tested Minor Blights (I suspected wouldn't cycle), then Spirit Lance (works fine on a phantom but no surprises here) and finally Enhanted Armory (where I found out that you can keep the Breastplate and the one-handed Great Sword permanently if you do certain things).
  4. That might not be a bug. The unique Estoc Engoliero do Espirs procs Ghost Blades on kill and it also gets bonuses from the used ability and bonuses from the weapon enhantments like superb etc.
  5. Yes - better to remove confusion. Or take something else. The Ghost Blades also proc from allies like Skeletons if you attack them directly (no need for confusion) but the Ghost Blades are foe only then. I'm thinking about using it with a nuker build with maybe strong single target dmg spells that then proc Ghost Blades. Something like Ascendant/Assassin + Disintergrate or so...? Or better Ascendant/Barb for Blood Thirst and casting speed... Hm...
  6. The two things that come to my mind: Watershaper's Focus can raise Frost (and Water) by +2 PL. Corrosion and Frost can be raised with the Chromoprismatic Staff (+1).
  7. Well - the Ghost Blades get the Legendary dmg bonus of 60%, the +3 (=+9%) MIG from Sated Ravenous Soul Hunger (the kill it procs already counts for Ghost Blades) and +15% from Two Handed Style. So without any special class ability +84% already. It also gets the +4 PEN bonus and the +15 ACC of Legendary as well - which both often leads to overpenetration (+30%) and crit (+25%). You can reach +100% dmg bonuses without breaking into sweat. 20 damage in a rather big AoE from a kill + hobble isn't bad at all. It also procs off of kills that weren't done with the blade itself (as long as you are holding it) - like Rooting Pain and Carnage and any spell (like Crackling Bolt). So it also procs off itself. It also procs from allies if you kill them (skeletons). It also profits from Myth Fyr, Turning Wheel (+fire lash) and Lightning Strikes as I found out. I wonder if it also can proc stuff like from Gatecrashers or Boltchatchers... so far it didn't proc, so maybe not. So basically the estoc adds Ghost BLades that profit from your blade stats to EVERY kill you do no matter how. All in all - if you build a bit around it - it's awesome! Edit: if I'm not mistaken I just managed to proc off the Boltcatcher's shock AoE from the Ghost Blades...
  8. A proficiency is not connected to one-handed (or two-handed) usage. It just adds a modal to the weapon - it doesn't matter at all how you wield it (also code-wise). As AndreaColombo said: you can do Bleeding Cuts with Oathbreaker's End as with any other battle axe. In case you didn't mean proficiencies but meant One Handed Style (or Two Weapon Style) that you use for one handed weapons opposed to Two Handed Style: Oathbreaker's End only works with Two Handed Style, not One Handed or Two Weapon Style.
  9. I'd also say you "waste" less time with doing ship-to-ship combat than with boarding. Especially with an upgraded big ship like junk or galleon and fully equipped gunports and developed cannoneers. I usually win after two jibes (depends on the enemy vessel of course). With double bronzers sometimes one salvo is enough. You can't do a boarding fight that fast - even if the enemy ship is only manned by a Beckoner's skeletons.
  10. Nope. Only melee auto-attacks. That means no wound from stuff like Torment's Reach or any other active ability. AoE of weapons like Spirit Lance, Wahai Poraga or Whispers of the Endless Paths works and generates wounds (with auto-attacks).
  11. Since 2.0 the regeneration items stack with themselves without exception I think. There was an issue with either the Troll Hide Belt or the cloak "Three Trolls Stiched" (can't remember which trollish item ) but they fixed it in 2.0 (see patch notes). You can also stack that aura "Pale Light"/"Nourishing Light" from that blue Disney heater shield with it.
  12. It should get triggered automatically once two or more melee guys attack you ("threaten" you). It has nothing to do with engagement (was changed in a patch because of Eye of the Storm removing engagement of enemies). Also allies shouldn't matter. Maybe you need to equip a melee weapon to see the little icon - because it only applies to melee damage. You should be able to find it on you char sheet under "Current Effects" (or what is it called?) as well.
  13. Seems like the Godhammer plate was specifically forged for an Unbroken. Or for characters who want to pretend they are an Unbroken.
  14. I think it does. I sometimes had the feeling also works with Swift Flurry and stuff. Because there were so many Ghost Blades stacked on each other - I mean visually.
  15. An enchanted Persistence has way better single target dps than Stormcaller (because Stormcaller can't have a lash and also no Durgan Steel). Stormcaller reduces shock DR for you and party members and the one-time-strike from Returning Storm is cool (it doesn't proc a "real" Returning Storm like a Druid would - with reoccurring lightnings. Instead there will be only one lightning). And of course Stormcaller would spare you lots of money and resources that could go to somebody else then. You are right: I wouldn't use Penetrating Shot on Stormcaller either, even though it means +10 damage per shot once you use Twinned Shot against targets with 11+ shock DR. An must-have talent for Stormcaller is Heart of the Storm. +20% damage without any drawback is nice.
  16. Totally viable. I wanted a pet that I can use as bait and where it doesn't matter that it gets surrounded by enemies while I secretly plan to one-shot them as soon as they gathered around Frogfish. For the times where Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights fail to lure enemies or just in the middle of combat. I also guessed that lowering the deflection that I buffed with Mirrored Image (when getting attacked) might not be so cool.
  17. Hm, did it all the time - but as I said with spamming Torment's Reach- So you spare maybe one or two additional attacks with the Ghost Blades. Because the enemies would fall over from the next Torment's Reach (or the one after that) anyways.
  18. I added the Tekehu build. I personally made the Fate Testarossa popular. I removed the "deprecated" tag from the Lady of Pain. Time to grab a beer!
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