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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I hope firkraag888/master guardian/no1fanboy/bigbazoopa/whomever is feeling shame now...
  2. Did you use FreeRecipesToggle? Because that once can mess up the restrictions.
  3. "I really don't understand why they balance a single player game!" "Here's a good explanation why." "That's too long! I have no time for that! I'd rather write several more long posts about how I don't get why they balance a single player game!"
  4. They are mutually exclusive. All enchantments that are opposite leaves on the enchantment tree are. It's either or.
  5. Unity Console. You won't get Berath's Blessings with a "cheated" game (using the built-in console with iroll20s).
  6. Fleet Feet is lvl 1 and so is Parasitic Staff. If you cast the first you take away spell uses for the Staff.
  7. Yes. Only the base duration scales with power level. Not the sommoned creatures themselves. Same with summoned weapons.
  8. Frenzy and Alacrity don't stack their speed bonuses afaik. The increased DEX will help a bit and the move speed is nice. But you pay that with even more self damage (on top of Blood Sacrifice).
  9. Don't think that fairness was compromised. For the statements like "INT is the better stat than MIG for a DoT rogue" or "Would you consider max INT for a rogue?" (and the objections we are facing) it doesn't really matter if multiclass or single class. In both cases there are situations where you would want to max INT if you want to optimize your build. Not every build, mind you! There will be rogue builds where MIG is more important. Can't think of any clear example atm but there will be. This is a discussion that shows that you shouldn't discard anything just by reflex. Just because your instinct tells you something's not worth considering doesn't mean it really isn't. In this case there are multiple examples that show that "XY is superior than INT on a rogue" might be a strong opinion, but not a very informed one (no offense).
  10. Yes, and it has no real drawbacks for a caster. Berserker is very good as well if you can circumvent the confusion and get occasional healing. Also the fear ward makes it very easy to avoid getting attacked in melee.
  11. Mod or simply use the build-in console. If you use the Deadfire console to change class or subclass then achievements will get disabled. If you use a mod-console like Unity console they will not. The commands are "setclass" and "setsubclass".
  12. Maybe if people would really read the post from Josh they wouldn't repeat this statement over and over. But since it doesn't seem to be enough to link to it I will quote it here: Also the statement "rather work on bugs" was answered multiple times: The people that do balance passes are not the same who fix bugs. So balancing is not taking away resources for bugfixing.
  13. Sometimes I really think I accidentally write Mandarin or something... That's because nobody said that it's the superior stat in general. It's the superior stat when you use DoT a lot and/or if you use AoE weapons. And if you have something like Vanishing Strikes where increased duration is very beneficial. The question was: would you consider maxing INT on a rogue? Of course. It was not: would you consider INT to be the most important stat for any rogue? Nope. Since it depends on the build there is no most important stat for rogue in general. Also please read again the part about math and multiplicative nature of INT with DoTs. You said you would only consider it with Vanishing Strikes. I showed you another ability where you really should consider it. I didn't say that you should always max INT.
  14. Essence Interrupter is very nice, a good dps alternative is Aamiina's Legacy. I like EI better because of the neat side effects. But you should find something else for your attacks from stealth/invisibility, especially if you want to use backstab as well. Dps on those bows is good, but the base damage is rather low and that's what is important for your assassination attacks. Something like Dragon's Dowry or so is pretty good in that case.
  15. Speaking of math: INT increases duration by 5% per point. MIG increases dmg by 3% (additive) per point. In case of DoT the overall damage scales better with INT than with MIG. It's a 5% multiplicative damage increase per point compared to a 3% additive. Also a reason why crits work so well with DoTs: they increase duration by 50% which is a multiplicative dmg boost (instead of the rather crappy 25% additive bonus that direkt damage stuff gets). If you're looking for efficient Guile use with DoTs you are better off maxing INT than MIG (in general). Best would be to max both though because then then INT bonus would multiply the one from MIG. If DoTs are not your focus and you want to be a fast and accurate direct single damage (dps) rogue then of course INT is not that important - especially if other party members provide the afflictions.
  16. Maxing PER is good for the early game but has little impact at higher levels and as soon as you have access to acc buffs. Bosses are an exception. Maxing DEX is always good. Maxing PER, DEX and INT is not mutually exclusive by the way. Yes. But if you didn't know that why did you say that the math wouldn't come out in favour of INT? It would already come out just because of the bigger AoE and the longer duration. Without any exponential growth. Again: the question was not if INT is the most important stat for any rogue but if one would consider to max INT on a rogue. If you don't even consider it you didn't understand Rogue in my opinion. Maybe I'm an arrogant prick though.
  17. Then your math is pretty bad. INT effects AoE size of mortars and duration of Toxic Strike. Toxic Strike grows exponentially with each tick. MIG only adds additive damage to each tick. Also in most cases the additive dmg bonus of MIG is very neglectible compared to Sneak Attack and Deathblows. MIG 10 compared to 18 is an increase in +24% additive damage. In case of a sword that's 3,84 dmg per hit. MIG is a rather ineffective dps stat. If you compare it with healing it's interesting. Then with high INT of course.
  18. I'd say shock. All the Ironclads and Steelclads are so annoying...
  19. The question was if one would consider max INT on a rogue, not if every rogue should have it. So you wouldn't even consider to max INT on a rogue no matter what? There are lots of rogue abilities where I'd say INT is the most important stat - especially if I go the DoT/AoE route. For lots of rogue builds MIG is fairly unimportant. Still I would consider to max it on certain other builds.
  20. According to an old interview they wanted to include it into PoE. It didn't work. So it's not as that easy to do it right.
  21. Can't say. Some while ago. But only if (temporary) allies hit them. If the enemies hit a target which you charmed it will not flip. But if you charm somebody and then smack him he/she/it will not be charmed anymore. Makes sense. Domination stays.
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