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Everything posted by evilcat

  1. There could be separete tab for "style" or look. Some MMOs does it. Havent thought it is important, without other players vanity is not the same, but if some like it, sure why not.
  2. Pallegina is very unhappy if we just kill one of famillies. However if by accident negotiations will not go smoothly and bodies will hit the floor we are good to go. She also does not protest when we descent into tresury and give a loot a rest. Sabotage negotiations -> loot tresure=happy pallegina at least we tried
  3. There are two sides: Nerf player damage <> buff enemy hp Lower player accuracy <> buff enemy defenses Nerf player sustain <> increase enemy dmg Nerf item aoe <> add more monsters. Monk swift furry constantly resulted in some overpowered results and infinite procs. However, there is base "good", or how good no op abillities should be to be worth casting time/resources. There is problem with nerfing things which are just good enought to be casted, below this base, so it will be clearly worse than other powers of similar effect. In case of body atument : nerf BA -> less cast of BA-> more cast amplified wave. How is this better?
  4. I took merc with Ubroken/Streetfighter, so far it is low dps but work in progress. Plans to use charge+ into the fray+riposte. There could be a problem "why not dual wield and just autheal/outkill enemies".
  5. Main cheese with ciphers is time ascession time parasite and spamming the fattest powers you have. Borrowed instinct.... other classes have -4 armour. Or full ttacks which penetrate armour. Chanter has aoe -2 armour on enemies, with infinite duration upgrade. (no, dont nerf chanters) Beguiler is kinda a lot of work, but not much gain. So should get some form of small sneak attack effect. But overall some possitive news, even if small (like Priest buffs).
  6. There are some fine games with active arcade ship combat like rebel galaxy. However crpg funbase could other priorities than arcade mini games. There was some pool suggestiong that crpg fans may like strategic elements, but no sports, or casuals. As for current ship combat: +add vendor upgrade "Burning Adra Ram" which reduces damage when choosing fastforward to deck combat. +killing enemy crew with canons translates to less enemies to fight. + minigame factors wind direction (that could be long term goal). Probably players will hate/love poe2 for shipcombat, so just make is passeble and move to the important staff like loot and romancing eder.
  7. I generally go with Scout. Mostly for Devastating Blow and sneak attack. But Dirty Fighting, Deep Wounds, Deathblows is nice bonus.
  8. There could be different types of tanking, one is deflection, other could be with Armour Rating, or gargantual health pool. Potencially Corpse Eater could tank with out-eating dmg. (but Corpse Eater is not good enought for what he is loosing).
  9. Have they sell enought coppies already? Or will they? Since what matters is not possition on bestseller list, but money earny to cost of production. PoE2 was probably cheaper to made than some EA titles, and even Witcher 3.
  10. Ciphers do get special dialogue options, and i think more than others (druids also have some uniques). You can go Beguiler. Pick Draining Whip early on. Keen Mind also useful. Go firearms, or albasters. Start combat with Phantom Foes or Eyestrike, then Ringleader Stats Per + Int. Or you can go no sub class cipher, that would give you more options if you want be less psychic, but more telekinetic.
  11. They probably could get such talent, and it will not break anything. Such talent could be neutral for many classes. BUt it is not like Paladins are scripted to be tanks more than fighters and barbarians. Even Wael Priest or rogue Trickster could do some tanking.
  12. Judging tier VIII and IX, some of invocation might be interesting. Like penetracion or Dragon, or improved Eld. But chants are problem. Since top level chants are either situacional or not that unique. No mach for what wizard can bring if single class, and no better version of what they already have at lower levels. Generally was expecting some upgrade of chants. Maybe more chants should be upgradeble.
  13. No idea where the nerf hammer will hit, so it may all change but: Cipher + Rogue + Ranged (pistols or bludnerburst). Cipher has some eneblers for sneak attacks like eyestrike or phantom foes. If you go assasin that encourages rifles (without backstabs). Rogue has devastating blow which could result is high spikes of dmg. CIpher + Monk + Blunderbursts - Using swift attacks could result in a lot of crits. Also Monk could provide stuff like high inteligence or affiliation clean. Or kick out enemies who bother you up close. Very strong option. Cipher + Bleak Walker - invest in Flames of Devotion, Sworn Enemy and Inspiring Beacon. You will load up very fast. Generally best for cipher is martial class, with spike dmg. Barbarians are a bit melee focused. Fighters are better, since you can drive your accuracy high and use Penetrating strike as your burst ability. Subclasses: Soul Blade - is more for melee Beguiler - you dont really benefit that much from MC, also subclass not very good. Ascendant - could be very good if you have good spike dmg (Paladin)
  14. Remove is horrible idea. Wasting good asset is heresy, it is not like wizard have too many spells. (especially no evo) It is possible to move it to tier 4 with not change. It is possible to make another version of it after that, which just blast cold wind without blind effect or aoe. So there will be some cold space at level 1.
  15. Big fat dragon is argument hard to miss. And having best talents before end game is more important than many would think. Having variety of chants/invocations for all kind of situacion is also good, and it leaves less space for another class. There is Teheku issue, that he has double unique subclasses, so he could make chanter/druid work better than normally. Just was wondering what others think.
  16. So what do you think about single class chanter? Every party likes chanter, since he makes everyone else better. Having Set their Purpose invocation asap could also ease most of content. Summoning dragons early or at all is always good. Invocation of VIII and IX are decent, but chants... there is less of them. However, there is a thing with Chanter, that you could know all chants and invocation, but you could have only 2 chants up, and cast 1 invocation every 9-15 sec. Which is great if you pair it with support or tank. But... is it enought? Does single chanter sing merry songs?
  17. Dragon got Trashed too much. So what would you run as yoru to go Shanties? MIlth Fyr? Old Sec? Drinking Night? COurage?
  18. Multiclasses You can talk a lot Less trash fights Some nice quests (Heist, Hitman, Slavers, MindParadise) Big Bad Monsters Godlike reaction or origin Reference to being captain Companion input (mostly Teheku in quests) Less resting, Visuals & Audio & VoiceOver Modwyr
  19. Eder, Xoti, Pallegina are substancial i suppose. You do several things and some have some epicness. Aloth is very simple. Tekehu is just talking, you could leave him on ship and do the talk before ukaio. Serafen is moderate. Maia quests are complex, but she used us, how could you Maia, i though we ware benchmates.
  20. Looting Bernandetos Vault is additional bonus i think. If you choose violence you probably should send Pallegina on vacattion, she deserve it. Once what is done is done you can summon her back.
  21. There is much more instances when you could avoid combat, by using skills to peace with thugs. But you could also choose violence, and take their staff. Which is profitable income source early game. This was requested to have "talk my way out of combat" There may be the issue of Neketaka beig long chain of talks, you could really sink into it, if you not force yourself into old city or island exploration. Maybe there could bigger catacombs or sewer system to have better balance of combat/dungeoning/talk quests. OldCity/Catacombs seems to have higher level than 6.
  22. When you wildshape you loose access to grimoire and other equipment. YOu could cast learned spells. Also Fury main attack does not scale with levels, which is probably bug. Druid tier VI-VII are not that great for cc. And both Earth Talon and Relentless Storm are same level. So i mostly gained 1-4 level druid spells which have some nice spells, and feels great to spam them but they are not game changer. Wizard/Lifegiver isinteresting combo, since you could pull out some good healing as well.
  23. Soulblade/Assasin, Priest, Rogue/Ranger, Scondrel Swashbucker, Chanter/Druid Really wanted to try all this MC options. They are not that good but cool indeed.
  24. Only I can kill my crew. For me it was random enchanted weapon. Getting crew members could be expansive at start.
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