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Everything posted by evilcat

  1. The Animancer With cool unique powers using fresh made corpses. Secondary knack for healing, want to help just ppl great with pichforks. Not evil at all, cynical good. Practical in action. Would love good fun and drunk, but hardly ever can go offguard. Definetly dark humor. Commening in rather pesimmist way, but this could be meta warning for player ("I never meet generous trader before") Probably chanter since we have other classes. Probably pale elf since that fits necromancer look (but dwarf would also be unexpected) Literally wearing bone armour but that is tribe tradicion, it is all one big misconception. Wandering since home tribe believed that everything bad happens in response to animancer and may got wrong ideas (kill the wicked). Joining party: questgiver to any dead related quest (sooth raging spirits), dump lore, could help doing quest but player can do without (a bit harder), greatful and interesting in solving soul shattering alive god. Memorable quote: "Yes i used his corpse, but he wasnt using it at the time, and it dosnt look much worse now."
  2. I have a bit different aproach. Game in example: Witcher 3, long enought, many choices. I played it once, had some ending, may think that it would be nice to have different result here and there, but i live with it. It is best to just make decision at given time feeling what character would do, roleplaying. If good choice have fatal consquences in future, well that is old trick. Really old trick, we give somebody money, he go gambling with it, gets into fight and got killed. Old stuff. Just accept that you will see only part of game in single run, and it will have one version ending, and it will be right ending because it was your character ending.
  3. Very beefy stretch goal, orchestra is love and life, with higher level cap less ppl will complain that they play solo and they maxed half game yadayada. And even if you do 2 kits per class there are always some who didnt get in but are cool even if niche. And there are order classes who by default have like 6 orders and fleshing each of them would be plus for Paladin and Priest lovers.
  4. Ascension levels. Levels you start after completing level 20th. You need to learn truth about Adra and Engwiniah. It is very connected to Eora Lora. Character learns not only his masterful skills but how to manipulate reality. Soul, skill, magic is all tied together now and use simultaniously. We can just choose how to manifest it. We are not ArchBarbarian but can learn how to slow time for others and move as Lighting. Or exist in two places at one time. Or punch someone in the face so hard, his soul will leak the other side. There is no magic. Just understanding world. There is no gods, but we could make one. But the futher we go the more strict we need to be with our rules, since without rules there is no shape, and we just melt in reality.
  5. He lifts so many grimuars so he gets some weight. We can also argue, that he was city boy but now is more traveling mage.
  6. Extra gore and finishers is not something i would put into "never happen" category. It is interesting topic about AI. And how player perceive it. In crpg AI dont have to be smart (its not rts) but feel so, or make player think a little. (more complex action but not chores) One way to do so is puzzle fights, have a way to make fight easier if you have right tools or do special things. But can always brute force. The thing is that i may not spot good ai since (stunlock is so cool) every fight is different and its more about enemy abilities not surrounding. Also fights are short.
  7. It would probably be totally optional. I like idea of having some extra xp at start, so i can get faster to point where classes come to shape. If there will be more options, including making game harder that is even better, will be profit for some, and others will just ignore.
  8. They could create local file storing information about achievments.
  9. Sailing simulator Naval combat with real time canon shooting Ability to pimp my ride Trading minigames, option to ruin the market with flood of cheap masterwork Xuirp spears
  10. Problematic. Already 11 classes+ specialization kits. And multiclassing option. And some classes have orders (like Paladins or Priest) And there is desire to have more options for already existing classes (like more abillities to choose from).
  11. Romance could also be used as tool without love: Player Character could optionally seduce bored noble to gain information or benefits which otherwise would take much longer NPC could seduce player promising unspoken pleasures, but it will be just to push player to do some dirty job.
  12. I hope so. This bonuses passes along are not inspiring.
  13. 3-5 levels per dungeon is enought Eothas Temple and Durgan Battery more fun than Skaen (ghost stories?) funcional design (old temple, stronghold, workshop) loot puzzles and secrets optional, rather late levels (it is about showing off our builds) some background story to smooth it up, maybe ghosts, maybe notes, walls or narration with scenery. dungeon crawl is different experience so some ppl will just skip it Roderick Hold is good quest, but it is more of side quest than dungeon.
  14. As for more examples of good romances: Mass Effect 2 Morint: connected to main quest, moral choices, infuence ending, very unexpected, shattering climax. Witcher 3 Yen (Triss club is also ok) good reason we are in it together (djini curse) connected to main quest (she loves Ciri as oldie aunt) hilarious dialogues interesting character on its own (dark mage wishing for solace) own agenda (this may be more important, since Trophy Girl is not a way) liliac and gooseberry It is not that hard,
  15. I support idea of Eoaths godlike, for me it makes sense that such popular (at his prime time) god dont have some yet. They could look cool (aasimar way) and have some sick powers (orbital lasers) However that would require more text writing, since we have some special question to our maker.
  16. What is wrong with power level 4 spirit companion? It is also distraction we can put behind enemy lines, also some cipher abilities need friendly body, and having some always avaiable is good enought. As for MC always good. They will probably balance it out at some point. Fighter healing is nice, and if you r player prefering ease of use go for it. But if you r not, then potions and 1 healer will be as good (not to mention extra power points for tought fights)
  17. I think you reach too far ahead. Unless you have some extra insight we cant really tell how things will look in game. Wait for beta and then complain. The general rule, that we have some points for class, but less for class we do not advance in sounds ok for me.
  18. I like what i seen, good job on giving each class own mana pool. Fixed titles are ok for me. It is also very impressive that they effort for combo names. Nice touch.
  19. It would be greatest cool if godlikes have some quest related to deaity, where we can either tell foster god to either go to Hel or be good grandchild and do something nice for it (not to mention unlimited power). As well as npc reacting to smoking hot body. At least asking how we feel as godlike.
  20. Always thought there should be Druid feat: Your shapeshiftinga bility is now modal, but you cant cast spell in that form.
  21. I think it is more important to make one big city which is either big or very dense. Second would be repeting content, and that is not good. Instead give something completly new. Underwater level. Jungle. Ice temple. Hell level.
  22. Depends of the possibility of OE to create more work hours. If they think abotu 2018Q1 they cant just add more and more content hoping it will just squize. Maybe there should be goal: After release we will release free dlc with something, so the veteran players will have more content. More casual players dont always finish game (25% do) so they do not care. As for content: Companions, if each companion have banters, input to dialogues, personal quest and so on it is fine amount of work "Stronghold" quest and tasks (but not forced encounters with trash) Quest related to class or race. Especialially for Godlike. Optional boss fights, bounties, pirates, dragons and other monsters. Quests like Rodericks Hold, optional, with ok plot, but also mini sandbox. This quest was cool since player have options how to aproach stronghold. It is not small sidequest but bigger sidestory. Big dungeons, but not that big. Dungeon crawl is to alter with more story questing, so we can just go kill some monsters, and unleash all powers we posses. Eploration zone, map where we just go in, and see what we will find. Content with different type of sensation to the rest of the game, like stealth level, or quests where we really talk alot. Even within isometric crpg players prefer different things, so give optional contetn appealing to different taste.
  23. 2.4m : Twice as much VO, but only in Korean. Fair enought. Interesting that Korea race before China and Japan.
  24. Not sure if undead are that important part of Eora lore, they happen but are not that big deal. Also some of priest/orders are already focused on protecting normal folks, so they may as well fight some vampires. Subclasses could be more connected with the lore. Inqusitor subclass sounds good, since many communities are not exited about animancers or mages. We could also twist Wayfarers to be more witcher style, since most journey threats could be sum up as bandits or monsters (including undead). Or we can start new order dedicated to protect frontline of civilisation against nohumanoid threats (fantasy racists) Also we already have Paladin Orders and Priest Faith. Not sure if we should add subclass on top of that, or rather focus on making each order feel a bit more special. On the other hand, at least for priest subclass: Battlepriest & Hermit, make sense and could fit.
  25. It is complicated. With fig investors OE cant postpone too much release. Release 2019 could undermine fig as investment option. Post release work helped alot with poe1, and some of features was essencial to play (party AI, UI improvments) Other option is a free DLC, Where stuff like bounties or endless dungeon are just added post release. Something to consider.
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