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  1. Yeah, you have to know that I put down the list with pets list aside me and deliberately I skipped Concelhaut. Because he is not a pet, he is not ethereal at all, he is not a trinket or a companion... and one time he will return stronger than before, stronger than ever Oh... and maybe he is just returned but we are falling into a great spoiler
  2. Thank you all. Other things I'm doing to collect bonus faster is wear Devil of Caroc Breastplate and Adratic Glow. As a multiclass you crave for more bonds
  3. I don't know if it's already written, but I've found nothing, so: what do you think is the maximum bonus of Beast's Claw? 20? You are wrong! Max bonus is infinite! Watch my cute little ranger having (for the moment) a beast's claw bonus of 37: First bonus says "x6" but is actually "x21" has you can see from combat log: Notice that the bonus applies also on ranged attacks Obviously it is also true for defenses values, i.e fortitude: How have I get that? Noting weird, I did a fight versus kith in SSS, finished it, save, then another battle and I see the +6 bonus of first battle remains in its place and the another +16 bonus appeared... Another battle, another +15 bonus and the first two were merged together, if I saved after another battle, all three bonuses merged: I don't know if it works only for kith or not. So I think if you want you can cheese about that how much you want; I don't know whether it works only in the crucible, but if you wanna maximize that, some questions: What are the best weapons for that? I go two weapons, one and with Sun and Moon (because of 2 hits instead of one) and Stalker's Patience in the second for Legendary and +5 accuracy bonus (more chances to hit --> more chances to get +1 semi permanent bonus from Beast's Claw). Are the other weapons which hits more times likes Sun and Moon? I spend one empower point every battle to regain bonds and to use Beast's Claw more times in a fight: is it worthwhile or not? I think at least you can keep the last empower point for when you are satisfied of the bonus you get, but if you have better ideas... Which battle/zone/situation is better for stack this bonus for kith? I'm doing and re-doing "Contest of the Seeker" and "The Bloodletting" till death but in SOLO they are hard and long battles; I can go i.e. in an inn and massacre who is inside but I prefer to not "clean" such areas. If you know better ideas, let me know please. I think it's not a bug you can build around it, you can reach the bonus you wish with every ranger/subclass but remember that when you need bonus against some other new race you have to sleep and restart the "process". Please Note: I bumped into it when I was trying to do the SSS "Changelin's Dance" trial SOLO with my Wildrhymer: tried many thing but think only that can do the job Very stupid fight for a completionist
  4. Lucky you! It happens to me also with code I'm developing now But I suppose... it is part of the "italian" way of make jobs, you know... On my defense when someone ask about things I did many years before usually I answer, but I draft deep details of my work and keep them all in zip backup folder... and ALWAYS people ask the same things
  5. I totally agree with you. It wasn't meant to be an insult to the team. I'm a programmer too and I haven't (past 20 years) met a team who know everything about a complex software (and maybe simple too ), it was only a joke And maybe I found out a new cheese that I'm gonna show you next days
  6. And, If you play SOLO, being able to cast a set of spells without grimoire switch can be game changing in some encounters. Watershaper version is better. Trickster can do both and if he wants, potentially more times than wizard (a part Blood Mage, obviously). Priest of Wael can cast Arkemyr's Wonderous Torment. Arcan Archer can cast it and usually with more accuracy than a wizard. For some of them there are also scrolls and items, but ok, scroll version usually are worst... but with high arcana...
  7. Maybe not so powerful to make a build around it, but a fire based sorcerer who evoke firebrand and self buffs himself with wizard spells could be a funny and rpg-wise interesting character. Anyway, it can be implemented better perhaps with a pure wizards and some scrolls.
  8. 1 - Chill Fog 2 - Arms Bearer 3 - Two-handed style and Weapon and Shield style 4 - Combusting Wounds (or Arcain Veil) 5 - Combat Focus and Deleterious Alacrity of Motion 6 - Arcane Dampener 7 - Spell Shaping and Pull of Eora 8 - Essential Phantom 9 - Rapid Casting and Farcasting 10 - Citzal's Spirit Lance 11 - Improved Critical and Martial Caster 12 - Arcane Reflection 13 - Penetrating Empower and Wall of Draining 14 - Citzal's Martial Power 15 - Accurate Empower 16 - Kalakoth's Freezing Rake and Minoletta's Piercing Sigil 17 - Secrets of Rime 18 - Caedebald's Blackbow 19 - Prestige and Meteor Shower 20 - Arcane Cleanse
  9. Hi, I don't have your problem and many players haven't been still playing PoE nowadays, anyway, have you tried to launch the game without steam launcher? The problem could be also the platform, what OS, CPU and GPU are you playing on? Do you have any other system for trying out the game? And finally: what are the others questions without answers?
  10. About wizard when you multiclass you lose many high damage high level spells, with druid you gain some healing abilities and not so much, maybe it could be interesting a spiritshift druid with self buff from wizard. I think the comparison should be between pure wizard and Thaumaturge instead.
  11. I wish a druid spell to morph in a treant, ent or whatsoever you wanna call it, 9 level, high duration, many (at least 6) attacks with branches, low speed, defenses high to the skies, immunities to crush damage, a very large moving tree who smashes up anything in its way. And brilliant for everybody, too.
  12. Hi, I'd go (no particularly reasons, only general feelings) with: 4. Oracle (Druid/Cipher) jack of all trades healing/debuffing/buffing/CC and why not, damage 5. Scout (Ranger/Rogue) to take the best with ranged weapons and for targeting single enemies
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