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Everything posted by evilcat

  1. Due to Eothas crisis deities no longer support clergy with power. They need to fight like warriors. I have no complaints about general game mechanic, per encounter spells and empowerment. (at least not in the scope of this topic) Priests are allowed to use alabasters, rods, and dual scepters. Tier 4 spells are nice. You could MC Priest with /Chanter, /Paladin, /Wizard. And if you are into buffing, healing that could be a correct route. Complains: Holy Radiance is just 1x cast tier 2(or3) spell. Which is not much for class feature. Holy Radiance does not alter with deity. You dont really have ways to spend your level points on. It doesnt matter how many spells per level you know, you can only cast them twice. Casting "restore" twice is fair choice. This is why MC is good, you can take class with passives, or more active skills, and dump your points there. No passives. No passives related to deity. Not even related to casting. There are some passives at power level 5+, but that does not solve excesive level points in your tier 1-4. Buff/Debuff spells with super short duration: Holy Meditacion Single target buffs with long casting time for single buff: Prayer of the.. (the whole line) Or Champions Boon (8sec casting for 30 sec buff) High level spells without power : Searing Seal. Not much healing spells above tier 3. The whole tier 5 has no good spells. There is resurection, but it is not spell we want to cast often. Not so many summon spiritual ally/animated weapon spells. The variety of things spells do is limited, which means that higher level spells could plain outclass lower, (how many Fit you need), and you cant just switch to something else, since there is nothing else (few spells). And debuffs are not really that good. Suggestions: Buff all tier 5 spells. Increase dmg of searing seal. Lower cast time of litany of the spirit and champion boon. Add healing to Barren door, Move some neutral passives to level 1 and similar. Something other than arms bearer. Introduce more neutral passives at all levels, so if your class abilities are low, you can just roll with neutral. Introduce more caster specific passives, like giving even more healing, or more dmg with element spells. Give dmg spell with theme physical dmg + debuff. (so it will be different from elemental aproach of wizard/druid). Lower casting time for single target buffs. Unless something is hard CC, increase duration for debuffs to like 30 sec, depending of the amount of debuffs. Move Devotion of the Faithfull to tier 5, so there will be one spell which is garbade. Tier 4 has some ok spells. More healing spells, at higher level or alter existing, like Hold the door healing target over time. At higher levels do Heal+Buff, or Dmg+Debuff. To avoid power creep and "deal 200dmg" spells. For spell classes give line of passives +1 spell cast at this level. Other classes could get +3 to resource pool at level 8/9. Some crazy passives. Like "When you cast healing spell, regain 20 health yourself". Or "When you cast buff spell gain action speed boost for 20sec (stacks 3 times)". More "Magran Champion, your fire attacks deal 10% more dmg". That should help.
  2. You pay first, then get payback. Really max int/per. Keen Mind helpfull. Crit builds complete self. Hearth Orlan. DW Drain Whip. You could eyestrike, phantom foes as enabler, and then ringleader. Or just cast eyestrike "free" You can still cast shred powers, just not get focus back. Mindblades or Recall Agonny+Ignition. Borrowed Instinct, Body Attuned always Amplified Way, Desintagration end game Assasin Use Guile for smoke veil for backstabs. Dont overdo. This is just for building up focus. Paladin Use zeal for glorious beacon. Also FoD to build focus. Chanter (trubadour) The long night + Illa But overall Beguiler does nothing new from Ascendant.
  3. I would go with Priest/Chanter. The souls could pay off for that ride in lantern. How do you mod companion class? Some companions are harmed with poor selection of class.
  4. Having quick cast, high penetration range ability if you are melee have some merit. It just need to have decent penetration and scale with PL. Also 2 Zeal is to high for single target magic missiles.
  5. I use single handed sword, to not miss any special attack. But that is with Soulblade. Powers: MindBlades/Amplification/Ring Leader for mobs BodyAttumed/BorrowedInstinct/Recall Agony buffs Eyestrike cheap That is not many powers, but you are not limited by any pool.
  6. I think that Paladins are awesome. Not sure about power, but awesomenes is here. Could fast heal anyone, and that is always good. Could deliver powerfull full attack. Provides passive aura (can even switch it), as well as various party buffs as passive Have high defenses with minimal cost Could debuff with inspired beacon. Sworn Enemy good against bosses Can regain zeal. Main main drawback is that Paladin is spread thin on many things, so MC could allow better focus on one aspect. But the class is alright, and as good as it could be.
  7. If you could multiclass wizard with wizard, would you? You would use two different grimoires. And have PL only 7 (not 10). But have 2x2 spells per tier. Woudl such MC be stronger than Wizard/Druid or Druid/Priest?
  8. You can scroll away and when you sea pirate ship make a curve. They give up. There is a dock district there is two houses quest which gives hull/sails. (for avoiding combat) You can change flag depending on the waters. You can go directly to deck combat for some hull dmg. Havent tested surrender option, maybe it is not that bad. There could be "run away" option which just checks your sails and crew. (this could be good idea)
  9. Rogue for Deep Pockets, Trickster for spells. /Wizard he uses grimoir, so that fits theme.
  10. The idea is to add something opposite to Berath blessing, but with perks which make game harder. The profit is, that it could make game harder, for those who desire it, while not altering how normies play the game. Everyone is happy. Rymrgard fits best, since he dont exacly wants us succesed. Bad luck suit him. This is not a priority, bugs and buffs come first. But maybe one day. Time to create some interesting modifications: No clear Skies - You can only rest in shrines and taverns. Fools gold - Everything cost twices as much. Privateers - food and consumables cost twice as much in addition. Hungry God - Watcher starts game with 6 less abilitty less (Eothas eat more of our soul). Hard trials - all skill test are +2 to pass. Fit and Steady - all enemies have +50% more health Thick skinned - all enemies benefit from +2 armour Not so empowerd - empower effect is less impressive (gives less power level). No mercy - downed characters always get injury. Elemental Resistance - enemies benefit from + 5 elemental resistance Elite Forces - all enemies are +2 levels. Ideas for more? EDIT: This is real. The OE is working on it. And naming it "Magran's Fires", that is even hotter name. https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire/updates/692
  11. Ranger: Pet abilities are weak considering that they apply to body which cant use items. So you soak pleanty of points into half good warrior. Pet abillities cost to much, and do very little. Why to use Heal Companion on pet, when i can use lay of hand on anyone. If you want to ignore pet and just go full Ghost Heart there are not enought abillites for main ranger. Pet AI sometimes doesnt attack. No ranged pet. Not fun to play. Priest Class ability does not give much (Holy Radiance) and does not change with deity, so it is bland. No passives, you can know as many spells per tier as you like but you gonna cast only twice. Nothing to spend ability point on level 1, you want deity spell, and tier 1 heal, and then what? Arms baerer? No way to increase spell cast per encounter with excess ability points. Buff spells take long cast but have short duration. Holy Meditacion. Even single target buffs take 7 sec to cast. Litany of the body. Champions boon. So selfbuff and fight melee is not viable. Tier 5 spells are garbage level. Reveive is nice, but you dont want to use that. Searing seal deals little dmg for such level. Barring the Door gives 10 sec, and then what? Tier 4 is good selection of spells. But after that there is just too litle spells to choose from. Tier 5 no good dmg spell. No good buff spell. After level 4 far less heal spells. So even if we want priest for heals we can do, since there is no such spell on each tier. Not enought summons on different levels, so going spiritual ally is no choice. In comparison to that ciphers are kinda good. Yor mana never ends. If any tier is garbage you ignore it and use higher/lower more. Have some passives, and some are good. Wizards are overall strong, since there is always spell worth casting, most versalite. While druid/priest have list of 1 spell per tier given, Wizards are given 2 spells per tier, and they can choose patronage in combat at will. (change grimoires). Wizards still suffer from too many ability points, not enought passives. No +1 cast per tier At lower levels you probably want to swing staff or whip rod. But there is no passives for better wand whipping. No passives at level 1 again. Evoker is ok, since there is many evoking spells, and themed grimoires, and specialization passive is good. (Moar dmg). Transmutacion at least have some useful spells. Other schools have too limited spell selection at each level to make it worth. CIpher, at least you have passives which are worth something. Not being forced to pick power at each tier is boon. There are some good enought, considering the cost. There is general problem with Pool classes that they have like 11 pool points total at level 20. And each of your ability cost like 2-3 pool. So you can cast 5-3 abilities and that is it. You could multiclass. But that is not ideal solution. Some abilities cost too much for what they do (heal pet). There could be power level 8and 9 passives +3 your favorite pool. So you could use your abilities. So Priest and Ranger are priority to buff. Or at least payed attencion to. Other aproach is to provide more neutral passives from level 1 for everyone. So if your class ability at this level is trash you could take neutral.
  12. Any. Paladin is good class with many abilities to choose from. For each playstyle you can find something to support it. Just pick second class and go for it. The only exception is Ranger, since Ranger eats ability points for pet, if you ignore pet and just go for range, you use less all awesome defenses of Paladin. So that is a waste. Personal preferencies: Chanter, Cipher, Monk. Infinite resource class are fun since you can use your favorite ability potencially as long as you want. Wizards, Druid, Priest are interesting since they require minimal investment to get active ability to do something else than FoD. Fighte,Rogue, barbarian each have some fun aspect. It is too hard to name just one. If someone needs recommendation: Bleak Waker Fighter is most straighforward and safe pick.
  13. Why You want Ascendant? If "to cast powerful spells" then single class with draining whip. Use guns, either with swap, or from range to achieve safety and use think armour. If you want to MC SoulBlade or Beguiler coud fit more to what you want to chieve. Cost of MC is not only lack of 8/9 tier but that you delay everything by 4 levels and suffer -2 PL from level 9.
  14. I am unimpressed by Xoti Priest power. Mostly the Priest part. There is no abillites i could pick for her as level up. Sometimes Gaun spells are not that bad, or there is one spell i gonna use alot. So that is 9 points. What i am supposed to do with rest of 28? I even pick all defenses saves. The worst part is that if she could be Pries/Chanter or Priest/Paladin she would be fine. Just priest dont have where to put points. There is problem with Ranger, that pet bear cant bear armour or dueal wield legendary sabres. Pet passives all could be twice as powerful to overcome lack of items. It is very important to make pet somehow resilent with OP abilitties. Since if pet dies in contact with enemy it deals 0 dmg. And there are no defensive pet passive in sufficient amount. Ranged pet (wyrmling) would be (cute) nice since, it would die far less.
  15. Here is a topic which could be interesting for you: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99796-templar-shieldbearer-of-eothas/ At least if you want to focus more on buffs, heals. But still throw some fire pillar for time to time.
  16. That is interesting relation. Soul Anigilation does not favour weapon. But backstab favour 2h or at least base damage. There is a case of one handed style having bonus crit chance, and also providing accuracy bonus. Missing special attacks is something i woudl rather avoid. Could go middle ground, with swords 1h.
  17. I was thinking about Mindstalker build done properly. Idea: Cipher+Rogue. Soulblade Assasin. DPS build. Party: Eder R/F Xoti P Maia R/R Aloth W There is a patern of Rogue Squadron, so each affiliation will rise party dps. Stats: Per 18 dont want to waste attacks Dex 15 it generates more dps overall than might Mig 15 sneaks should cover damage total part. Int 12 wish could add more Con 10 dont like negative con Res 8 not a front figter. Weapons: Sword, Sabre 1H Races: Hearth Orlan More crits Pale Elf against elements Mountain Dwarf (con affiliation most scarry) Cipher Passives: Iron Will Persistent Distractions Penetrating Vision ? Draining Whip Hammering Thoughs Greater Focus Keen Mind The Complete Self Echoing Horror Cipher Actives: Teneous Grasp,1st Recall Agony bosses Body Attument buff/debuff Borrowed Insticts buff/debuff Amplfied Wave mob clear Ring Leader - mob game changer Neutral passives: One Handed Scoundrel N Combat Focus N? Uncanny Luck N Improved Criticals N Rogue Passives Dirty Fighting Deep Wounds Deathblows Backstab Rogue Actives: Escape? - run away to fight another day Smoke Veil Invisibility Cripping Strike (1st level) - open sneaks Finishing Blow + Devastating Blow + good focus builder. Leveling Powers: Mind Blades - mob clear Eyestrike - easy sneaks. Binding Strike + Gauging Strike - sneak enabler + raw dmg ( nice, but doubling with Finishing Blow and Soul Anihilation) Thinking about trading Penetrating Visions for so there will always be debuff for sneaks. Probably overinvesting in Rogue Actives, There is not enought guile to use them all. Binding Strike is nice,but i need finishing blow more. Slippery Mind is tempting. But need to cut something for it. Unfortunetly Assasination favour Greatswords. Not subtle weapon i would say, but works. Thoughs?
  18. For some playrs the whole resting system is meaningless chore and time soaker. Being forced to come back to inn/shrine too rest does not change it. There was complain about trash fight soaking resources untill you had enought per encounter abilities to just crush them. POTD tuning was announced and probably will happen at some point. There is an idea of Skaen Curses, opposite to Berath blessing, which could contain all great ideas as optional to improve standard game. No campfire resting. Weaker empower. More HP, harder hitting, more Acc maybe even extra boddies. And there will be achievments for all of them.
  19. I think it is important to separete things which are powerful, but on acceptable level of powerful, and broken which dont work as intended. What is not working as intended (i hope) are abilities which proc on itself for eternity. Damaging spells not breaking stealth, that is broken. Chanter starting with chants... it was something long requested in POE1. And it is same as Wizard casting top tier spell twice at start of combat, actually it is worse since wizard can do in like 15 sec, but chanter need a bit more for second load. Even if you summon the dragon it is not a bug, just a feature.
  20. Nature godlike are quite powerful, considering how easy it is for soma classes to get inspiration for long time. +1 PL would be fine. The rest is fine, not on level to nerf. It would be nice if there was more races with weird bonuses. Like: Earth Godlike are always sturdy, and have bonus to armour rating. Living Lands Aumaua are always high, and so have bonus stride. Dawn Godlikes, if they drop to 0 life, they come back to life in the flash of light. It is sad we have no Eothas Godlike, games with father-child relations are so popular recently.
  21. Some people dont like Deadfire that much, and base game is enought for them. It is easier to seel dlc in 6mounth after release, when most players still have fresh memories of awesome adventure, then after a year when people play something else, and forgot about Eothas.
  22. How many points you need from Chanter? It is class you can sink 7 points when MC (or close to that) and it will be functional. So combining it with Paladin you dont loose that much, and potencially gain alot in terms of more buffs or survival. Other option is Druid, Eothas/Wael, Wizard.
  23. I went Barb/Cipher Serafen. Mostly putting points in Barb abilities. Frenzy+Blow + passives On Cipher side, mostly quick powers like mind blades. Damaging one. But not too much since we have limited focus anyway.
  24. But why? Aside from "it would be nice"? I think it is important to identify main issues with Single Classes/Multiclasses. It is better to spend time on things which are real issues. Obvious suspects are abilities which proc more times than they should, or which return own cost with something extra. There is a problem of low amount of abilities avaiable at low levels. So each time there is no choice, just pick 2 abilities you have avaible (or this two monk like abilities). The easy solution is to put some of neutral passives to level 1. Like toughness, or weapons, or defenses. There is problem that some classes dont really have abilities total. Like Priest, have very little spells, and they are not even that good, so it is hard time decide what to do with 28 points. There is issue with Priest, Druid, Wizard, that you can sink 28 points into spells know, but it will not change your spell cast. You might as well 2x spell from deity per level. One solution is to give Priest, Druid, Wizard line of passives +1 spell cast on this level. Other solution is to give more sofisticated passives like Wizard Mastery in Magical weapons (rods, scepters, wands) More solution is to create more neutral passives (avaiable to everyone) which will be either new, or small effect of what classes could do. It is better to take small effect, than another spell which i am not goint to cast. Choice is nice. More solution is to change Priest Deity to affect Holy Radiance. Like Magran will deal more fire dmg, but eothas will blind enemies... staff like that. The next problem is double pooling. If classes are similar it is more effective to have 2x9 pools than 1x11. So multiclass could just use more favorite abilities. Solution is to add at level 8 and 9 passives Pool Master/Grandmastery each giving +3 of our favorite resource. Ranger need more Legendary Pet passive at high level, so it will be relevant to geared up fighter. If OE could do 10 new abilities better dedicate them to classes which need them most. (and it is not monk) Some subclasses already work better in MC. Like Shifter is better with martial class, or Soulblade.
  25. Depends what you want, if Swing weapon then Chanter. If support party then Cleric, probably Eoathas If cast offensive spells, probably Wizard/Paladin. Need some answear what you want from Priest what Wizard doesnt have.
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