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Everything posted by evilcat

  1. It is weird. It seems that there are 6 games this year, and they just repeat them in every category.
  2. Govertment step in may mean: Defining game gambling as potencially harmfull, and limiting it avaiability to spawns. That sweet, sweet lootboxes for cash will be still on market, just games with such will have 18+ rating and icon "game gambling". There are some PEGI18 games which are not even so extreme (wolfenstein). Games targeted to kids will need to remove lootbox for cash MTX, and instead use buy fairy dust to buy cosmetics or whatever. It may feel weird that there are some new rules and guidness, and govertment telling how to live. But on the other hand many modern adults was eating sugar like candy when young, but future parents may view it as very suboptimal build, and will feed kids with carrots.
  3. Question: Could i mention more games than 25, but with 125p limit? There are many games which deserve 1 point as honorable mention.
  4. Many players mix both at different nights. That really gives memorable entertaiment.
  5. Mass Effect 2 was very well executed, even if "collect 12 map pieces to unlock final boss" is not the greates storyline, but players like it. Players have tendencies to disrespect main quest and doing everything else. ;-) RIP Bioware, DAI wasnt that bad, but i doubt EA will let them do anything halfdecent.
  6. On GOG there is a sale with Shadowrun HonkKonk, which is turn based crpg in Shadowrun Cyberpunk. Games cost 5-8$ each. Shadowrun Dragonfall DC is very good. Something to look into while waiting for CDR Cyberpunk
  7. Consumer deserve information about what is in the game, Violence? Sex? Drugs? Gambling? It could be crucial information for parents, sensitive individuals, or twisted decadent. Lootboxes for money are generally easy to check so there is no barrier at providing such information. System could influence player. Could reward player for being extra violent, or being good teamplayer (moba try to do that), or turn kids into plungers, or radicalize YT watchers. You can design game to challenge players (in Dark Souls you just git gud) or frustrate (everything is random, including reward). That is what gov should do. Players should probably do more, and beach more. Support games with good value for the money, and critise bad or medicorate games. Pay to win is generally bad design, since it undermines the idea of playing. Best way to progress is to spend money and play witcher instead. But game is not even fun, so what is the point.? Games could be smarter. New Colossus or Bioshock play with political ideology. Witcher have shortstory about parenting. There are games with historical, economical, physical value (not much but some). There are crazy games about evolution or 4d. If you want you can create game extra relaxing or extra frustrating. And gamers should think what they want. Realization: Subscription plans are better, at least more moral. Since you cant fall into your addition with subscription.
  8. I missed some games which are great but just flop from memory for a second. There is a problem of great series, should i mention Civilization the first one or the last one. Baldurs Gate 2 Dragon Age Origins Mass Effect 2 Knights of the Old Republic I Vampire the Bloodlines Fallout 2 Fallout New Vegas Pillars of Eternity Witcher III Life is Strange (2015) Granf Thief Auto V Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast Dishonored Nier Automata 2017 Need For Speed Most Wanted (the good one) Portal 2 XCOM 2 (2017) Civilization V Cities Skylines EuropaUniversalis IV Rome Total War (2002) Warhammer Dawn of War Starcraft World of Warcraft MMO Diablo 2
  9. COnsumer beaching and moaning each time so ceo gets idea of infusing product with gambling could be a bit time consuming. And time could be spend on some more advanced stuff. Like how to make stories more immersive or something. Also EA ceo takes profit if gambling sneaks in, but any risk is transfered to investors or related companies (like Disney). So law enforced fairness could lower industry risk level. If under the radar gambling is more profitable it could allow dishonest company to just take over all other fair companies and shut them down. Could you imagine that to happen? Some goods could be age restricted due to some outside effect, like creating bad habbits.
  10. Variant 1: Nothing will change, just some games will be 18+ like Wolfenstein which itself bears positive message. Teens will play Total War, Witcher and Super Meat Boy. Variant 2: Games will change, with lootboxes being only in game reward, and shop ofering sets of fixed items, or platinium for crafting items. Both variants are fine. It is interesting why exacly EA is pushing MTX so hard. Do they pursuit very high profit, or they have production cost so high, or not enought people buy games?
  11. Some countries have laws about gambling and hazard. Like age restriction, area limit, taxing, license. If you want sell casino platform, that is probably legal, all rules applied. There are a lot of gray areas when gambling is or isnt: Kinder Suprise Eggs, Claw Mashine. Collectable Card Games. Draft King. The logic seems to be "Nobody really thought about it so far". But if you can sneak in gambling as not a gaming, you can win a lot. Regulations are generally to undermine human entrepreneurship, no asbestos, no marketing to kids, no synthetic playground cover, no slavery. This is why we cant have nice things. The worst thing to happen is: Overwatch will no longer have that sweet, sweet, lootboxes, instead you just get coins coins after match and buy item from shop like some weird animal in Splatoon. That is outrageaoius!
  12. Todays trend dont seem different from yesterday. Gambling merging. P2W was before, but mixing it with gambling mechanism is new, and could stick around. Gambling is not cool, but profitable yes. Death to MMO. All hail quickmach. Quickmaches are somehow popular since more people have half hours for casual play. But this one was here for some time already. F2P is going strong. And F2P dont really look worse than "box" games. PUB is just another Team Fortress or Counter Strike. Simple game with one good twist. The recently most played games on Steam is exacly what would you expect: Call of Duty, Wolfestein, Assasins Creed. and bunch of f2p. But then Steam may be overburden with amount of games, with just a few being decent, and every publisher has own platform. It is cheaper to make spectacular looking game. The hopes for single A games are high, but havent yet dominante. Nioh was good. VR does not offer yet good cooperative games. And coop games are most popular. Games as Service. This is probably the buzz world of 2017.(maybe after lootbox) Games as Service is interesting. Since Netflix for games almost exists (Humble Monthly and Origin), also without game as service Path of Exile or Warframe will not be as good. Also Europa Universalis reached details level impossible for single release game. So it is not really bad. However P2W is bad. If the best way to play is drop cash, get loot, and go play something else, then why to bother in the first place.
  13. I feel that this issue deserve own topic, so it will not polute news topic. Unfortunetly the problem will not go away on its own. Unless EU just tag loot boxes as gambling, all laws applied (not likely). I think the problem really kicks on when you combine the 3: it is random paid with money is essencial for gameplay There are some industry doom factors: Full price game but with half content all DLC are just cheap assets with high pricetag altered gameplay to force dlc dlc does not transfer to important content post release. It will probably be not that bad, since even if most profitable genre is online shooter with lootboxes, there will always be margin games with different model. Or just Nintendo living in different timeline. I dont mind Overwatch, since lootboxes are cosmetics and it is rather new content. I kinda mind Heartstone, since without packs games gets grindy. And without that sweet legendary you cant do much. I like Heroes of the Storm since it is F2P, and there is alot content free. Heroes collection matter for ranking, but less for casual. Also they definetly add more content. I like Warframe, since its f2p and amount of free gameplay is insane. This one has microtransaction but randomness is only in loot. There is steady stream of new content. Game could get grindy, but when it does you probably played your share. Path of Exile, f2p, decent trial experience with some step difficulty change. Brings new content, and microtransactions are cosmetics and utility. Overall enjoyable (if you like genre). Paradox Interactive strategy games, these are interesting business model, since you buiy a box, and then every 6th months there is an expansion, arguable overpriced however base game is quite good on itself. There is probably more to say.
  14. Maybe the answear is... Money. Main hero would have most lines in game. Some games also offer a variance of male/female dwarf/elf/orc/troll And there are some games like Witcher, Mass Effect, LiS, H0D and others with talkative lead. I see the pattern that games with more money and more specific main characters are more likely to have VO.
  15. Have both, more games on steam, but likes GOG more. Like less invasive client, and simplier interface. Less alpha games and shover ware makes it clearer as well. Good CDR still makes some games. Library of indie and adventure suits me.
  16. ??? Profit! Something Gothic with a bit of action would be in place. Keep up good work,
  17. Humble Bundle Strategy Simulator https://www.humblebundle.com/strategy-sim-bundle for 15$ games like Plague Inc, Cities Skylines (without dlc), and Trains Simulator 2017 and some others. Not the best deal, but maybe interesting.
  18. I suppose it could be done. With ability to search for job in other city, and comute there. Having some resources market. Competing with fellow players on who has more happy citizens (and stealing their citzens). Building giant Gundam and sending it against enemy Godzila (ok, that was one step to far). There is an issue, that CS games generally take a while. So it could be hard to have coherent session with that. That seems to be power of all this MP games, that typical MP match takes just 20min, which encourages one-more-time effect, and is easy to access and plan. There is a game Offworld Trade Company which is also economical, but very MP focused, and with short matches. Generally it is possible to make fastpacing city building game, it will just need to be a bit simplier than CS.
  19. Even if all mainstream games will be MP shooters, there will be enought space for SP games. Some SP games make really good sales, you would not gues which one (Life is Strange, CIties Skylines).
  20. One can argue that air drops was a bit random. Also in CoD i suppose they are ingame only? To have gambling you need hat trick: randomness + real money + importance. But it also feels weird, video games generally turn WW2 into entertaiment, and often in cartoon way, but mix of historical accuracy and slot maschine is something new.
  21. Sony seems more in publishing games on own console, you cant go wrong with that. XBOXXX has more power (and more eXes) but not that much exclusives as PC (and we are closing with the price) Switch just made own niche. (handheld, which could be also TV).
  22. My take: VR is great but not for gaming. Since big screen or PC open enought gaming experience, video games are more about gameplay than visuals. I would be more interested in VR experience like ability to visit any place on earth, and walk by. Like walk on streets of Rome but with option to switch off other tourist. Or use it as virtual laboratory when we can do chemistry without risk of blowing up. There may be some genres perfect for VR like detective games or tank simulators. But they are niche and use expansive gear. LIttle gamers means less expansive games. Less money to make so it will die out. Since it will be more profitable to do games for wider audience.
  23. Price should depend on content * quality. There are telltale games, which are "short" but not many people complein about it, not many people buys them in the first place, but that is another story. A lot of complains about dlc is that: a) quality of dlc is low or it is little content (horse armour, yay) b) it makes base game worse, since parts are cut off for dlc.
  24. Another one bites the dust. Unc. Unc. Soon the whole gaming industry will be "Sport Game/Modern Shooter YEAR". What a time to be alive.
  25. Did Gamespot killed more studios than EA?
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