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  1. Hi, this is another build of mine, he is a one-handed, Gravestep-addicted Hearth Orlan Rogue focused on hits on crits conversion. I think about a build with the greatest hits to crits conversion rate possible, I check if it is viable and in case fix some lacks, and eventually give up some conversion score for more efficiency. If you wanna know about Hits to Crits conversion reached by this build, go to the corresponding paragraph near the end of post. Hope you like it Llunrwald - Hearth Orlan Rogue, The "Handy Thief" "So do you think I can't hit you? We will see..." Name: Llunrwald PoTD: YES - ver. 3.07-1318 LATEST SOLO: YES - ver. 3.07-1318 LATEST - All TCS achievements. ULTIMATE: No, unless you choose another race* and change a little bit talents and abilities choices. Race: Orlan - +1 Res, +2 Per, -1 Mig Subrace: Hearth - Minor Threat* Class: Rogue - +2 Mechanics,+1 Stealth Culture: Old Vailia - +1 Int Background: Drifter - 1 Mechanics, 1 Stealth *PAY ATTENTION! In SOLO, Minor Threat is useless! It works only with companion, it doesn't trigger with figurines, charmed or dominated foes and/or Concelhaut Visage, SO playing solo with an Hearth Orlan it is the same to say playing without race bonus. Because of that, if you want a race bonus, choose another race for this build. Human, Boreal Dwarf and Island/Coastal Aumaua can fit well --- Attributes - final scores with passive bonus Mig: 18 - 18 base, -1 Orlan, +1 Gift from the Machine Con: 10 Dex: 18 Per: 7 - 3 base, +2 Orlan, +1 Hylea's boon, +1 Song of the Heavens Int: 19 - 18 base, +1 Old Vailia Res: 9 - 8 base, +1 Orlan --- Skills score Stealth: 9 - 13 with Rogue, Drifter, Blooded Hunter and Dungeon Delver, with equipment and bonus rest it can raise even at 17 Athletics: 2 - 4 with Angio's Gambeson Lore: 5 - 6 with Hylea's Boon, can arrive at 8 or even 10 with Aldwyn's Boon, rest and equipment Mechanics: 6 - 10 with Rogue, Drifter and Dungeon Delver, 12 with equipment and even 15 with Rite of Walking Shadows Survival: 3 - 5 with equipment After killed Concelhaut, I respeced with: Stealth: 2 - 6 with Rogue, Drifter, Blooded Hunter and Dungeon Delver Athletics: 6 - 8 with Angio's Gambeson Lore: 7 - 8 with Hylea's Boon, it can arrive at 12 with Aldwyn's Boon, rest and equipment Mechanics: 1 - 5 with Rogue, Drifter and Dungeon Delver Survival: 8 - 10 with equipment --- Talents I took talents and abilities focused on Hits to Crits conversion, so i gave priority to those ones. One-Handed Style - +15% Hits to Crits conversion Vicious Fighting - +10% Hits to Crits conversion Bloody Slaughter - +20% Hits to Crits conversion and +0.5 Crit multiplier against enemies with >10% endurance Deep Pockets - we need scrolls, figurines and potions more than other classes Shadowing Beyond - no brain talent for skipping many encounter and split many groups of monsters Weapon Focus: Knight - for +6 accuracy with We Toki Weapon Focus: Soldier - for +6 accuracy with Godansthunyr Weapon Focus: Peasant - for +6 accuracy with Cladhaliath Bloody Slaughter is an underrated talent for almost all players, I pick it for RPG reasons and for initial goal - Hits to Crits conv., but it can be useful in general with scrolls against many very damaged groups of monsters to kill them with more chances; i.e. shooting a fireball versus 5 ogres with low endurance can result in many hit bu no kill and you have another round with 5 ogres alive; with 1 more crit you have 4 alive the next round instead of 4, if you score a crit by yourself they become 3 and with the others our abilities with more hits to crits conversion, they could be 2... And beside that with boss - dragons ecc with many endurance, 10% can mean 60 or 70, and scoring a crit at that point can make the difference between winning or losing the fight - and your life. Not so bad, after all. Fun fact: if you pick Bloody Slaughter, in th combat log ALL Hits to Crits conversion are assigned to this talent; I suspect it is a log bug, that is, the conversions are made by all talents and abilities, but in the log you say only hit - Bloody Slaughter --> crit and no more other talents/abilities The three weapon focus can be much. You're right, I didn't know what to take and I increased my accuracy with my weapons. You can keep only one or two of them - I'd pick Knight focus because We Toki is our preferred weapons, Peasant can be still usefull... see Equipment session for that. And late game, with high Rogue accuracy, weapon focus is not very important. Dropping some weapon focus talents you can choose other talents as Fast Runner, Outlander's Frenzy, Envenomed Strike, Devastating Blow or what you like. If I restarted the game, maybe I'd drop all the three, I'd pick Gallant's Focus and I'd have +4 accuracy and 2 more talents choice. By the way, after killed Concelhaut I respeced with: One-Handed Style - +15% Hits to Crits conversion Vicious Fighting - +10% Hits to Crits conversion Bloody Slaughter - +20% Hits to Crits conversion and +0.5 Crit multiplier against enemies with >10% endurance Deep Pockets - we need scrolls, figurines and potions more than other classes Shadowing Beyond - no brain talent for skipping many encounter and split many groups of monsters Devastating Blow - +2% Finishing BLow damage, it seems low but it is very good in the damage calculation Fast Runner - more speed is always great for a melee rogue Beast Slayer - Alpine and Adra Dragon, Llengrath's friends and so on, you know Abilities Sneak attack - automatic Recless Assault - no-brain for every rogue I believe Dirty Fighting - no way, I have to pick this for +10% Hits to Crits conversion Deathblows - it's hard to find a rogue without it, +100% damage to enemies with 2 or more afflictions Deep wounds - 3 + MIGHT bonus every tick any time we give slash, crush or pierce damage... I like it for rogue Finishing Blow - +5 accuracy, +50% damage and high damage to low endurance enemy with a weird calculation: trust me, pick it, shoot it when a Dragon is near death and you will see damage going to the sky In my video below there are some single crit near 300 damage with a one-hand weapon. Blinding Strike Crippling Strike Fearsome Strike or Withering Strike - I prefer first one because it give 2 affliction for more time even if it is per rest instead of per encounter Other abilities are defensive or replicable with equipment most of the times, so no many words here. Maybe you can try Shadow Step for more damage or Escape/Coordinated Positioning/Smoke Cloud as panic button, but they make no real difference. Talents chosen/achieved through the run The Merciless Hand - +0.3 crit damage, better than other two and with a Rogue, can't we stay with Doemenels? Gift from the Machine - yes, we want +1 Might and more Endurance ; Hylea's Boon - only because we need +1 Per and above all +1 Lore , by the way, Llunrwald is a artist of theft and deceit, you can say that Song of the Heavens - more PER Dungeon Delver - crit bonus, stealth and mechanics ... food and air for us Flick of the Wrist Dozens Luck Blooded Hunter - more stealth Scale-Breaker --- Equipment Most used equipment Weapon set 1: We Toki - Overbearing, Legendary, Durgan-Refined, Corrode Lash, Slaying - Beast Weapon set 2: Godansthunyr - Stunning, +1 Might, Superb, Durgan-Refined, Corrode Lash Alternative weapon: Cladhaliath - Stunning, Vicious - +20% damage against stunned, prone or flanked enemies, Superb, Durgan-Refined, Slaying - Vessel Armor: Angio's Gambeson - Superb, Athletic, Of Constitution 2, Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, Slash-Proofed, Durgan-Reinforced Head: Munacra Arret - +12 Will, Whisper of Threason 3 per rest Neck: Cape of Master Mystic - Invisibility when hit by Crit, +12 Deflection, Minor Arcane Reflection Hands: Gauntlets of Swift Action - +15% Attack Speed Finger 1: Gwyn's Band of Union - Blassing, +4 INT, Instill Doubt when endurance above 80% Finger 2: Ring of Chainging Heart - + 3 RES, Dominate 2 per rest Waist: Girdle of Mortal Protection - Reduce damage of critical hit by 27% Feet: Boots of Speed - Moving fast can make the difference Pet: Concelhaut - essential for Llengrath fight Some words about equipments - which take at the beginning, predatory weapons, etc. Predatory weapons - +10% Hits to Crits conversion Predatory weapons should fit well for this build, especially Aattuuk because it is a dagger, so +5 accuracy, one hand, and whole place for full enchantment. I try to use that weapon and the others predatory equipment, but Llunrwald can't go through the game with them. He is too squishy, he need to CC enemy and if he can achieve it via scrolls and figurines, this tattic is frustranntig and, above all, expensive to adopt every encounter, so I stuck with deabilitating weapons. You can play with Aattuuk until you get a stunning or averbearing weapon, and the best for us - one handed are the three already cited: We Toki, Godansthunyr and Cladhaliath. By the way, Aattuuk is a dagger and in my run I've already taken weapon focus for war hammer, so just arrived to Defiance Bay I went to Vincent Dwellier, buyed Haba's Hammer - a simple Exceptional war hammer and enchanted it with Corrode Slash and Slaying Kith - Act 2 is plenty of kith to kill, it got its job well in early game; maybe now I'd pick Aattuuk, but it no so decisive. Weapons selection Yet said that We Toki is the best weapon for a one-handed character because it debilitate opponent - prone via overbearing, prone status last long, almost no monster is immune to prone and We Toki can be enchanted at full 14 points with Legendary, having +15 acc/+55% damage - become +20/+80% against beast and +25% corrode damage at top of that. Very good. Godansthunyr is for the few enemies immune to prone, that's all. Cladhaliath was picked only for one reason: I needed a effective one hanb weapons against Eyeless. So I took Cladhaliathand enchanted it with stunning and Slaying Vessel, with a +5 accuracy on top because it is a spear. It did its job at the best... and from that moment I used it against Vessel, obviously, Woedica final statues especially. Armor At the beginning you have to make do with what you find, middle game I took Wayfarer's Hide but then I think that Athletic and Deleterious Alacrity of Motion of Angio's Gambeson was perfect for Llunrwald. You can keep ready armor with stealth bonus and survive bonus, for different moment and situation. Other equipments used often and not already mentioned Let go early game, I often used Rotfinger Gloves - area damage and two afflictions maker and Ring of Searing Flames, end game they become poor and I wear Gauntlets of Accuracy and as rings Bartender's Ring, Orlan's Bramble Ring, Pensiavi mes Rèi or Ring of Thorns. Gwyn's Band of Union is excellent with +4 INT - afflictions last longer and Ring of Chainging Heart is a good way to CC enemies and make allied, such as Munacra Arret. Late game I dropped Munacra Arret for Maegfolc Skull - +4 MIG for damage and Unbending for healing. For neck slot I used also Mantle of the Excavator, Glanfathan Adraswen - for +2 Lore, or Fulvano's Amulet - for Healing bonus. At waist I used the same old Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer but also Belt of the Stelgaer or Trollhide Belt but I found that late game the best is Girdle of Mortal Protection. For foot I wore Boots of Stability, Cat's Whisper - for Stealth bonus, Fenwalkers, and usual Shod-in-Faith or Viettro's Formal Footwear. Quick Slots I was plenty of figurines, apart form this I used scrolls and potion depending on the situation, you can see some "combination" of quick slots items in the videos at the end. Drugs and food I've my usual combination of food, the one that give +2 almost to every attribute, and IMPORTANT I take Gravestep before every hard encounter. It give +25% of Hits converted to Crits for 600 sec and this is far well of +15% Hits to Crits conversion of Potion of Merciless Gaze AND Gravestep can be drunk BEFORE combat, clearing a quick slot item. -20% maximum Endurance for 600 sec is not so problematic. --- Ok, but, how high this blessed Hits to Crits Conversion is? Finally, we take the stock of this Hits to Crits Conversion. We have theese bonus stacking: Dirty Fighting --> +10% Vicious Fighting --> +10% Predatory --> +10% Gravestep --> +25% Durgan-Refined --> +20% Bloody Slaughter --> +20% So, if you stack ALL and EVERY bonus, the final Hits to Crits conversion rate will be: 10 + 10 + 10 + 25 + 20 + 20 = 95% !!! But some bonus are situational, especially Bloody Slaughter, and we wear predatory weapons almost never, so end game the conversion will be 65%, and early/middle game, without Durgan-Refined and Gravestep we can reach only 30% with 2 talents and abilities and a predatory weapon, or 45% with a potion of Merciless Gaze, and this is not so bad early game, after all! My mistake, I wrote a lot of heresies! I'm going to quote the right calculation done by @Boeroer and I'm sorry about my innacuracy, please forgive me! But the effectiveness of the build is the same also with lower hits to crits conversion and what was written without Strikethrough below Boeror quote it is still valid So with all bonuses, including Minor Threat if you don't play solo, i.e another *0.9 factor to NTC rate it gives about 70% conversion rate with all bonuses together. It is very good and perhaps it could be convenient land a crit with conversion than with accuracy... Actually, Dirty Fighting and Vicious Fighting stack, but, since 0.80 is near 0.9*0.9 = 0.81, above calculations remain valid. Middle/end game you will see almost any hit converted to crits, this PG crits a lot also with low Perception. With low PER I can distribute some poin in CON and RES, better than nothing and this give more surivability to the build. But some foes are hard to hit, so you have to reach at least a "hit", not a "graze", because of that accuracy bonuses are welcome. Also, Minor Threat doesn't work SOLO, but in a game with other characters you can put another +10% bonus in front of others, so the previous rates become 105% - ROTFL!, 75% and 55%, very impressive NO, say above for actual rates. Good to hear, but, is this PG viable? Ok, if you wanna go SOLO, the best Rogue is with two weapon style - We Toki and Godansthunyr and the usual build - see for example @baldurs_gate_2 Ultimate Rogue. By the way I beat every encounter with no so high difficulty, except Llengrath: with one hand/low Perception Rogue it is very difficult and it is the only reason this PG can get Ultimate Solo achievements. If you wann go ULTIMATE with Llunrwald, for Llengrath respec in two handed or weapon and shield style and maybe take different quick slot items than my video below. Also Brynlod can be risky, but you can pull/kite easily at that location. All other encounter, with the right tattic - confusion/paralize scroll, figurines, use of shadowing beyond etc. are quite simple, also Adra and Alpine Dragon. And I have to say that many quests can be achieved with stealth/invisibility - i.e. The Rising Tide with no combat at all, skipping many battles. In "normal" game, with other PG and Minor Threat, this could be a good damage dealer and a great "priority target killer". RPG thoughts I thought about Llunrwald as an abandoned infant from Old Vailia, who grew in a circus or somenthing like learning his rogue abilities and at a certain point of his life he decided to go on his way. A day he tried Gravestep and by that moment he was addicted and he found out that his tricks could be better with it ;). He didn't receive a good education, in D&D terms, he can be a Chaotic Neutral PG. --- MEDIA For these battles, I was inspired by @baldurs_gate_2 Ultimate Rogue and also this run. Brynlod Adra Dragon Alpine Dragon Concelhaut Thaos Llengrath
  2. This list is based on my personal opinion and I haven't tested them all. Quite possible I haven't taken into account all possible synergies so some might be undervalued. A lot of them will be weaker if they are used with a class that doesn't synergize with their effects. All values are ingame values. The wiki is outdated since the 1.2 nerfs. Some of the lower rated weapons can be exceptionally strong in very rare scenarios (for instance vs spirits) but I am mostly rating them for their general usefulness. To clarify, Weapons are listed randomly within any Tier. Might change that at some point but it will require some work. I am also comparing weapons at max enchants. I haven't taken into account that some weapons will be very useful early on in the game if they start out with high weapon quality, forgoing the need to upgrade them. I will update this list with Beast of Winter Weapons when I have the time. Channel Links: Twitch Channel Youtube Channel Donate via Streamlabs Steam Guide Reddit Discussion S - Tier: Best in Slot. Usually has very good build/class synergies Pukestabber (Dagger) - 20% action speed and 20% dmg with dagger attacks while Drunk. Combined with the ring Drunkard's Regret which makes you immune to hangover this is an exceptionally strong dagger. (see u/teesinz Mirke guide) Does start to lose out a lot of bonuses when your party has access to "Incredible Food" over Alcohol. If you want tankiness over damage its possible to grab the Numb enchant (-10% melee dmg recvieced) and combine it with Arrack (-15% dmg recieved). Magran's Favor (Battle Axe) - 2 All Fire Power Levels and can get either heal or dmg on melee kills/attacks. Exceptionally strong as a stat stick for an Evocation Wizard or Priest of Magran. Can also make some melee builds around it with for instance Paladins (Flames of Devotion) Kapana Taga (Club) Deals best of Crush or Slash dmg. +1 Engagement slot and Melee dmg/Accuracy for each Engaged Target. Pretty bonkers in combination with Reckless Brigandine for a tank. Rannig's Wrath (Rapier) - 10% action speed, +4 melee accuracy. 10% dmg vs Flanked. +1 Penetration for 5 sec on crit. The other optional enchants are also extremly good but more situational. +20 accuracy weapon modal. Only downside is single damage type. Sasha's Singing Scimitar (Sabre) 2% stacking action speed Aura for each held chanter phrase. Empowering an Invocation fills Chanter's Phrase Count to Max. Exceptionally strong on a Devoted/Skald or melee Troubadour. Stalker's Patience (Spear) - +10% Damage to Flanked targets (increases with Stealth skill), Hits with this weapon cause 15% Damage as Raw Damage over time. 20% chance to recover immediately on Crit. Still an exceptionally strong wep after 1.2 nerfs. Modwyr (Sword) 20% damage dealt as burn when above 50% health and and +20% damage dealt as freeze when below 50% health. 2% action speed on hit (stacks 10 times) Immunity to Intellect Afflictions. Bottom's Up 1/encounter: Primary Attack. Stun, +25% dmg dealt as Crush/Shock. Can be upgraded to Legendary after beeing released from previous owner. Animancer's Energy Blade (Sabre) - Deals Raw Damage and attacks more quickly than a standard blade. Deals less damage then other sabres but raw damage doesn't get mitigated by armor. Weapon modal is useless. Did some very rough math. Against targets that has normal penetration The dps should be a tiny bit lower then a standard legendary sabre. Since it deals Raw damage it Will be God - Tier against targets who would normally be severely under penned (-75%), easily S - Tier against moderatly underpenned (-50%), A - Tier against Slight under pen (-25%), E - Tier against Normal penetration. (Gets outperformed by a non unique legendary saber), and obviously even worse against overpen (+30%). Keep it as a backup weapon for moderate/severe underpen situations. Xoti's Sickle (Hatchet) 5% dmg when scoring kill (stacks 4 times), 15% action speed for 10 sec when near slain enemy. Both effects scales with Religion. Pre 1.2 Nerfs you could probably have made a build around it but now investion max in religion is just enough to make it a viable weapon not OP. Did some testing and at 20 religion each kill increases the damage by roughtly 15% and the action speed after killing a target is 25%. Plus I didnt notice it had dual damage types. Incredible on any class that scores kills easily like Rogue with finishing blow or Barbarians with bloody slaughter. Obviously very weak if there are very few mobs in the encounter. If you like my guides subscribe to me on Youtube or Follow me on Twitch. A - Tier: Very Strong but usually lacks the little extra to bring it to S-tier Lovers Embrace (Dagger)- 8 Raw dmg per 6 sec on stealth attacks plus 33% chance to get Frenzy when critting a male target (or female but im guessing there are fewer females in the game) Really strong on a single class rogue that can access a lot of the lategame stealth abilities. Move up a tier if used with Pukestabber. Not very good if you have easy access to tier 1 Might/Con Inspiration. Sun and Moon (Flail) - +2 Fire Power level during day +2 Frost Power during Night. Would be a S - Tier stat stick if the buffs applied for the entire day. If you can bother to rest so you only fight during the day it is an S-tier stat stick on Evocation Wizard. Golden Sun (Eothas) enchant 25% Burn damage from weapon returns Health. Haven't checked but if it applies from the Burn damage from for instance Flames of Devotion then it's S-tier. Aldris Blade of Capain Crow (Sabre). 10% hit to crit. +10 shock damage on crit. +8 health on crit. 15% dmg as shock. +2 Pen weapon modal. Decent defensive option for crit based dps frontliner Kahua Hozi (Spear) - Best of Pierce/Slash damage. 10% action speed. 15% damage. +25 defense against disengagement attacks. +1 engage weapon modal. Dual damage types make this a very strong alternative for a dps frontline. Rust's Poignard (Stiletto) - Bring Low: 30% chance to knock target prone and lower defense by -10 for 6 sec on crit. 35% dmg to targets affected by Bring Low. 3 Raw dmg per 3s for 9s on hit vs flanked. 3% action speed against flanked on hit (stacks 5 times). +2 pen weapon modal. Single damage type and combat mechanics favoring slower weapons keeps it out of S-tier. Probably Low Tier A/High Tier B. Griffin's Blade (Sword) Steadfast AoE when wearer is bloodied. 50% chance to Daze target and nearby enemies on crit. +10% dmg with Spells, +5 Will makes it a very competitive stat stick for a dps caster. Alternatively go for 10% action speed, +5 Reflex if going melee. Watcher's Blade (Sword) . 15% dmg as Raw. Due to how lash and Raw mechanics work this is extremly effective against a heavy armor target that you are under penetrating. Weaker against targets you overpenetrate, so have other weapons to swap to when needed. St. Drogga's Skull (Sabre) - 20% damage as burn. 20% chance to do AoE burn damage. Not exactly sure how the damage is rolled for the AoE burn proc but after some testing it seems rather strong. This weapon might be S - Tier depending on how that proc is calculated but it is A - Tier at the very least. Scordeo's Edge (Sabre) - Bit hesitant to rate this because I don't know how good the melee/range Scordeo's Edge/trophy swapping synergy would play out. You can enchant it in to pure melee weapon making it C-tier. Possibly better when going One-handed style but doubt it. - 5% chance to ignore recovery for 5 sec on hit. Buff duration does scale with int but procc is too RNG to be consistent (statistically its 1/20 attacks). +2 Accuracy with all weapons for 30s on scoring Hit (stacks 10 times). Apparently you can get multiple stacks if used in combination with AoE effects, making it a lot easier to stack then my initial assessment. Squid's Grasp (Rapier) Cannot be Flanked. +20% Action Speed when threatened by 3 or more enemies. If defeated within 10 seconds of using Squid's Escape, revive and become Invisible. +20 Accuracy Weapon modal. Decent defensive option for dps frontliner. Very useful in solo play, bit less useful in party play. Acolyte's Frostbite (Hatchet) Concentration + AoE frost cone when crit when no allies around. 10% chance to paralyze on crit. 15% dmg as Freeze. Depending on how near the allies have to be for the buff to proc you might have to use it on sole frontliner making it very unflexible. Very useful for solo play. Less useful for party play. Glacierbane (War Hammer) Serrated: +10% Damage as Raw. +1 Pen after taking Freeze dmg (3 stacks). Quite useful during BoW content since the mobs have a lot of freeze damage, but not that useful outside of it. You can gain the stacks from friendly fire, which means you could potentially proc it yourself. It starts at Superb so you could potentially just pick up the Penetration enchant, use it for BoW content and forgo upgrading it to legendary. Frostfall (Mace, stat stick) - Forged in Ice: Deals best of Crush/Freeze. Blessed by the void: 25% chance to apply Tier 1 Affliction to a nearby target when hit by an affliction. Encroaching Frost: Critical Hits have a 10% chance to freeze the enemy for 4s. Dispersed Suffering: On kill, the duration of Hostile Status Effects on nearby enemies are increased by 20%. Weapon is discussed in this thread. This weapon is really hard to rate. Both Encroaching Frost and Dispersed suffering proccs on spells, making it a potentially powerful stat stick. Atm it seems to be bugged and Status effects are increased by 50% instead of 20% (Patch 2.0). Best used on a spellcaster with a party that applies a lot of status effects on the enemies. Needs more testing after it is bug fixed to determine its true value. ​ ​ ​ ​ B - Tier: Mostly good proccs or good stats. Not enough build/class synergy to bring it higher. Marux Amanth (Dagger) - 10% Chance to deal Burn AoE on Hit, Quick to Slaughter +2 Penetration for a duration per combat at the start of the encounter, Grants Worthy Sacrifice. I haven't tested it myself but soulbound not beeing upgraded to legendary hurts a lot. Move up a tier if used with Pukestabber. Endre's Flog of Obedience (Flail) - 10% chance to apply Frightened on hit, +2 Pen against Mind affliction targets. Decent on a melee Cipher to lower Will. Sungrazer (Flail) - 10% chance to recover instantly on Hit, 2 sec Stun on hit, 25% dmg as burn and -1 Crush Armor Rating on Critical Hit. Decent for a Crit oriented build. Bardatto's Luxury (Mace) - 10% chance to Sicken target for 10 sec on hit, 10% chance Fit for 10 sec on self on scoring hit. Immunity to Con afflictions when above 50%. -1 armor for 10 sec weapon modal- Fairly decent for a tank Beza's Toothed Blade (Sabre) - 2 Armour Rating for 30s on Critical Hit. Can help setup overpen for your entire party Min's Fortune (Sabre) Stacking +2% Crit chance on Hit (stacks 50 times and resets on Crit). +15% crit dmg. Fairly good on a high crit build. Single damage type keeps it from beeing A-tier on Devoted. Tarn's Respite (Sabre) +1 Penetration, +15% Damage as Freeze, -1 target Deflection for 60 sec on Hit (stacks 10 times). Takes too long to stack deflection debuff for it to be rated higher. Mohora Tanga (Spear) - +1 Pen, 5% melee dmg (increases with Survival Skill) 5 raw bleed per 3s for 9s on crit, plus decent 1/rest active. Was very strong pre 1.2 now just decent. Duskfall (Sword) - +1 pen when attacking same target as ally, 10% action speed, 10% crit dmg or 25% misses to grazes (high acc favors crit, low acc miss to graze). 15 acc, 10% dmg to first attack made in combat. Decent weapon for Soul Blades to try to get a crit so they can dump focus into Soul Annilation, or for Assassin's to increase their burst from stealth. Last Word - (Warhammer) +1 Enemies Engaged. 5% weapon dmg per engaged enemy. Target cannot use active abilities for 3 sec on crit. Good Synergy with Reckless Brigandine C - Tier: Decent Weapons. Usually Suboptimal stat/procs or poor synergy Shattered Vengeance (Club) 33% chance to apply a stacking curse on the target, increasing their damage received by 5%. Assuming it stacks forever It's probably decent in boss fights but for the most part pretty meh. Ball and Chain (Flail) Knockdown target on crit, 10% chance to recover immediately when crit and free self/allies from dex/ might affliction (once per encounter) Decent 1h for tanks just much better alternatives. Skullcrusher (Flail) 10% chance to Daze for 10 sec and Prone on Hit. Empowered abilities apply Injury on target. Decent on tanks. Assuming the Injury applies on bosses it can be very powerful in those instances. Gladiator Sword (Sword) - 10% melee dmg, +5 deflection when worn with a shield. +1 Pen. Ok for a 1h/shield tank but rather have increased defenses since tanks doesn't really deal much damage anyways. Good on certain 1h& shield dps builds like my Barbarian/Hellwalker. Resounding Call (Warhammer) - 50% chance to cast random mind affliction for 8 sec on crit. Bell Ringer 2/rest (upgraded version of Rogue Strike the bell) Mind affliction can be Rank 1-3 so its a pretty decent debuff. If resting between every fight this can be considered atleast A-tier at low levels when you dont have many Ability Uses since Bell Ringer is a fairly strong active ability. D - Tier: Too Conditional (only good against specific enemy types) Can be A-tier against that specific type though. Magistrate's Cudgel (Mace) - 3 sec stun on crit. Random Tier 1 inspiration when afflicted. Low lvl Kith instakilled on crits. Pretty useless if played on upscaling bump up a tier otherwise. Soulbound not getting legendary makes this fairly bad. Grave Calling (Sabre) - +2% Freeze damage for 60.0 sec on Hit (stacks 15 times). Takes way too long to stack up to be very useful. 15 accuracy against Vessles makes it good vs them. There is also some strong chanter synergy where you can summon creatures and kill them off with the weapons alternative enchant, to create infinite adds. Example build here. Azure Blade (Stiletto) - +15 Accuracy when 3 or more allies are within 2 m. Very unreliable and have to build a frontline heavy team just to make it work Hel Beckoning (Sword) - Stacking corrode dot and accuracy vs Spirits. Veil Piercing means it's extremly strong vs spirits. There is also some strong chanter synergy where you can summon creatures and kill them off with the weapons alternative enchant, to create infinite adds. Example build here. Whispers of Yenwood (Sword) - 25% miss to graze, 10% hit to crit. +20% Damage against Spirits, +15 Accuracy against Spirits. Very strong vs spirits Not very good otherwise. E - Tier: Just no. Pretty Sure Matakau/St. Drogga's Skull aren't real uniques since they are preorder bonuses. Matakau (Battle Axe) +1 Penetration against Vessel targets. Not even that great against Vessels. Vion-ceth (Hatchet) +20% Melee Damage to Plant targets and targets with Plant status effect. C-tier in combination with a Druid/Ranger to set it up for you. Useless without. ​ Edit: Moved Scordeo's Edge into Tier A. Wasn't aware that AoE abilities could give multiple stacks. Moved Squid's Grasp and Acolyte's Frostbite into Tier A to reflect that they are stronger for solo play then party play.
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