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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. You have to turn on the AI for them. There's a button in your ability bar (a grey head). You have to toggle that so that it's highlighted.
  2. You didn't get the point. The point was that a nerf of an ability wouldn't lead to a screwed playthrough becausea) you could retrain and b) the nerf would make the class less OP but not unplayable. That people wouldn't want to pick Beckoner as much after a nerf doesn't mean that it's unplayable. Thus a statement that you can't finish a playthrough because one of your abilities got nerfed is hyperbole. Same as calling something "most useless". "Useless" isn't a term you can use a comparative with by the way. Useless is absolute. Beckoners are not useless - so calling them useless is hyperbole as well. So if Gromnir says you used hyperbole he's right. He was not using hyperbole.
  3. I don't think that passive Mith Fyr will transform the attack type to elemental. But it's worth a try. Black Bow is PL 8 and thus not a accessible for multiclass chars. But I guess you meant 8. Would be a great weapon for an Arcane Archer.
  4. Yes, MIG is important for DoTs. Because afaik Sneak Attack and Deathblows don't get applied to any DoT ticks (except Deep Wounds indirectly).
  5. Gromnir posts like that since the beginning of times. It doesn't have any impact on reasoning - which is sound in this case. So why bring it up? I also think that nobody really gets the impression that Gromnir doesn't know what he's talking about.
  6. Normal +25% crit damage bonus on direct damage abilities is neglectible, but PEN gets increased by 50% and on DoTs the duration gets prolonged wich works very well with INT. See Toxic Strike and Disintegrate.
  7. Yes. But now they are owned by Microsoft which isn't known to support games for Linux and they are using the Unreal Engine. While there is a Linux version of it I believe it's harder (means more effort) to taylor an Unreal game for Linux than it is with an Unity game. I don't say that it won't happen but I would be surprised. Pleasantly surprised. If Proton keeps evolving as it does now then this doesn't matter too much though - unless you don't want to use Steam.
  8. Which are? On crash Nalpasca can't heal (-100% healing - basically like Enfeebled) and they lose 1 wound every 3 secs.
  9. It's also highly benefical if you use rod+Blast or mortars etc. to apply Arterial/Gouging/Toxic/whatever Strike in an AoE. Also Pernicious Cloud (PEN got fixed and it's good now).
  10. Summons do profit from power level (increased base duration which can mean quite a long duration gain with good INT) - just way less than other invocations and also differently than one might think. I still have no idea why summoned creatures and weapons (and animal companions) don't scale their stats with power level but char level.
  11. Maybe because it's an upgrade of a non-damaging ability and didn't get flagged correctly. Or DoTs in general won't flip charmed enemies back? I actually have no idea. Somebody needs to test this - cause I'm at my parents who don't touch computers.
  12. I also think it's just the rel. unspectacular loot of the fighting crew. On the other side you get much sailor XP when sinking ships. And unique loot will drop 100% while there are still issues with unique loot when killing the enemy captain via boarding.
  13. I tried to build a 5-slot-blunderbuss Battlemage in beta.
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