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Everything posted by evilcat

  1. Wizards are good. On hardest combat could use that Empower to gain spells back. Just have rought start, before getting fireball all acid burst. Could use abalasters or rods, This have interesting passives They could also be some good sceptres (anything ranged) Generalist is better for experiments. Evoker, at least have good spells, and useful passives, so you can work just with missiles. And you still have enchantment/ilussion for defense. Transmuter, has some fun spells, but passives is meh, do not recommend. Rest has not enought good spells to benefit from PL. Wizards are not powerful with MC. Maybe some Helwakers combos. But could be fun, if you want arcane knighr or necromancer. Wizard/Lifegiver Nature Godlike Sorcerer is option for massive spells. However need some thought on stat distribution, to be able to cast all the spells. Also probably focusing more on quckcast spells.
  2. Not really. Ciphers like selfish martial class to beat enemies with. If class has burst that is even better. You want load focus fast (either on Acendant or SoulBlade) cast powerful power, and repeat. Pladin Bleak Waker, Rogue Assasin (or nosub) are probably the best. But other martial also work, just take it longer to beat down. Casters dont work well, since spells do not generate focus.
  3. For the record Scout Maia was doing very good dmg comparing to Eder Fighter/Rogue and PC Cipher/Rogue. However that could be related to easy AI, or some gear priority. Xoti Priest with orbital fire also looks good in stats, but most of it is friendly fire on eder. Just bird dies to often, and not much could be done about it.
  4. Question: How to safe Xoti from becoming grim reaper? Does donating souls to animancy is ok? Should i convict her to abandon god? Was trying to be generally supportive. But ended with dark light lantern, not that i would complain, it was just imperfect.
  5. Which invocations, chants you use? My list: (mostly on MC characters) And Hel-Hyraf Crashed Upon The Shield, it could last forever (refresh). Also safest lv 1 invo Summons, all of them gradually. Generally Sceletors->Wyrms->Ogres. Rejoice, my comrades! Two fingers of daylight, fast heal which dmg enemies. So Singt thy Biting Winds o' Eld Nary, never had time to reach it, but looks good. Set to Their Purpose, They All Knew Their Part, for final boss, so late on MC Chants: Come, Come Soft Winds of Death, as 1st level pick unfortunetly gets outclassed. Ancient Memory +Old Siec Would Not Rest 'til His Hunger Was Sated if party needs healing The Dragon Thrashed, The Dragon Wailed + Aefyllath Ues Mith Fyr, if party needs more dps Any good, or situacional good invocation/chants missing?
  6. Yes Blessed is level 1 so cant be forced. As for chants: You can make two songs: Trashed Dragon + Fyr (fire weapon) and Ancient Memory+Old Sec. That way you would have song of smashing and song of healing to alter.
  7. Paladin/Chanter is ok combo. It may require some retrains at higher level, to drop lower invocations. Good Chants: Como come Winds Ancient Memory Mith Fyr Trashed Dragon Old Sec Good Invo Shield Crack Daylight Fingers HIghers Summon Set to Purpose 7 Nights Dont need at. On Paladin side: FoD, LoH, Inspired Beacon + Exalted Endurance + passives is ok. Virtuos Triumph when u can. Blunt the Edge, it is easier to heal or kill Blessed was Wengirdh, use paladin aura if you need it (but it may be default for Pallagina, so just dont use) One Dozen Stood and too situacional Sure Handed Illa, then only if you have pleanty of archers Hel Hyraf Crashed this is good Killers Froze Stiff, only if you have crit builds.
  8. With Unbroken it have more synergies to go Paladin or Streetfighter Rogue. If you want chanter, Fighter/Skald is good combo.
  9. Wizard is better with weapons, since have more quick selfbuffs. Druid Shifter can go beastmodel onge. Rather MC, since Wizard/Druid dont have many passives useful for melee. BleakWaker, Helwaker, Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue. All have something which could work great with Spellcaster. Just need decide what is most important for you.
  10. There is problem with long cast single buffs. Even worse if it is less than 30sec duration, or it is single inspiration. In that 6 sec i can summon rain of fire, or similar nuke. I could cast nukes first, and then buffs. But if half of enemies are dead i might as well cast single target nuke to finish it off quicker. The solution is to keep the rule: single target buff 60 sec, group 30sec. Also buffs are quicker to cast than nukes, and selfbuffs are even faster. That should even ground.
  11. Beguiler Cipher could be probalematic. First you need eyestrike/phantome foes as opener. Or someone in party triggering sneak attack. Extea range is less imporntant than Area of Effect, or Duration or Penetration. 6 focus on single target high level power is nothing. Less damage and focus if requirments dont meet is severe. Ascendants make better Beguilers, than Beguilers. Since it is easier for them to build focus. Can cast RingLeader for free. And could use other powers just fine. Solutions: Your Deceptions spells have also +20% duration and bonus AOE. If you meet sneak attack requirments SoulWhip deals MOAR damage, and builds focus faster.
  12. BleakWaker? If you run Pallagina you need use different aura, or use teheku/other companion. The FoD Strike synergize well with cipher, focus up very fast. Regaining Zeal on kill is nice, and you could use zeal on FoD which loads Focus. Perpetum Mobile. Paladin part of points dedicate to support and defenses which may be good or not, depending if you want full dps. Rogue (nosubclass) You need some sneaky way for sneak attacks, like Eder riposte. Or your own eyestrikes/phantom foes. Use finishing blows to load up. Skald Ila+Fyr, and using stuff lke Shield Crasher and Paralyze. Is it worth? On Ascendant not really, since you want Aplified Wave asap.
  13. What is your recipe for fastest ship combat? One option is to ram everything, deck fight generally doesnt takes longer than 1 min. And the loot is good. I was trying Dhow with Long Imperials, but it seems taking long, and you may be less lucky than enemy. I was thinking about dualbarrels. Swimming up close. But that is giving enemies some free shots. Ideas?
  14. The problem with ranger is how easly pet dies. If you cant keep that thing alive, all fancy dmg pet feats doesnt matter. There is not enought pet defense passives for marksman. No healing factor for pet. No bonus deflection or other defenses. No bonus health for pet. Heal companion is long cast, and overpriced. Dead pet is trauma which could spoil experience with Ranger. And fact that you cant do anything about it is even worse.
  15. I generally like per encounter, since that saves me watching loadings screans. If i wanted to look at them there is probably clip on YT for that. However there is some benefit of picking specific buff from resting, either by food, or tavern. Some of them are very useful. Also plot device, when we speak with companions after the night.
  16. Old CIty of Netaka Catacombs of Berath Quest Adra dungeon Wodeica cult pyramid. This are just from the start. It is easy to sink into Netaka doing city quest, when there is an option to just sail away to explore some islands.
  17. Wait. Are there a means to Maia not abandon the ship? And not siding with Royal Trade Company?
  18. You may get at any level a very nice Named Weapon of different proficiency, but you want to use it. Not having to worry too much about weapon prof is a bonus.
  19. Not much. End area and maybe some leftovers. Your build should come together at character level 7 or at max 10. Otherwise, you would not really play it much. Could use scaling all. And console for xp.
  20. Lifegiver. Adapt. Dont shapeshift untill it is your last stand. Use final boost to heal harder and after... you run out of spells so it doesnt matter. Lifegiver is example of penalties which dont matter. Unbroken. Adapt. Use boots for stride. Or Charge. Or Into the fray. Waste a point on snakes reflex. Take race with immunity to reflex penalty. Tanks in general: engading 3 targets is not big contribution (what with rest of mob). So tank need to either buff or dmg. One way is to go Unbroken/Trickster riposte disengement. . U got me at Sharpshooter. No idee why recovery penalty. Subclasses are not something you are supposed to take by default, more like specialization if you really know what u doing. Even assasin is for backstabbers, when open fight scoundrel is an option. Weakest subclass: Corpse eater. Full flavour. Very situational. For health you can just drink potion. And for rage it just pays off your higher cost of abilities. Wizard Enchanter, Ilusionist, Conjurer. On this schools bonus PL is not that great. And after cutting 2 schools not much is left. School abilities outside evocation are meh.
  21. It is not about spells know. Unless you specially take deity which doesnt suit your style(bad deity list). You can spend 9 points on favorite spells and rest 19 on experiments. It doesnt matter. Even if at tier 4 all shining Bacon, Triumph of Crusaders, Devotion of Faithfuull, Circle of Protection are somehow useful, but you can cast only 2 of them. Casting Pillar of Faith or Pillar of Holy fire twice is legit spending. Even if you spend 18 points on spells to be generous and versalite, you still have 10 more level points and nowhere to spend them on, since there are no passives, and most are at high levels. At low level you have arms bearer. At tier V it may be hard to find 1 spell which doesnt suck. Champions Boon 8sec for 30sec single target 2 ispirations. If someone needs engadment probably already has it. Buffs combine long cast with short duration, if long duration then single target and just single inspiration.
  22. Maura Whitting Tentacles, not sure how powerful they are, but it is fun thing to cast. Also Eora Pull (with Tentacles). Chill Fog, Noxious Burst, as mix of dmg and debuff.
  23. Being forced to use scrolls to revive, or resting in shrines, does not make game more challenging, just slow general progress with chore activities, which could result in worse gameplay (so slow). There could be some optional feature with Rymrgrands Curses which prohibits various action. But not as default setting.
  24. Both Serafen and Tekehu provide some insight about Deadfire, with Serafen more about pirates, and Tekehu about amanua. I picked Tekehu Chanter/Druid, since that is two special subclasses in price of 1. Also his chanter side has more offensive spells, he can cast all combat long.
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