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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Eh? I don't think I posted something contradictory. In fact what I wanted to say is pretty much in line with your statement. In case my post was confusing I now added a sentence to be more clear. Edit: gruesome typos, sorry...
  2. Your plan with Goldpact etc. sounds solid. I think you won't hit stuff with weapons a lot if you go all defense and high AR. So don't plan to use a weapon too often. I think you will be occupied with other stuff than hitting. If your defenses and healing is nice you won't need a lot of CON. Just keep in mind that dumping DEX and PER "only" lowers your reflex (which goes back up with a large shield and is not a defense against afflictons in the first place, mostly AoE damage) while dumping CON will lower your fortitude which makes you vulnerable to weakening,stunning etc.
  3. That might be. I actually never tested it with increased PL. Unfortunately Seven Nights doesn't add "projectiles" with PL. That would be so neat...
  4. With Watershaper's Focus or Fire in the Hole you can even get 3 Death Rings (Driving Flight + additional jump from weapon) which kills many mobs right on the spot (also because of the triple weapon AoE and the "destroy" feature of Death Ring). One of the few things that can pulverize a pack of CRE_Dummies with one single attack. Not really melee though - I just realize that dual mortars are also not melee.
  5. The arrows are fine. The PEN of the attached spells doesn't seem to scale with Power Level (at least not with Minor Missiles). I hope this gets fixed soon. In case of Web and Eora it doesn't matter of course.
  6. Does this combo only work with the 2nd phantasm spell? I've seen you mention it a few times but when I tried it the phantasm just gets my normal weapons and not the draining touch....? You cast Draining Touch, you cast Essential Phantom and voila. Unless this got patched out with the latest patch. Don't hope so...
  7. Again: your points are not the problem. Just where you inject them. Salt in food is not a problem as long as you don't pour it into coffee.
  8. Recommending Whispers of the Wind as healing solution was sure a great response to what other people said...
  9. Being tanky and grind stuff and buffing/debuffig is not mutually exclusive. You have to hit with some attacks at some point in order to win. And if you can hit more reliably then you win more easily. A single class Monk is also very powerful because he can stack high amounts of Accuracy through Dance of Death (+12), scaling Transcendent Suffering (+14 mythic ACC bonus) and Razor's Edge (+10) while he can weaken the enemy, interrupt them or stun them. Stunned enemies can't fight back an weakened enemies can't heal well. Which means they die faster as if you would only pummle them with auto-attacks.
  10. Yeah I think using a Monk with high CON and Iron Wheel is a good way. Also monks get good health bonuses per level while pure Wizards don't. So a Sage does better than a Wizard when it comes to health. Just remember that 35 CON is the cap. So no need to max CON plus use a CON inspiration plus use items with CON bonus. You can skip one of those and still reach 35.
  11. If you can't land a debuff then you also can't land a normal hit, right? It's always the same: Buff your ACC in order to land a debuff which lowers the defenses in order to deal more damage. The road to victory. Everything else is just fooling around (just my opinion). That's the reason why modals like Body Blows, Bewildering Blows and such are so powerful. -25 to a defense is great. One example: Geomancer with a club or Willbreaker, Stalker's Link and all the other ACC stuff, Miasma, Eldritch Aim, Concelhaut's Draining Touch and Essential Phantom can reliably buff his ACC so he can reliably debuff enemies' Will by 65+ and then let the Phantom crit the enemy to death with endless draining touches which target will. You can overcome every defense in the game with this because it has a) ACC buff, b) defense debuff and c) means to deal damage. If you can achieve the same with other combos you win. There are other ways to win - but in my opinion those three steps are the quintessence of PoE combat. Who doesn't buff + debuff makes combat more difficult. Which might be intended...
  12. You can't cast PL 8 and 9 spells from Grimoires if you are a multiclass wizard.
  13. Another way how you can do good single target damage with a dumped MIG/CC focused Bloodmage is to use Concelhaut's Draining Touch and to summon Essential Phantom. It will also get the Draining Touch weapon and can attack repeatedly with it (won't go away after hit). It targets Will, it drains health for the Phantom, it does very high base damage (corrode). While the phantom hits enemies with respectable damage (for a summon) you can place your CC spells. Like Miasma (lowers Will for the Phantom like crazy). I did this with a Geomancer but it might also work well with any other low MIG Bloodmage variant.
  14. You don't get the point. It's ok to recommend stuff, even multiple times - when it fits a topic or a question. Putting it everywhere (and even open multiple fake help threads which are only there to boast about how awesome your build is) - that's when you start to look like a pretentious phoney begging for attention. If you think this is necessary then please go ahead.
  15. Summons don't scale with power level but only char level. So bonus PLs don't do anything for your summons' stats. Power Level bonuses are very good with Eld Nary's + Upgrade though.
  16. You should report that. Nick Carver (designer of he new subclasses) said in the beta forum that the Imbue Spells are supposed to scale with Power Level like other spells do.
  17. Hm... I tend to recommend Sage (Bloodmage/Nalpasca). Because the self damage from Blood Sacrifice and Alacrity will give you lots of wounds and Citzal's Spirit Lance + Stunning Surge and Swift Flurry + Heartbeat Drumming + Enduring Dance is bonkers. Citzal's with Force of Anguish, too. Bonus fun with Instruments of Pain. I'm not sure it's the optimal combo, but it's fun as heck if you have a good healer in the party. Solo it's just suicide.
  18. Yes. Double Arcana-ACC boost with Imbue shots so to speak. But with non-imbue attacks of Archer and Devoted you will suffer the Arcane Archer's ACC penalty. A way around this would be to not use a Devoted/Arcane Archer but a Paladin/Arcane Archer. Because Flames of Devotion does not get the ACC Malus because it's an elemental attack. It only costs 1 Zeal and in most encounters you will not run out of Bond and Zeal altogether. In addition to that Flames of Devotion has +10 ACC anyway. AND it works with the Ring of Focused Flames, giving you additional +10 ACC on top of ACC bonus from Spearcaster/Arcana. Add Zealous Focus, too. Another plus is that (Greater) Lay on Hands is perfect to keep your animal companion alive.
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