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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Besides Citzal's it's also good because of either Disciplined Strikes (more crits) or Tactical Barrage (+5 INT,+1Power Level) with spells and the combined defenses (Refreshing Defense + self buffs from Wiz). Removes the squishyness without gimping the spellpower too much.
  2. I ruled. The game is much easier on your second playthrough due to meta-knowledge and a better grasp of mechanics. So that's a good time to start some fun experiments.
  3. The downside of the Devoted compared to Berserker is that his bonuses only work with weapons while Tenacious will rise your PEN universally. But yes, Battlemage is nice, too. Just keep in mind that Alacrity causes self dmg as well.
  4. Sure it's good. Especially Battlemage with Citzal's Spirit Lance - aside from subclasses. The AoE works with Mule Kick and even better: Clear Out. That's basically AoE*AoE (exponential dmg growth the more enemies you hit). Try to summon Lance, lure enemies to a spot with Dazzling Lights and open fight with Clear Out. If you manage to hit 5 enemies it's generating 5*5 = 25 attack rolls. And if you have Cleaving Stance active and kill an enemy... Refreshing Defense + Wizards self buffs make you extremely tanky for some time. Just note that Refreshing Defense stacks with Veil or Mirrored Image, but not Llengrath's Safeguard (the raised defense part).
  5. The self damage is massive. But if you counter it with Savage Defiance it's manageable.
  6. Yes, it works with Blast. Using Watershaper's Focus instead of dual mortars is equally effective. A bit less dmg (because of longer recovery of the rod+Blast and also because mortars target reflex and that's debuffed so easily) but much higher range (safer to use).
  7. Xoti's Monk Subclass is quite bad compared to the other monk options. I would change it to vanilla. Or simply remove the passives with the console but keep the name. Because that's kind of cool. Took Xoti along several times now and always had the impression that she's far more useful as a single class Priest than as Monk or Monk/Priest (for the biggest part of the game). Her increased wound costs are so annoying at the lower levels - even though it's not half as bad as with the Corpse Eater.
  8. 1. It got nerfed. Ondra's Wave is not considered a ranged attack anymore and thus doesn't jump with Driving Flight and WS' Focus' own jump anymore. Result is: less triggering of Ondra's Wave. The combo is still good but not as broken as before. Since I don't think that Ondra's Wave generates focus (?) it might not matter at all in this case. But I never tested that. You'll need something to pack enemies into tight groups - like Sparkcrackers/Dazzling Lights/Pull of Eora or so. That way you'll make sure you generate maximum focus with every shot. 2. Nice to have. Good thing about your plan: the first attack from stealth (with Blast it might generates enough focus to ascent) will skip the very long recovery from Blast - because the first attack from stealth gets a 85% recovery bonus (which nearly nullifies the first recovery). So if it's enough you can immediately start to cast your cipher powers while ascended. 3. Put something like Red Hand or Dragon's Dowry into your second weapon slot. 4. Get Ring of the Marksman, too. 5. No idea.
  9. Sure, because single class Monk with Whispers of the Wind is the most effective Chanter you can use to build the best Blood Mage. That build tastes best if you replace it with a Herald right before serving...
  10. Funny though: Batsh!t Crazy is a non-shifting build. The worst "anti-synergy" of Unbroken/Shifter is that you won't be able to use the "+1 AR when wearing a shield" passive of the Unbroken while shifted. If that's not a problem for you: why not? Weapons and armor won't matter since they get replaced with shifted stuff anyways. The rest... I presume protection/deflection and regeneration items would be nice. Nothing too fancy comes into my mind.
  11. What is Chill Cloud? Chillfog I presume? Spirit Frenzy staggers with all direct damage spells. I think Chillfog is no exception. Also with Carnage by the way. So it's fairly easy to perma-stagger.
  12. Stunning Surge has a very high chance to cause at least one crit with dual mortars (Full Attack + one jump from Fire in the Hole) + AoE hits. One crit is enough to get the full refund. Stunning Surge works with Blast as well, yes.
  13. Yes, a cone. No idea why I doesn't get displayed.
  14. Whispers of the Wind + Resonant Touch with dual mortars (and Stalking Cloak): Sorry for the spam. Posted this for the 12th time now I guess. Whispers of the Wind is lvl 19 though. Don't base your build on that because it comes so late. But on the way you can use Stunning Surge (infinite uses as long as you attack several enemies) and Flagellant's Path (skips reload). Both are great fun as well. Combine with Dance of Death and Turning Wheel. You want the INT for bigger mortar AoE.
  15. Flesh Communion takes some time and only works on Beasts, Wilder and Kith. Besides that it would be good I presume. I played a Corpse Eater/Wizard as MC and it was fun.
  16. Does Goldpact armor bonus stack with berserker armor bonus? Nope, but you can't uphold Frenzy all the time if you want to use any Rage for something else. Upholding Gilded Enmity is fairly easy because of the refund.
  17. Looks right. The damage roll might have been slightly higher than 21.3 (e.g 21.34) and only got rounded for UI. That would explain why you end up at .7 and not .6.
  18. Maluses get applied through double inversion. So as soon as you have any bonus then a malus of "50%" isn't really 50%. Have a (long) look here: The game adds all coefficients together. Bonuses, maluses, doesn't matter.In PoE1 it worked fine, since there weren't enough big maluses. While in Deadfire a similar approach would lead to negative damage on under-penetrating graze. A lazy workaround could be to limit the damage at 0, or 20% of original value. A better way would be to divide sum_of_bonuses by sum_of_maluses (all numbers being positive, so the result will be positive as well, plus it ends up with meaningful result). But Deadfire went on the path of double-inversion. Which personally I see as math shenanigans, as they use different sub-formulas for bonuses and maluses, and do not cancel-out nicely if they have same absolute values. Specifically, imagine that you have: +25% action speed from Frenzy, which translates into 1.25 speed coefficient; and -25% action speed from Arbalest's modal, which translates into 0.75 speed coefficient The game takes 1.25 and transforms it into +0.25 (step_value) via [coef - 1] formula The game takes 0.75 and transforms it into -0.(3) (step_value) via [1 - 1/coef] formula Now it adds them together: step_sum = 0.25 - 0.333333 = -0.083333 And after that computes the final coefficient: - if step_sum is greater than 0: final_coef = step_sum + 1 - if step_sum is less than 0: final_coef = 1 / (1 - step_sum) In our case it's the later, thus final_coef = 1 / (1 - -0.083333) = 0.92 And finnaly: phase_time = base_phase_time / final_coef So if you had 6s reload; with Frenzy and Arbalest's modal you will have 6.52s, even if one effect was giving you +25% action speed, and another -25% action speed. P.S. We call it double inversion because: - individual malus coefficients are inverted when computing their individual step values - if step_sum is below zero, it is inverted in order to get final coefficient Also applies to damage, not only speed.
  19. This actually sounds crazy fun. Wanted a single class Rogue build for my boy Eder (though I’ll need to boost his int). Which Rod would be best for this build? Haven’t had time to test but does Wayershaper focus cause toxic strike to bounce? Yes, Toxic Strike will bounce. But the DoT will not stack (just add some duration). But of course all the direct damage (including Ondra's Wave which does crush damage) and then all the Deep Wounds from double AoE + Ondra's Waves will stack. One reason why my first build (Scout with WS's Focus) still does so much alpha damage if you lure enough enemies to one spot. Using Arterial Strike this way (and add w Wizard with Pull of Eora) is also very good. Boosting Edér's INT to acceptable hights for such an AoE/DoT build is hard.
  20. Berserker/Paladin (especially Goldpact) is a solid choice. At some point a paladin's passive can make you immune to Berserker's Confusion without the need for items, party members' buffs or consumables.
  21. Not really. But could you please close this thread? Because obviously it wasn't created to get help but only to annoy people. Just look at the initial question and the reaction to constructive suggestions "How do you kill xy". "Like so". "Don't think it works because my Herald Isso good" (it isn't). "Then like so". "Might work, but your answer is too long so I don't bother reading it. Instead I will keep spamming the forum with statements about how good Heralds are". I don't think anything fruitful will come from this. I doubt anything fruitful will come from Marigoldran at all, but one could start with this thread...
  22. There are still DoTs that break stealth and invisibility - for example the poison from Nannasin's Cobra Strike.
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